December 20, 2008

The Girl With The Short Hair

Last year I went from that was down below the middle of my back, to a really bad short japanese-boy-rockstar cut. My hair grows fast so while I was mortified & stuck with pinning it back and trying to tie it up in all sorts of ways, with ribbons and clips, it eventually grew back to past my shoulders by September of this year. Being stuck with thick, thick hair I got fed up and went to go get it cut again into a straight across, above the shoulders/longish bob.

Then, I went home and chopped it all off to have it super short in the back, with an A-line cut in the front. Kind of like Victoria Beckham, but less extreme and shorter. How does it feel? Totally awesome. Here are some cuties that might inspire you to cut it short.

The best part is that you figure out fun ways to do your hair, it's just easier to take of! Best part? If you can work the curling iron and get a bunch of curls, it's completely adorable. It definitely becomes a deciding factor on how you style your outfits.

What are your thoughts on girls with short hair?

As for my next hair cut? I'm definitely going to go for a Shannyn Sossamon look.

Image Source: Garance Dore


  1. Yep, I think short is the way to go. So cute stylish and sassy.

  2. I love, love, love the Shannyn Sossamon look. A few years ago I kept trying to do her look with the short bangs and back with the random long sides/side burn areas.

  3. I love the second picture and am considering something similar. Short, shaggy and chic. Kind of playful and easy.

  4. As pretty as short hair is, I could never bring myself to cut my hair. It makes me feel feminine and beautiful and I could NEVER imagine myself without it.

    Right now, my hair is about two inches below my shoulders - and it's taken two years to grow back from collarbone length. I know that if I ever cut it drastically short (like in your photos), I'd be stuck with an awkward half-grown-out look for years. :/

  5. I have a 'pob' right now. I've also had the Shannon Sossamon cut, and it's really fun. I would highly recommend it.

  6. i cut my hair short last week just cause i was feeling impulsive. and because i was being irrationally impulsive i cut it myself. dont know if that was a good idea or not but anyway, this post made me realise there were so many nicer ways i could have cut it :(

  7. I love this post! I cut my hair super short almost a year ago and it is the best decision I have ever made hair-wise. It's so easy to take care of and since the styling is minimal, it always looks awesome.

  8. The girls look a lot more liberated because hair is kind of like a trap. A lot of women feel too attached to their hair, when they really should let go. i really like the 2nd to the last cut.

  9. E! You cut your hair!! Awe! (lol, I never saw it long....)

    I absolutely adore the last picture. I wish I had the nerve...I bet you will make it look amazing.

  10. I wanted to do the Sossamon cut for the longest time but I ended up changing it and making it something different :-) I had waist-length hair and chopped all of it off in favour of a faux hawk and I don't regret it one bit :-)

  11. I adore short hair and thinks it really brings a lot of attention to all the beautiful features that everyone sports. I've tried the victoria beckham like cut without going too extreme and loved it but its been ages since I've had long hair and am reveling in it. Though the cut 2nd from the top I'd really love to have. Kudos to everyone that does short hair!

  12. Going short was the best decision I've made in a long while. I went from about 4-5 inches below the shoulders to something similar to the second picture. And I love it. It's starting to grow back a little bit now so I have to decide what I'm going for next.
    I can't believe I was first unsure about going short.

  13. Lots of people I know have been cutting their hair short, including me! I love it, I don't even have to brush it anymore (it's curly) and I get lots of complements.

  14. I love the last three photos, but the very last one is brilliant!

  15. hmm i've been rocking a bob for a long time - but have recently had a yen for something more "Karla" styles from Karla's Closet - now just need some courage

  16. The problem with having short hair is you have to go for a cut every couple of months to keep it stylish.

  17. As with many things that make women look beautiful: They are not as practical. I personally love long hair on women. It is just more female. But the shown cuts are also lovely.

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    Mesleğimi çok seviyorum. Herhalde başka hiç bir işi bu hevesle yapamazdım ve estetik plastik cerrah olmasam kendimi eksik hissederdim. Sadece yaptığımız bu işin bilimsel temelleri olduğunu ve gerçekten çok emek vererek bu yere gelebildiğimizi anlatamamak bazen zor oluyor. Ama bu da bizim işimizin bir parçası. Siz yine de bana sormak istediğiniz her şeyi sorun estetik . Sorunuzun içten ve gerçek olacağını biliyorum. Ameliyattan başımı ilk aldığım zaman sizi cevaplayacağım. teoman doğan

  19. Amazing pics!!!!!!

    PS: How you do for not making
    full size of photo?

  20. I think it is ridiculous that long hair makes women seem more feminine or "female" as someone said. My vagina and boobs make me female. I've loved having long hair, but I've also loved having Shannyn Sossamon hair. My love for them has been equal, but in the end the short hair wins because it is sooo much easier to manage (especially since I have to wash my hair everyday). I was devastated and actually cried when I chopped 18 inches off my hair to a Sossamon length. I felt unfeminine and got a negative reaction from most guys who would tell me they prefer long hair. I vowed to never cut it again until it was long. 18 months later, my hair reached 2-3 inches below my shoulder and I chopped it myself last week on impulse. I feel liberated!! I'm loving this classic 'bob' look.

