White Flip Flops
For the longest time, my summer staple have been simple white flip flops. Not the rubber beach kind, but the more sophisticated and dressy type, with actual soles, made of non-rubber material. They are just awesome, because they are summery, comfortable and matches with absolutely everything- perfect for a casual summer day. Ever since my pair of Nine West white flip flops with chunky heels (just the right height!) expired a few years back however, I haven't been able to find a pair to properly replace them.
That is until I laid eyes on my friend's pair of Tory Burch white flip flops (over at their website, they call it thongs.... I have no idea what the difference is). They are just EXACTLY what I've been looking for. While the design is simple and casual, the little gold emblem and the wooden sole gives it just the right amount of sophistication that makes it elegant and classy. I LOVE it. Unfortunately, I've walked through the shop and all the usual department stores, and couldn't find them. They're also sold out online of my size! But while I was browsing, I noticed that they had this design in many different sharp colors, like this yellow one, which I think works great to match/clash with this season's bold color theme.
Another white flip flop I've looked at are these ones from Banana Republic. The patent leather strip and sole transforms this simple, classic design from the beach to the streets. This design also comes in a rainbow of sharp colors and are relatively cheaper than the Tory Burch's (more available too!). The only question now is which color?
Other simple flip flops I'that also fits the bill are these ones from Nordstrom. They're basically the same as the ones from Banana Republic, except the straps are a bit wider and have a bit more elevation in the heels. These little details actually help to make these more sophisticated. But the gold shiny stuff on the soles kind of put me off even though I know it won't show when I'm wearing it.... should definitely go check them out!
Image Source: Tory Burch, Banana Republic and Nordstrom

Another white flip flop I've looked at are these ones from Banana Republic. The patent leather strip and sole transforms this simple, classic design from the beach to the streets. This design also comes in a rainbow of sharp colors and are relatively cheaper than the Tory Burch's (more available too!). The only question now is which color?

Image Source: Tory Burch, Banana Republic and Nordstrom
definitely go for the purple banana republic ones. enough detail to show it's more than just the average flip flop (even to the casual observer), but nothing tacky to offput the simplicity.
purple is a double edged sword: it is very 'of the season' so if you want something a bit more timeless, you might want to go for the white.
I love the tory burch ones! But it does seem as though they're unavailable now...Also, there's no difference between thongs and flip flops. Us Aussies call them thongs, which befuddles the rest of the world. But I'm surprised an American designer would do so.
I think the white is very clean and convenient, but does get dirty easily...the purple would be a nice change, as it very on-trend as the person above says.
love the tory burch white flip flop, very light and comfortable. a must have. haviana white flip flop are great in the summer. the con is white gets dirty quickly and becomes sort of grey white now.
i have a pair of tory burch thongs they go with just about everything. i love em. wen im lazy and dont feel like throwing on heels or sneakers just slip on a pair or flip flops. =]
i buy all my flip flops from simpleflipflops.com -- theyre super cheap and they have alot of colors... but i like the purple ones too...
I love the gold inlay on the last ones :)
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flip flops are taking summer by storm. the colourful ones are more attractive than a plain ones tough.
At least these are better than what I call "slops". Have a squizz here:
Tory Burch flip-flops are amazing. I got a pair of black ones that look like the white and yellow ones earlier in the season, and they are perfect. She also makes very comfortable "foam" flip-flops that are a bit thicker and are very squishy and nice to walk around in.
I like the Banana Republic purple ones. Ann Taylor Loft has very similar ones and I bought a pair of red ones that I find I wear alot, especially with dark wash jeans and black and white, and gray outfits.
That one which came from Nordstrom looks so beautiful. But i want to see more designs from that kind. I want something which will fit my womens chloe handbag .
I love flip-flops sooooo much, especially the ones from Nordstrom's. Too bad I live in Malaysia.
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