October 30, 2008

Halloween Make-Up 2008

I promise this is the LAST Halloween post I'm going to do this year. In case any of you still have not thought of what you want to be , I thought I'd give you one last idea- just go with the crazy make-up. People would be so busy admiring your eyes that they won't have time to care about the rest of your outfit!
Besides Galliano, my two other favourite crazy make-up looks are from Dior (left) and the Lacroix haute couture (right) show. Both redefines the upper and lower part of the eyes making their eyes look HUGE. They are in essence however, the opposite of each other. While Dior uses a sharp white base, Lacroix uses a smokey black base. Either way, I'm loving both of them. Go for the Dior look if you want to look feline and the Lacroix look for something a bit darker. A bit more subtly, we have the smokey eyes of the Chanel haute couture (left) and the Balenciaga (right) show. Just go heavy with the eye liner and the smudging. If you do have a costume, these would be more subtle looks for you. You don't want to take away too much from the outfit now do you?

And as for some simple DIY ideas: You can be forks/knives/spoon with alumninium, a piece of steak and ketchup/mustard to go with that. You can be Tetris pieces. Pacman and the ghost. Or a Twister board- just wear white and stick colored dots on yourself and carry the spinning thing!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Image Source: Style.com


  1. You know you want to write another halloween post ... go on ....
    I love ake-up from all of these shoes.. i think it's where i get my inspiration for my eye make -u p ... ( don't worry i don't wear this dramatic style but a subtle wearable version !!!
    Great post! x

  2. omg, I need to do something like that.

    juliet xxx

  3. Oooh I love Halloween, so excited!
    That makeup is gorgeous.
    I've added you to my blog list, I love visiting here!

  4. oh my! it worked! the first picture made me jump!

  5. The first two are really scary!

  6. the feline eyes are perfect for my cat outfit tonight...although i may tone it down slightly!

  7. they look like barbie dolls =]

  8. the last one which is from balenciaga is the best !!

  9. I saw these Victor & Rolf for Shu Uemura fake eyelashes in Harvey Nichols and instantly fell in love with them - I think they'd be great for a halloween party! Sadly, couldn't afford them :(

    Link to picture below ...

  10. I love the first two. They are really creative and really make the eyes stand out. I wish I could do my make up as good as that!

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  11. Halloween is always fun! Great post!

  12. great stuff! always inspiring!

  13. Oooh I wish I had checked this before Halloween! Could have used some (any) make-up around the eyes!

  14. I also wish i could have found this before halloween these eyes would have gone good with my costume!

  15. i just love it!! .. i mean it doesn't look reallly scary but it's chic and trendy.. you will look gorgeous even in halloween... a little bil late, maybe next year... :(

  16. Refreshing post, always fun to see the Halloween style.
    They did go heavy with the eye liner, and it makes them look in a very diffrent way.

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  18. Well, these ladies are so gorgeous.

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