November 24, 2008

ANTM Cycle 11- Spoiler!

At this point, I think I've come to accept ANTM as part of my life. Something I just mindlessly watch when it's on. You must admit, it's a nice indulgence. *spoiler alert*
Now that I've "come around" to this way of thinking, my expectations are lower and thus I thought this season's show was not bad! There was a bit of drama, there were pretty pictures, some cool themes (voting booths, award accidents, underwater eye level shots, hanging on hot air balloons etc), a bit of traveling (to Amsterdam)and some sweet prizes. They had fashion show opp prizes, shopping sprees and free designer clothes- it was pretty awesome! The window display challenge in the red light district of Amsterdam was refreshing. Plus they had a REALLY gorgeous Willy Wonka like pink runway in the finale. There was a mini "hill" at the beginning and the models had to run up it in their heels (otherwise they'd fall backwards), it was quite an entertaining scene! Though I thought at the beginning the whole space theme thing and turning a new leaf because it's the 11th cycle was a bit overplayed.
And the winner of Cycle 11 of ANTM is- McKey. She does have very stunning modelesque features and towards the end, I thought her pictures were one of the strongest.
I mean, you got to admit, she has definitely improved from her first photo at the voting booth. It looked like she had no idea....
...and then bam! Here we are. I thought she had some of the most interesting and varied poses in her shoots. She always tried new things and they worked. And did I mention her amazing features? Once they got to final 2, it was obvious who the winner is. Granted she's not who I was vouching for, I thought out of the two she deserved to win (she was a bit too tomboy for me and her walk was a bit "lurch" like as they said). By the way, I thought renaming herself McKey at the beginning was a genius move. It is SO much more interesting and memorable than Brittany.
As you may be able to tell by now, Sam wasn't my favourite girl. Everyone else loved her though, because she had the whole sunny, free California girl next door personality. Maybe I just prefer more serious, subdue personalities. Also, she just didn't LOOK like a model to me, because this girl absolutely cannot dress herself for her life. I still remember that horrible salmon colored v neck sweater and straight skirt she wore to panel, that even Tyra couldn't do anything *shiver*. I also didn't think this picture was as "all that" as all the judges thought. Though I didn't realize that she had only just turned 18 on the show, so I guess I should cut her some slack. Making it into the top 2 is pretty good (her walk was not much better than McKey's).
My favourite girl was Analeigh. Maybe I just have a preference for girls with long hair? She was just so SWEET. I loved her personality. She was sweet and cute in a more subdue and quiet kind of way. She also improved dramatically. I remember how she struggled at the beginning and I totally thought she'd be sent home. Her hot air balloon picture was absolutely tragic. Her legs look cut off.
But then she survived being in the bottom two and she finally got the hang of modelling. This is my favourite picture of her. You can see the skater in her and it's so edgy even though she looks so sweet normally. Another thing I loved about her was that she knew how to dress. She's mastered the shift dress and I'm amazed at how versatile her peace pendant was with all her outfits! Too bad about the Cover Girl commercial. It really was quite awful, especially considering how she ROCKED the other commercial! A strong contestant that got weak in the end was Marjorie. I think she actually has that natural model potential that would lead her far in the real world, just not in the world of reality TV. She has that perfect awkwardness and European-ness that makes her so model- she looks modelesque just STANDING there in her windmill photo. Just don't put her in any role where she needs to speak. Her jitters really would not work... But she DOES take some AMAZING photos. I loved this one here. It is so completely convincing! Though she was visibly weaker when she turned a "new leaf," like she lost her natural ability to model (though at times I found her hunchback signature pose a bit too much and she really looks like the hunchback of Notre Dame!).

Another contestant of note was Elina, the control freak. She started out strong and she thought she was so good, but her pictures were getting a bit monotonous. The whole cultural difference and Europeans don't express themselves was a bit too much. Clarke also did not see her elimination coming after she got best photo at the under water eye level shot. I liked Sheena and how she didn't play the whole Asian card on us like Gina did. Nikeysha reminded me of Saleisha, except Saleisha is pretty IMO (they even have the same haircut and similar names!). I remember being surprised by the whole drama with Hannah even though I don't quite remember why anymore (race?). Oh and of course there was Isis. She was strong at first! I'm very impressed with how feminine she looked given that she was a man. Her attitude was also very open, brave and admirable. Wasn't there a really similar contestant before, who kind of looked like her too, took great pictures at first and then dwindled?

