The Simple Life 3: The Intern
So the much anticipated reality show finally premiered last night, and it was to my opinion, getting a little bit redundant. I mean, people cannot possibly get that stupid and the audience can only take so much fake stupidity. And after two seasons of it, a third season might be stretching it a bit as the novelty and entertaining value of it falls. Photocopying body parts and driving off with a police car is just not as funny anymore. But as followers of fashion, I've always admired the way they wear chanel and other gorgeous items of value to farms and other places of equal dirtiness.

And is it just me, or does Nicole Richie look better this season, now that she has lost her fake, trashy hair extensions and siezed to wear lingeries on the show?

And is it just me, or does Nicole Richie look better this season, now that she has lost her fake, trashy hair extensions and siezed to wear lingeries on the show?

Since the UK is always behind on all the wonderful US TV shows, I have obviously not seen it yet, but I'm finding a way to. We found them funny before because they acted like dumb young adults, really dumb ones. But now that they are supposedly working in offices and are wearing in what seems more serious clothing, it seems they may lose that dumb element we loved before, and are now only two annoying girls.
couldnt b bothered to get a blogger's account and have finally checked out ur site properly. As u noe i dont noe nethng about fashion - well except the "education" i have recieved from certain friends - but i love ur site u guyz - it even makes fashion illiterates like me feel more informed heheh..
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