ANTM Cycle 10- Spoiler!
Its hard to believe that it has already been 10 cycles, but it has. And frankly, I'm surprised I still watch it. It used to be exciting and fun. But after 10 cycles, it has become repetitive and tame. Its hard to keep it fresh. We all expect extreme makeovers, awesome custom designed houses, cool photo shoots, fabulous prizes and exotic destinations. I guess its just habit and for lack of anything better to watch. So yes, spoiler alert.
After ten rounds, the talent pool in America must be getting thin, because I swear the quality of the girls just seem to get worse. One girl, Kimberly, managed to make it into the house and ended up quitting during the first elimination because she doesn't get the whole designer thing and wasn't interested in fashion.... um hello, wrong industry? It was unbelievable. And really, how can ALL the girls screw up their Covergirl commercial in Italian when 9 seasons of girls before them have done it, if not perfectly, at least passably?
Looking pass the comparison though, it was not a bad show. There was just enough drama between the girls to keep it interesting (with alarm clock episodes, passport dramas and lots of ganging up) and the photo shoots continue to be fun to watch. And Rome was nice. I want to go around in a segway too! But is it just me, or did they already go to Rome? Didn't they do a photoshoot at the Colosseum once, in the season where Shandi was in and she had that whole thing with the Italian guys?
They made an effort to spice things up though- and it was good. They got rid of the legendary style icon, Twiggy and replaced her with the legendary supermodel, Paulina Porizkova (even though I've not heard of her until now). It was a good move. She has Twiggy's grace and elegance but she also has Janice Dickenson's bluntness. It was hilarious (and so true) when she told Dominique that she looked like a transvestite. Plus, I was SUPER SUPER SUPER impressed that Versace deemed them worthy enough to sponsor. It is not quite an official Versace show, with dresses from last season, but its still quite a step up for ANTM.
Behold the newest America's Next Top Model- Whitney a *gasp* plus size model! I do think that it is about time a plus size model won and Whitney is not a bad choice. She is very gorgeous and well proportioned. And out of all the plus size models who have ever graced this show, she is the most confident about her full size figure and never had those rather annoying "oh no, I feel so depressed because I feel so fat compared to the other girls here" moments. Also, she did have the best Covergirl shot and did a good job on the runway (comparatively anyway, her walk was a bit too jaunty for my taste).
As much as I applaud them for finally choosing a plus size model to win though, I honestly didn't think Whitney deserved to win. Besides the last haul, she did not consistently do a good job. In fact, I thought she was quite mediocre and I really don't see any improvement in her photos. Does her model face not look the same towards the end of the competition (right) as she did at the beginning (left)? I also did not see how her personality got any less fake (one of the judges biggest criticism of her- and I agree) in the end either.
I thought Anya (who came in second) deserved to win much more. Her accent was a bit annoying at first, but in the end, I grew to really like her personality, its always very optimistic and infectious. She also consistently did a good job, winning loads of competitions, and taking really great model-y photos (very effortlessly too!). Her only downfall was her Covergirl photo and her runway walk, which was really not that great. Talk about bad timing.
Some of her more amazing shots. On a side note, I thought the idea to take photos underneath a plastic screen with water was really stupid. You can hardly see the model. They just look like blurry blobs. What's the point? And the photo shoot with the raw meat was just really disgusting. I'm not even going to post a picture of that.
Who goes into ANTM without a passport anyway, knowing that they will need to travel abroad? I was surprised she wasn't eliminated just for that. Fatima had her moments, and I do admire her for going through so much in her life (being a refuge and having underwent genital mutilation and all- talk about too much information!). But most of the time, I thought she played the victim a bit too much and she reminded me a bit of that very vacant looking model from last season (Ebony?). Admittedly, she does look remarkably like Iman and did improve in the competition. But looking at her last photo shoot, where she got extra frames (right), she didn't improve quite enough....
I was surprised Dominique (the transvestite), made it so far in the competition. That girl in the competition (remember Jade?), the only thing going for her is that she REALLY wanted to win and she tried REALLY hard. She really did improve a lot throughout the competition. This last photo of her (right) actually looks cool. But she really didn't have much talent. Even after the makeover, she looked old and unmodel-like. She can't dress for her life. And she is kind of strange with her alarm clock thing and habit of referring herself in the third person.