I liked how they showed little clips of what other contestants from past cycles are doing now in between too. It's interesting to be reminded of them and see what they're doing now. It sounds like a lot of them signed with Elite anyway, even though they didn't win. Are Elite contracts that hard to come by then?

Image Source: CWTV


  1. I totally agree with all yur comments here!! Sam was awful, neither her nor McKey could walk. Analeigh was my favourite. I hated how the judges got rid of Marjorie the first time she tried to do exactly what they said (ie be less nervous).

  2. McKey totally had it in the bag up against Sam. She was such a surprise for me though. I totally hated when everyone was making fun of her boxing exercises by the pool when the season started. She was totally correct in saying, "I came with this body and I'm gonna keep it this way" or something like that. We all remember Keenyah who gained all that weight near the end of the competition. Anyways, both of their walks were kinda weak in the finale, but McKey is totally the model. Sam, a good spokesperson perhaps. And Analeigh, can't wait to see her onscreen on TV or cinema.

  3. I also agree with all ofyour comments. I LOVED Aneliegh, and could nto stand Sam. Not only was just just not a good model, but her personality was horrible. She may have seemed bubbly to the judges but she was a bitch. And very closed minded, which could of course be because of her young age. She didn't seem like she got out very much. So it was no suprised that Mckey won in the end, though I honestly don't think she should have been the winner. She should have been the runner up, behind Aneleigh.

  4. they are beautiful!

  5. I loved
    Analeigh, mostly because she reminded me of Kahlen from cycle four. Once they had eliminated Analeigh, it was obvious that McKey was going to win...

  6. I loved Analeigh! Her outfits were amazing, weren't they? I actually emailed her (via facebook), and she said her style came from her mother's closet!
    Marjorie and her's eliminations were total bs, by the way. If you look at how it went: she won the challenge, and Tyra thought her picture was awesome; Sam overacted in her commercial and had to be STOPPED to give her picture, but Marjorie went home. Analeigh's commercial, though bad, was far better than Sam's, as was her CG shoot, but she was sent home. If Sam didn't suck so bad to begin with she would have won with all that judge bias.

    And just because she's only 18 does not give her an excuse. I'm still in high school and far more mature than she is.


  7. I like McKey the most. Her early decisions, and personality gets my vote overall. There is an issue with maturity in some of these girls,too bad.

  8. I love McKey, but I find it hilarious how she's doing fairly similar poses in both the photos you posted. I mean, obviously the later one looks much more confident, but still, look at them.

  9. I love the toilet pic!
    It has something that makes it really special.

  10. I have to agree with the majority of your comments. However, I loved Sam! I thought she was so pretty. Her personality, on the other hand... eh. I do think that Analeigh should've one. She was gorgeous, and I loved how she did that braid-headband thing. I always try doing that, but I end up with a bald spot on the side of my head! I didn't watch the show religiously, and never have. But, from the many episodes I have seen, I agree with the judges descision in not making Sam the winner. Mckey was so, so, so pretty and awesome at taking pictures!

    nadiadian ;

  11. i loved that hot air balloon shoot. :)

  12. whatever it is..i still prefer Majorie.. I'm a writer from fashion magazine in Malaysia and she's got complete package for become couture model.. Mademoiselle Majorie :D

  13. Here's an interesting take:

  14. I agree with you about McKey improving and what a shame it was that Analeigh messed up towards the end -she was my favourite too! Her style is amazing! Elina's attitude often annoyed me, as did Sam's. Even though Sam was good, I wasn't expecting her to have made it as far as she did.
    Another point is that McKey's strong, almost masculine look reminds me a lot of my fellow Brit Erin O'Connor - What do you think?!

  15. i'm loving mckey's hair so much i just had to print out the photo of her short 'do and showed it to the hairdresser.

    now thanks to your blog, i'm love, loving my hair. :)

  16. i love analeigh too! i totally agree she reminds me of kahlen, who till now is my fav FAV antm contestant! can't get over her HAHAHAHAH!

  17. Analeigh was the best one and McKey didn'd deserved to win. Analeigh deserved it. Hope that Analeigh see my massage.

    I fancy Analeigh a lot. good luck Analeigh for the future. mwa

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