May 18, 2006

America's Next Top Model: Spoiler!

Yes, the finale of America's Next Top Model Cycle 6 just aired yesterday and I am about to embark on what I thought of the results. So don't scroll down any further if you don't want to know!

Ok, so don't say I didn't warn you! The results of this cycle were not quite as controversial as the last cycle's: the top two were well deserved. They both took great pictures and are generally pretty professional and model like.

However, I must admit as to being just a little bit surprised that Danielle-the girl with the gap- won. To begin with, I am not a big fan of her gap, even though its slightly closed now. Signature or not, it is just not very attractive. Most importantly though, I can't stand her accent. It is not very eloquent and hard to understand! Otherwise Danielle makes a pretty good ANTM. She twisted her ankle and got dehydrated, yet she still turned up and delivered great photos. I especially love this one of her on the elephant. It just seems to come so naturally to her! Her covergirl photo was also amazing (even though her commercial wasn't too great) and her final catwalk was awesome- it was confident and powerful. I hope she really does hire people to help her with her speech, then she'd be perfect.

Joanie, on the other hand, had more of the complete package. She takes gorgeous photos (especially this one on the elephant), she can speak, her teeth are straight and I feel that she has really come a long way in this competition. She really didn't have much of a presence at the beginning, appearing shy and unconfident in the judging room even though she did take consistently good photos. But towards the end, she really was starting to look like a model (although she ultimately did not have quite as big a presence as Danielle). In the end, I think she lost because of her runway walk. She looked like she was just casually strolling through the mall. Plus she was always looking DOWN- both on and off the runway. She definitely needs to work on her presence a bit more.

And then there was Jade. I don't even know where to begin. She is obnoxious and says the most absurd things to sound intellectual except they're all wrong. I really don't think elephants are in the dinosaur family. She says she's humble and all but then she just goes and acts differently. Plus her covergirl photoshoot was awful. She looked really creepy.

Overall this was an uneventful season. Sara's copying was not cool. I didn't know what she was doing there and I wish she'd stop yapping about being discovered in a mall. Gina was a shame to the asian race. Brooke should never have gotten as far as she did. Nnenna needs to dump her bf. And the rest didn't make that much of an impression on me to remember.

Oh and the dentist on the show is to be commended. I don't know how he managed to straighten Joanie's teeth and close Danielle's gap in just a few days, but the results were amazing! People should just apply to ANTM for the fabulous haircut and dentistry. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful barney's girl, I love your blog but you have to watch your spelling and sentence structure. It was particularly noticable in this post because you were talking about the models speech. Just edit and spell check! Besides that, I love that you're a student too so you understand we can't always afford the real thing!

5/18/2006 4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why does gina have to represent for the whole 'asian race'?

5/18/2006 5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon: Gina represents the whole asian race because there are so few asians on tv. And Gina is the only asian that made it on to ANTM, so on this show she does represent the whole asian race.

5/19/2006 2:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm from Arkansas, and it's nice seeing a countrified girl win ANTM. Besides, she will not take this for granted. When you see your opertunity to get out of podunk you run for it.

5/19/2006 3:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry barney's girl- i love your blog and all but i agree with anonymous: what you said about gina is just plain ignorant. i'm sure your intentions arn't bad, but gina (or any other asian for that manner) does not-- and should not-- represent "the entire asian race." i'm not gonna go on a huge spiel about race and stereotypes or anything, but just keep this in mind-- there are often more variations among people of the same race than there are for people of different races.

and even though you're asian yourself, making statements like that are still inexcusable.

i don't mean to be difficult, and i know you didn't mean anything by it... but still, think before you speak (erm, type).

5/19/2006 4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The asian comments aside, what you said about Danielle's accent and manner of speaking is also quite ignorant. Then, what do we expect from a "ditzaholic". Elitist.

5/19/2006 4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous + cathy: what i think barney's girl means to say is that when there are so few asians in the media, its easy for other people to view the one asian (gina, in this case) as a representation of all asians. of course its not to say that we are all in fact like gina, instead its quite the opposite. so since gina portrayed herself so poorly, its hard for it to not be a reflection on asians in general.

5/19/2006 5:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't think any of them looked like real models, personally. I guess that's how it usually is, though.

I hated Jade.
If she won I would have stopped watching the show.

And people who are complaining about what she said should take to mind that it was a joke.
She was just saying that Gina was a stupid ditz, which she was. I don't see the need to get offended.

5/19/2006 5:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sarah - ironically, you spelled 'noticeable' wrong in your post regarding barneys girl's spelling.

5/19/2006 5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked Danielle's gap and thought the dentistry stuff was creepy--what next? Plastic surgery? I like her accent.