Some of my favourite girls were Katarzyna (left) and Lauren (right in green). I did not find Katarzyna boring and lacking in personality at all. I thought she was really likeable and really pretty! And as for Lauren, she really did take lovely photos. I kept on waiting for her to make a miraculous improvement on her absolutely tragic runway walk, but it just never happened. Doesn't she looks SO cute in that green coat in the jet setting photo shoot? She is the only one that pops out for me in this picture.
Amis was crazy. Aimee had a great makeover. She looked lovely with her straight bangs and auburn hair color. I don't usually comment negatively on people's looks because I know that beauty is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder and all that, but did anyone else thought Marvita looked really scary and wondered how she ever made it onto the show at all? No matter what angle I look at her, I just don't see it. As for the rest of the girls.... they were not terribly memorable. I think I have the show figured out now though. Up until the last four girls, it was really obvious at the beginning of each episode which girl is going to be eliminated, because they'd focus more on them at the start about their struggles and all. When Amiee got eliminated they focused on her struggled with being too young. When Katarzyna went off, they emphasized how she had no personality.
I wonder what they will do next time......they can have a competition for America's Next SUPER Model soon and have all the current "Top" models compete!
Image Source: CW

They made an effort to spice things up though- and it was good. They got rid of the legendary style icon, Twiggy and replaced her with the legendary supermodel, Paulina Porizkova (even though I've not heard of her until now). It was a good move. She has Twiggy's grace and elegance but she also has Janice Dickenson's bluntness. It was hilarious (and so true) when she told Dominique that she looked like a transvestite. Plus, I was SUPER SUPER SUPER impressed that Versace deemed them worthy enough to sponsor. It is not quite an official Versace show, with dresses from last season, but its still quite a step up for ANTM.

Amis was crazy. Aimee had a great makeover. She looked lovely with her straight bangs and auburn hair color. I don't usually comment negatively on people's looks because I know that beauty is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder and all that, but did anyone else thought Marvita looked really scary and wondered how she ever made it onto the show at all? No matter what angle I look at her, I just don't see it. As for the rest of the girls.... they were not terribly memorable. I think I have the show figured out now though. Up until the last four girls, it was really obvious at the beginning of each episode which girl is going to be eliminated, because they'd focus more on them at the start about their struggles and all. When Amiee got eliminated they focused on her struggled with being too young. When Katarzyna went off, they emphasized how she had no personality.
I wonder what they will do next time......they can have a competition for America's Next SUPER Model soon and have all the current "Top" models compete!
Image Source: CW
I wholeheartedly agree with your assesment!
I also think Anya should've won...and my faves we're Katarzyna and Lauren too...
And Marvita...her nostrils scared me!
I generally really like this blog and appreciate your insights and topics. However, your comment about 'too much information' regarding genital mutilation belittles the trials of many women around the world who are brutalized in this way. I admire Fatima's bravery in mentioning this in a public arena.
Yeah I agree with you, I also like Katarzyna, she is not lacking personality, she is just not as bitchy as any other girls and I think that's good!!!
i disagree with you...the world is not ready for a plus size model. that was whitney's first and last high fashion show and this time next year, she'll probably be doing some catalog shoot. anya, kat or lauren though were also my favorite and one of them should have one.
Great post! I totally agree with you on this one...
Haha, I like the idea of all of te top ones competing. Fierce.
like they said- it's not "plus-sozed" it's full figured..or something.
as much as i am all for 'full-figured' girls to win, whitney was not consistent. i found a VERY INTERESTING article online about whitney:
anyone who watches ANTM and expects an actual real life high fashion model to win is kidding themselves. i love ANTM, but at the same time, i can't take it seriously. not ONE winner (except for perhaps nicole cycle 5) looks like a real model. tyra is becoming more and more deluded. the whole thing lacks credibility but it makes excellent reality television.
side note: cycle 2 went to MILAN so going to rome now was supposed to be different. also their "versace" show was incredibly anti-climatic and fake. where was donatella if it was that "extravagent"...
anya was absolutely FANTASTIC, and will benefit from not being named the winner. i loved katarzyna too, but tyra had it in for her for aaages, there was no way she was going to win.
i'll just chuck in my final 2 cents: australia's next top model (cycle 2 onwards) is MUCH better for a fashion industry point of view. cycle 3 winner alice burdeu walked in about 20 shows in nyc, paris, london and milan fashion weeks earlier this year, and just booked a d&g campaign with mario testino.. woo!
i think it was good that whitney won as it showed that its ok to be not that skinny and love yourself!
But saying that i didnt really like any of them! i did like allison right at the begining.
