December 03, 2008

Holiday Dresses...just to start

Another excuse to buy another dress for another occasion, when it's not really necessary, especially now with the recession... but hey, let's have a look anyway.

& we're going for ideas,
not prices. Moving along, my little obsession continues with all things white/ivory/beige, within that realm of things, and of course greys and blacks; I thought the following dresses were rather interesting. Something different from the usual holiday dresses you see hung on rack after rack, store after store. Let's start off with a Missoni scarf dress.

I love the back, and especially the subtle pattern, and how the dress has been hemmed. You see a lot of scarf dresses, but this one has some character.

And then after BG's talk of her Rebecca Taylor dress, I had to go find some more because her dress was so beautiful! Simple, but so elegant! The perfect black dress.

It's definitely a piece you could dress up and down. Versatility is always a good thing. I can just imagine how flowing the material would look.

Above, a dress by Miu Miu. Usually I see things by Miu Miu and I get excited, then after a while I don't really like them. However I like this one, and it kind of reminds me of an extremely toned down version of what BG and HG called the "S" dress in a previous post. I love the pleated bottom.

And then there is Chloe. How cute! I have a dress that has a veil layer on top similar to this, and I absolutely adore it. However mine is all black, so this change hue is something I'm drawn to.

And then there is Vera Wang.

Maybe a little too generic and confined? I'm not entirely sure. But beading detail is always an extravagance one can indulge in. Something more grand and sophisticated than sequins and glitter.

So maybe this year, opt for softer tones? Whatever suits your fancy, this was just one idea. There shall be more to come!

Image Source: Net A Porter, Deuxieme Classe F/W 2008


  1. I especially love the Missoni and Miu Miu dresses- absolutely gorgeous and what great colors and flow. So delicate and soft, quite the inspiration!

    Much love, xx

  2. LOVE the mui mui dress!
    great post

  3. I really like the Missoni, but holiday dress? Not so much !! Maybe holiday festive to me is too traditional....

  4. j'adore the Rebecca Taylor dress, pretty smart. And Miu Miu dress as well.

  5. The Miu Miu dress is love!!!

    I don't particularly like the Chloe one. Been seeing a lot of these transparent dresses on celebrities. They're not that flattering.

  6. mui mui dres is one of the great dress in fashion !!!

  7. Hi! Your miu miu dress is fabulous and fantastic.

  8. the Miu Miu one is divine. i would like to wear the Chloe dress too

  9. I love the Miu Miu one. Was that in a mag spread recently? Finding the perfect holiday dress is so much fun! I found this great sale for Alice & Olivia on Hautelook for half the price. You should check it out!

  10. love the Missoni dress. I'd definitely consider that one for the holidays

  11. wow all those dresses are beautiful!

  12. All these dresses are beatiful, but they don't look like holiday dresses. They look like sun dresses...

    I like my holiday dresses with glitter and bold colors (black, red, emerald green!)!

    Looking forward to seeing some of those!!

  13. I love love love the red tights. I want them now.

  14. Again, I didn't really like ANY of those dresses, each for various reasons. The only dress that I like at all is the Vera Wang dress...

    nadiadian ;

  15. Who does the multicolored dress with the red tights and black hat? Anyone?

  16. I absolutely adore the Chloe and Miu Miu dresses. Yellow is so fresh and unexpected at Christmastime. I love all these choices.

  17. Every dress collection is very fabulous and beatiful.I loved it.


  18. The chloe dress is incredible! I really want to find a nice cream coloured dress.

  19. Hi,
    People love the dress which is generally good designing.

  20. Hi,

    All Dresses are Very fabulous !!And i really like his article and it was good to read all people views and expressing our views.


  21. Love all of the dresses! And I love the picture with the bridge! :-) xxx

  22. I absolutey love the vera wang... very Audrey Hepburn, no? and I love how these color are not so generic for christmas, as one who does not celebrate it, these dresses are easily ones I can wear, not only during the holidays, but all year round!yay

  23. well!! good collection. thanks...

  24. I love these dresses! The Miu Miu is adorable, and the Vera Wang is stunning!

  25. I think, dresses are worn by females of all ages as an alternative to a separate skirt and blouse or trousers. Dresses are often used by young girls and as more formal attire by adult women.

  26. as always looking so cool!! she is absolutely lovely looks, just stunning girl

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