  21. Girls with short hair are sexy. No doubt about it. I don't know why we don't see more women on tv with short hari. Just because their hair is short, does not make them less feminine then women with long hair. Women learn how to give head

  22. girls with short hair are looking beautiful..i like the hair style of the second girl...

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  23. I love the way these cuts look but I just don't think I could cut my hair:)

  24. i cut my long long hair to a bob cut a couple of months ago and i am debating if i want to grow or cut again.

  25. Yes, that's true - short hair is lovely. But only the girls think that way. 90% of the guys hate girls with short hair :)

  26. I envy those who have the courage and the face shape to pull off short hair. Wish I had both!

  27. i love shannyn's hair! i'm sporting a short hair now like antm's mckey. really easy to take care of. no fuss. :D

  28. I love that haircut. The first time I saw her in a movie with that hair cut, I was amazed at the way she pulled it off. I think if you are small, dainty, and cute with a pretty face this will work. If you are a bigger girl, it usually ends up looking like you are into chicks...just sayin.

  29. My best friend, who is male, told me a woman's neck is one of her most sexy parts....Just my two cents.

    I cut my hair super short (despite my boyfriend's pleas!) and loved it. Although I disagree that short hair is easier. I just ended up trading less time with the blow dryer for more time with the curling iron.

    My long hair (3 inches past my shoulder) is sooo easy. Just blow dry and go - 10 minutes.

  30. I love the way the last cut looks! Although, I could never cut my hair that short. I had super-long hair last year (waist length, maybe longer.) Then, after a bad day, I just asked my friend to cut it right then and there to collarbone length. It took me a LONG time to get used to (I cut it in June, but I've only really started being able to style it well this winter.) That's absolutely as short as I could imagine it right now, but maybe one day...

  31. So true, Ina. I'm a dude, and I really don't like short haircuts on women. Other women seem to go ga-ga over others who chop their hair. I can't imagine why. Competitiveness? No matter what some say, long hair is seen as mysterious, elegant and yes, feminine to most guys. Body parts make a woman female, but other qualities, including sensuous hair, make her feminine. Troy

  32. I think women admire other women who cut their because they wouldn't have the guts to do it themselves. Short hair can look great on someone if the cut flatters their face. I personally would never cut my hair short because it would look terrible with my face, but on the right person it can be so fabulous.

  33. i really love the look of short hair, my sister has short hair kind of like that last one but more straight. i don't think it would work for my face shape though.

  34. I actually just chopped off 9 inchs of my locks and now have something similar to pic #1 but with bangs and I adore it!!!!!!!!!!! but if you are going to chop chop chop be sure to donate I did so give yourself a new look and give hope to someone else!

  35. I cut my hair 2 weeks ago after seeing Lily Allen on the cover of Nylon. My bob's more even than her layered look. Some of my friends and family kind of freaked out when they saw it because they're so used to me with long hair. I'm going to layer it before next semester starts. Can't wait!!!

  36. I always want to cut my hair but too afraid to do it though, my hair is really long, nearly down to my bum!! All my friends beg me to cut it lol I love Victoria Beckham's new hair style but my boyfriend doesn't like it... Go you all brave girls who has a fabulous short hair style!!

  37. i think short hair is cute, and i am sure lots of guys do too. plus, not like it really matters what guys think anyway. our job is not to please them. if some guy is going to judge you and act rude just because of your hair, well he's a jerk anyway! :)


  39. OH GOD I looooove the hair!
    I used to have short hair for years, but it's a hell to keep it - my hair grows quick.

  40. For most of us guys we can like both girls with short and long hair.
    Very short hair girls isa very sexy and exciting ang just draws you towards there necks but it als very glamourous to see very feminine long styles on girls - Some short haired girls look very boyish so I think girls have to carefull - Men are attracted to more than vaginas and boobs I like the waya womens face looks to I get a kick out of a women with nice looking hair wether its short or long - Long term I would want my girlfriend to have long hair though I notice that older women who have long hair look very nice.
    I like girls necks very much and somtimes really love girls with very nice short napes but I love very long girly hair - I took at look at Kate Beckisale with short hair and then saw her latest very long hircut and I must admit I hate hate her with short hair wearas at her age with lonf hair now she's such a babe.
    Girls do not abandon your long locks completly it would be a sad world with girls all haveing boyish crops I have seen the fashions go around many time and I am afraid long hair rocks.

  41. Hey HG and BG! Wow, I totally feel you. In the beginning of the year, I had hair down halfway of my back, and I chopped it all off (well not ALL) to a Victoria Beckham inspired bob. It was great. No matter what I wore, it added instant chicness. For the first few weeks I straitened it every time I went out, because it looked awkward when it was curly as it was short at the back and longer in the front, but after a while, like now, it is medium length, and looks funky and sassy naturally curly. I think if someone wants to update their look, short and sweet is the way to go, but usually it looks better with petite people and not round faces. The short cut really ties in hair and fashion. If your interested in reading more about fashion, please feel free to visit my blog at Thank you so much for a great blogpost, and yeah, go for the Shannyn Sossamon look, gorgeous.

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