I dont know why girls do antm, as they never get a proper career.
anyway barney and harrods girl, i love your blog. Would you check out mine?
You are right I agree i think withney must won the title . She is gorgeous although she a kind a plus size. but i consider her looks so awesome.
I think that Anya should have won, but KNOW that Whitney would because of political reason that Tyra Banks is so fond of.
I think Anya will do awesome tho, without the ANTM title (no winners had made it big anyway). And something about Whitney's mannerism at the end bugs me; it's like she's trying hard to suck up or something.
It's not about if we are ready for a full figure model or not, it's about Anya being the top one throughout the competition and deserving the title.
And thank goodness Tyra Banks did not think that a transvestite(Dominique) should win to stir up controversy.
I really love reading your blog!
Yay, stay cool!
I love Lauren though!
Her quirky personality is rather appealing despite her rocker attitude that inferred the wrath of some of them!
Her pictures are really, da bomb.
I loved Lauren and I totally agree that Anya should have won.
If you google Whitney a little you will find a lot of people uncovering that the whole thing was a set up. She was modelling before and was told to GAIN weight which would land her in the top 3 for sure. Lo and behold, she won.
Just to prove a point.
But did she deserve? don't think so.
Anya's going to move on to do better things anyway
Personally, I thought Anya should have one. She was much more high fashion and modeling was so natural for her. Whitney's runway walk was too bouncy, it was all over the place. She didn't "own" the runway at all. The clothes also fit her terribly. I guess ANTM thought that it was time to finally let a plus size model win, but I really don't think she should have been the one. By the way, I added you guys to my blog roll :)
I think that there are still very talented models it is just the girls that they pick. I have a friend that is a wonderful model and she has tried out for top model six times and she never gets picked but I know she could blow all of those girls out of the frame. As for what is next Tyra has a new show airing in the fall called Stylista. I wrote about it for my blog!
I think that there are still very talented models it is just the girls that they pick. I have a friend that is a wonderful model and she has tried out for top model six times and she never gets picked but I know she could blow all of those girls out of the frame. As for what is next Tyra has a new show airing in the fall called Stylista. I wrote about it for my blog!
I enjoyed Lauren as well!
I love this blog as well, but I have to disagree about the comments with Fatima: as anyone who has gone through the asylum process, she had NO control over issues like passports, etc. As it is, she probably got expedited treatment from the government because she was on television!
I agree about Marvita, I really have no idea how on earth she got there. Hey- if Marvita and Dominique made it on ANTM, then ANYONE can!
It's so ridiculous that people say that "it was time for a 'full-figured' model to win"! Don't you guys know that Whitney was TOLD to gain weight to be a plus size model on the show? And when Saleisha won, she went to Tyra's T-Zone camp, was an effing RUNWAY MODEL in cycle 6, was on Tyra's show TWICE, and she has modeled in actual ads before.. Tyra was the editor for cycle 10.. This was really convenient for Tyra because she could edit out Katarzyna's personality.. Tyra edits all the shoots (she says so all the time) and she could just choose a bad shot.. I was really pulling out for this cycle because for the most part, it had some modelesque women.. When Aimee and Claire got eliminated, I knew that it was just a repeat of last cycle.. If it was based on modeling, Katarzyna would win because she takes absolutely stunning photos and has the best runway walk the whole show has ever seen by far.. A close second would be Anya, then Fatima.. I'm a male model and I know a lot about the fashion industry and I'm really sorry to tell you, but Whitney will never make it as a high fashion girl.. I'm sure everyone who watches the show understands that "thin" girls rule high fashion.. That's because thin girls can give the angles that high fashion and editorial that is FAR too difficult to get from a curvy girl.. Whitney is beautiful and I'm so glad she won.. I hate Whitney, but any sane person has lost any credibility with ANTM and should know it isn't about modeling.. Right now, Tyra is choosing girls for the "message" or for ratings.. I guess Whitney sends a positive message, but she WAS told to gain weight for the show to be a plus size model and talk about her tribulations being a "fat" girl.. She has been thin her whole life.. Search it up and you can find tons of pictures of pre-show Whitney and all of her thin glory.. Since it is based on message and most people don't know that she was thin, Whitney sends a good message.. If it was based on modeling, Whitney wouldn't have even made it in the show.. Sorry to break it to everyone, but Tyra has this show rigged and everyone should have known that since Saleisha won last cycle..
Very good point of view, love the images they are so cool.
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