November 07, 2008

Oh, Kate

Has anyone watched Stylista? I watched the Pilot and all I could see was Tyra Banks making Elle Fashion News Director, Anne Slowey, appear to be an exact copy of Miranda Priestly of The Devil Wears Prada. Example: Anne Slowey enters the office by throwing her coat on the receptionists desk...really? It was so utterly unrealistic that all I could do was sigh and skip chunks throughout the episode to see what the point of the show was. They call it "Stylista" except it's less about style and more about editing and seeing if people can figure how to do a nice layout on a page...using scissors and glue. Boring and just terrifyingly superficial.

BUT! The wonderful Kate Lanphear was their first guest judge, and I find Lanphear simply stunning. Usually makeup-less (except on the show) her style speaks for itself: strong, elegant and a risk taker. She pulls off androgyny extremely well. Lanphear was the only redeeming factor, even if all she said was at most two sentences.

Her outfit in that first photograph is just amazing! These beautiful photographs are from Jak & Jill.


  1. I was thinking of watching Stylista but after hearing everyone's review it doesn't seem like something I'd like. I was hoping it'd be more FASHION-y.

  2. Hey, We love your blog and would love it if you could link The Daily Fab by Meghan Fabulous and in return we will link your blog as well!!!

    Stay Fabulous!

  3. I completely agree about it being a wanna-be Devil Wears Prada... the coat tossing, the breakfast preparation, all the employees spazzing right before she arrives.. I deleted it off my DVR immediately after the pilot LOL if she wore a white hermes scarf too i would have thrown up =X but ditto about kate ;)

  4. I agree,
    I love her style, and everything that she wears.

  5. Kate was the only redeeming factor of the pilot. I gave it another run but it's unbearable to watch again.

    Love your blog.

  6. Hello!
    Completely agree, that show is just rubbish and unrealistic nonsense. And that 'mean girl' just needs a good friggin slap. Like most of you, won't be watching again. I've worked at a couple of big titles magazines and its nothing like that.

    Great blog, make sure you check out mine

  7. I'd love to see this show. But I don't know if it's worth. Considering what you said here. I don't want it anymore...

    I loved her too.

  8. Funny, I this is the show I was watching last night; one group forgot to put credits on all the merchandise. It was slightly hillarious. How does one forget to give Jimmy Choo credit?

    TV ruins your brain anyway.

  9. I watch the show but it's actually NOT what I thought it would be. The title maybe is a little misleading? Anyway, Anne Slowey is HILARIOUS. And that first pic of Kate is quite lovely.

  10. Unfortuanely we don't have stylista in Europe, yet! But thank god for the internet...

    This girl has style (or her stylist!)... It is not so much about fashion. We hoped it would be, so we're all a little bit disappointed. But she's however hilarious!

    Laura - Personal Stylist

  11. i realy like her style, when she walk seen classy and is feminine

  12. i agree. the first outfit is great. i've only seen a couple of episodes from stylista, and it's kind of ehh, i guess. there are worse shows.

  13. amazing photos! I love what you're wearing in it as well.

  14. i heard that anne's totally boho-chic in real life
    and that they made her dress in a more put-together manner for the show
    i haven't watched it yet but apparently some of the contestents did not even know what an empire waist is
    i mean, come on!
    they want to work in fashion!

  15. I'm not at all interested in the show, but her style is superb. Great way to describe it too!

  16. Ha, all these comments make me not watch the show but Kate is gorgeus!

  17. I'm watching as I surf and I'm so not getting into this show. Hate the voice of the Anne - it's to dull and sad sounding. So not up to ANTM and Tyra! way too much yelling at each other too. BTW check out if you want exclusive offers just for donating to charity.