I see your point about Gina and I'm Asian. What, was that really the best Asian girl they could find for ANTM? She's the only Asian girl I can remember from any of the seasons.

This was definitely the worst season, even though they seemed to pick the models more & more on their *reality show* (vs. modeling) potential.

Love the blog!

5/19/2006 5:52 AM  
Blogger Harrods Girl said...

I don't watch ANTM so I really can't comment on the show, but I have read comments in the many forums I go to and everyone has been commenting how Gina's IQ did not seem to be on the high curve. I have also seen Gina's photos and think she's quite model-like, esp for an Asian.

Um, I think Barney's Girl just meant that since Gina was the first Asian to be on ANTM, she would leave an impression on the audience and the impression was rather... negative.

5/19/2006 5:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes this is by far the worst season of ANTM. Jade was purely irritating and to confess I don't think any of them quite have the spark. I still miss Elaine (I think thats how it spells yea) from the very first season.

5/19/2006 6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no need to get so worked up. It's a personal website and I believe Barneys girl has the right to say whatever she wants to. The freedom of speech, hello? It's not a personal attack or anything. It's just her expressing her views and I don't see why you guys get so exceedingly offended. If you guys keep abusing the website by leaving demeaning and unnecessarily personal comments criticising the blog, they wil probably close down the blog, and believe me, it will be OUR loss not theirs. So folks I hope your comments could be more understanding. This is not a free chatroom so if you want to type in capital letters and pick up a fight you should pick a fight elsewhere because this blog is for fashion lovers.

5/19/2006 7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't think elephants are in the dinosaur family.

Gee, you think?

I enjoy your blog and think you guys have great fashion sense, but you really shouldn't criticize others for acting dumb and presenting themselves poorly when your spelling and grammar are so horrible.

5/19/2006 8:37 AM  
Blogger ~g@LfLow3RcH*c~ said...

I don't understand why so many people are attacking Barneys Girl for her spelling and grammar. Some people don't double check what they have typed and it is so easy to make mistakes when you're typing rather than writing. And comparing that to the people acting dumb and presenting themselves poorly on NATIONAL TV? Is there even a comparison? It is also important to remember that even Tyra stresses the fact that these girls are chosen from hundreds and thousands of girls across America. You would expect the girls to present themselves better especially since they KNOW that whatever they do and say will be aired nationally. Indeed, it would be naive of us to think that all the girls selected are actually one of the best. Think TV ratings. Everything is personal lay off the personal offenses and give Barneys Girl a break =).

5/19/2006 8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm asian and i don't mind barney's girl's comment! i completely and totally agree... gina was so... ugh, disgraceful and AWKWARD. there are SO few asians on TV and it's pathetic that gina had to make such a poor impression for everyone in america to see. i hate gina! thanks for making us asians look bad, gina.

5/19/2006 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Gina was a shame to the asian race"


5/19/2006 12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

with the gap closure and stuff
they can either stick on a bit of stuff called composite or glass ionomer cement, or if its more complex then they can put a veneer or crown over it. as for moderate to severely crooked teeth, then the only real option is orthodontic treatment. anyway, gaps (or 'diastemas') and malaligned teeth are extremely easy to camouflage... shouldnt take more than a half-hour appointment at the dentist.
i'm a dental student by the way, and also from hong kong (!! yay!!) and a great fan of your blog. :)
keep it up girls!

5/19/2006 7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this post was supposed to be about what Barneys Girl personally thought about ANTM's finale. Her assessment of Joanie's loss and runway performance is straight from the show's judges.

5/19/2006 10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the commentators are excruciatingly mean and snobbish. The blog's commenting function is for putting down constructive and encouraging remarks (regarding fashion) instead of nasty personal attack. Yes please give Barneys Girl a break!

5/20/2006 12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't see how Barneys Girl's comments on Gina warrant any form of attack, considering it is only accurately portraying reality. The reality is that stereotypes run rampant throughout society. The reality is that popular media is almost completely void of Asians. Therefore, there are few other Asian's to contradict Gina's questionable behavior, making her a representitive for Asian people. And if you think otherwise you are obviously very blind to how society works. People like labels - grouping people into convenient and contrived little boxes. I don't know many Asian's who are like Gina but when other people see her actions they will inevitably group them into the short list of "weird asian attributes".

I am Korean and when i saw Gina I was like... "Oh no...". I think i screamed to my boyfriend about her for awhile as well. Then I found out she was Korean and it got even worse.

I liked that Danielle won - she deserved it. But God, this season was boring!

I love your blog!!!
It's kind of wierd how whenever you write something about Asian people... there's always attacks. >< I don't get it.

5/20/2006 2:44 AM  
Blogger La Dulcinea said...

