April 26, 2007

Dresses from The Bachelors

Ok, so I watch the Bachelors. Not exactly THE hit show to watch or anything, but in my defense, this season's bachelor is way hot.
He's cute, he's in the navy, he's a doctor, he does the triathalon i.e. he has the body of a god AND he is a humanitarian. But anyway, this post isn't supposed to be about me oogling Andy (well maybe just a little). Its about how amazing it is that these girls always seem to have an endless supply of dresses packed in their little suitcases, wearing a different dress every episode for the cocktail party. Do they get sponsors?

Anyway, so I thought since we're on the topic of prom, it would be fun to look at the types of dresses they wear (since there are such a huge accumulation of them at once on different body types and coloring on the show) and see just see what works and what doesn't.
HITS: I thought these two dresses were sophisticated and elegant. The black dress is classic with just the right amount of sexiness. And the emerald green dress complements perfectly with her dark coloring.
SO SO: While I like the flirty and fun cut of the dress, I thought it looked slightly prom like and too girly.
SO SO: I like the design of the top part of her dress and the cream color. But I thought the additional details at the skirt was just a bit too much.
MISS: Call me traditional, but I just didn't think her dress was very well fitted-esp at the cleavage. Plus the cutting does nothing for her shape and the light blue shade is slightly too pale for her complexion.
SO SO: I like how the vibrant color of her dress contrasts so well with her coloring. But I'm not sure how flattering the cutting of her dress is. . . .
HIT: Personally I hate orange. But surprisingly, I think this orange dress looks good with her blonde and tanned complexion. The cutting is also very simple and flattering.
SO SO: Again red looks good on her, except I think the bias cut of her skirt makes her legs look shorter than they are.

MISSES: Ok, that short short metallic dress (left) is just skanky. I don't think the funny cutting of her her skirt with two strips dangling down (center) is not very complimenting. And the short cutting and that shiny purple color (right) is just WAY too promlike for her.

Sorry the pictures are so small and the selection so few. But they really don't post too many pictures of their cocktail parties and rose ceremony much. I really wanted to show you this gorgeous yellow strapless long dress that Tessa wore on episode 2, but alas, they didn't have a picture of it. She looked great in it! If you have time go check it yourselves on abc.com!


Blogger Berkley Magazine said...

I haven't watched bachelor for a few months but I have never been fond of the dresses in the show. The majority of them are very generic and uninspiring.

4/27/2007 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only like the dress in the 3rd picture.
Btw, Hilary Duff attended some event called Night with the Raj and I was hoping someone here knows the designer of the red dress she was wearing.

4/27/2007 8:28 PM  
Blogger glamour girly said...

I am also hopelessly addicted to the Bachelor! It's a great show to run the treadmill and watch. I also adored the yellow dress you mentioned at the end of your note, and the orange was a definite hit. Who do you think is going to win Andy's heart?

4/27/2007 10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a glimpse of the bachelor. I thought he was pretty hot too. He reminds me of Zack from Saved by the bell for some reason.

I agree with your opinions. The black in the first picture is sexy!

4/28/2007 1:52 AM  
Blogger sara said...

You're right the bachelor this season is way hot.
And I thinkg that black one was my favorite, but the prom looking one was awful, and so was the light blue unfitted and the three last ones.
Some of the dresses are nice but some look so cheap

4/28/2007 4:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bachelor looks like Ken doll! He's cute but the Mystic Tan and the insanely white teeth are a bit of a turn-off.

Those dresses all look cheap. Or maybe it's the women.

4/28/2007 4:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

All the women look like bimbos from malibu
personally I dislike a show like the Bachelor. How can you possible find someone to marry when people are PICKING for you, and your connecting with them in such a short period of time. Anyone who can agree to being taped for like months while making out with like 10 women cant be any good.

4/28/2007 5:04 AM  
Blogger Carrie said...

I have the dress fourth from the bottom in copper and although it is tight fitting it makes a very bold statement. I wore it to prom with a big poof in my hair and it was... ok I'll be tyra here- fierce.


4/28/2007 7:01 AM  
Blogger Geisha said...

I so agree with fashion me this! Also, he really isn't my type, and he's sort of annoying! No offense to those who like them though! Anyways, I really don't get how the girls think that they are actually going to last with him until they die if not one of the winning Bachelor couples have lasted more than a month...whatever, the show IS entertaining!

4/29/2007 11:16 PM  
Blogger J said...

I actually really like that cream colored number with the lace.

4/30/2007 12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, god he is adorably cute!
Also, the emerald green dress is the nicest dress.

4/30/2007 7:32 AM  
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2/25/2010 8:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have long wondered the exact same thing. How is it that they never run out of dresses? Usually nice dresses too. They must do some serious shopping before they go. And yes...Andy was the best Bachelor so far.

4/08/2010 9:20 AM  
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