Don't forget April from ANTM season 2! I think she is half Japanese. She took some of the fiercest photos I've ever seen on ANTM. You should check them out on the ANTM website. She got to the top 4, but was outlasted by Yoanna (who won), Mercedes (who is in the latest Payless commercial), and Shandi.

5/21/2006 1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAH! I AM SOOOO HAPPY DANIELLE WON! IVE BEEN ROOTING FOR HER SINCE THE BEGINNING! Really, her great personality makes her stand out.

And to the person who commented before me - i loved APRIL too!

5/21/2006 7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't read all comments, but people who rag others because of their grammar/vocabulary are the worse. It's pathetic: work on your arguments instead.

Otherwise, I really like your blog!! =)

5/21/2006 3:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

frankly, i wanted joanie to win. yes, she needs to work on her confidence and learn to have more of a presence, but don't you think that is so much easier than getting rid of an accent that is ingrained in danielle since childhood? plus, joanie's personality is more accessible and it seemed like she could easily adjust to all the culture shock and travelling required of models. she appeared to have been rather respectful and aware of her environment.

but then again, as we should be used to by now, the winners are always not what you'd expect. they always go for the more commercial choice.

jade, despite her lack of talent and inability to take direction, really did look like a model. her facial features were quite extraordinary. but i was just as vindictively overjoyed as the next person when she didn't win. maybe she'll get offers from other agencies after this.

oh, and btw, last season - yoanna was sweet and all, but i could not get over her resemblance to michael jackson! AH! actually one day, my feeble old, myopic dad walked in the room as i was watching and he actually said, "ah, michael jackson on the news again?"

dear god, i should not be writing so much about antm. this is sad.

5/22/2006 12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gina was not the first Asian on ANTM... April from cycle Yoanna's season was..

5/23/2006 12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saying Gina represents asians= ignorant.
The fact that the majority of the viewers of ANTM who DID think that asians could've been this or that because of Gina= ignorant.

Two wrongs don't make a right sista.

Ps. Jade!! Dragqueen/tranny/or whatever, her manlyness made her even more interesting to look at. And really, who cares about a model's personality?

5/23/2006 2:41 AM  
Blogger Geisha said...

i really think you people should really lay off barneys girl. she is in my opinion excellent at what she does in the blog. BTW, it looks like the people that are TRYING to put barneys girl down have a severe case of JEALOUSositis!!!

5/23/2006 6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANTM was Good but got broinga s the seasons got older each season it seems to get badder and badder. i loved the first couples and the girls that was on it too........ they all looked very model like and not just sum bimbos who wanted to appear on national TV and act like airhead baboons. I loved April from season 2. Because she was the first one who was asian rooted and not only that she was stunning and toook some sizzling pictures. but im not really sure about anyone after ANTM season 3! i just lost intrest!

5/24/2006 7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stop hatin on danielle just because shes beautiful and vlack and she wooped that ugly ass white girls ASS!!!!!!!!!!
-a white who wishes she could be black

6/09/2006 11:38 AM  
Blogger Jennibella said...

I just found your blog and have to comment on this post!

I am glad Danielle won but I didnt really mind to much who did as long as it wasnt jade and as soon as she left - THANK GOD!!

I agree with what you said about jade... maybe she should think before she speaks a little more and make sure she uses words she knows the meaning. When she was talking about the elephants she was rambling on about how great they were and how they are connected in soul (the same as what she said about the last shoot and working in the water) and how proposterous the elephants were. Im 100% certain that wasnt the word she wanted. Im just so glad she didnt win and finally got told to pack her bags and go home.

Yay for danielle and joanie!

7/03/2006 3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When they finally came down to final 3, I wasn't remotely excited or anxious about the results anymore. I didn't care that much who would win at the end as long as it was not Jade. I was also a little bit disappointed but not surprised that Danielle won simply because I think 1, Danielle does have more presence than Joannie, and 2, Danielle is black and Joannie is blonde, and they never pick a blonde girl as the winner of ANTM (I think blondes can only be as much as a runner-up no matter how hard they try, which sucks!) So the results were pretty predictable to me. I agree with you that Danielle would've been perfect if it hadn't been for her speech, which bothers me as well. Overal I think this is the worst season and my least favorite. The season 7 (which premiered last week) seems more interesting and promising!

9/28/2006 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked Gina, it wasn't her fault that Jade kept making it hard for her to move up. Also, I ABHORED Jade, it got to the point where I was just watching in hopes that Jade would screw up, because she was such a bitch.

I loved Nnena, she was so genuine and beautiful.

9/06/2007 3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, honestly it doesn't really matter what race you are, saying that someone is a disgrace is just plain mean.

11/13/2008 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


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