Pass The Bubbly Please
Ah. The New Year is upon us - where did the time go? One more reason to celebrate with friends and loved ones, and one more reason to dress up and look fabulous. I'm sure you have all found your dresses already but I just passed by the store window of BCBG the other day. BCBG has always attracted me, there is something simple and ethereal about their dresses, and their cutting (for me at least, is superb).
Their dresses make you feel almost old hollywood glam or simply modern chic. I know they're rather simple, definitely something you've seen before, but talk about excellent draping! I don't know, there's something about them that makes me fall in love.
Love the velvet bodice of this dress!
This dress is actually much more beautiful in person.
Aughhh...I need to get this - look at that sleeve detail!
So simple, so lovely (especially the colour). Hm, I will advise you not to wear a headband that the model demonstrates...
Ok, kind of generic I know, princess cut blah blah blah. But the material! And a colour that would look great on all skin tones.
What are you doing for New Year's? &equally important, what will you be wearing?
Good Golly Boots!
I found (and purchased) two pairs of boots this weekend.
Yes, two.
They are comfortable ... and I love, love, love them.
Steve Madden - Legion

INC Brook Riding Boot - mine are chocolate brown and aren't so shiny.

Oh sales how I love thee.
Merry Christmas To All, and To All A Goodnight
Happy Christmukkah!
Something to drool over on this special day....
Yes, I'm in love with red pumps! But just to add some variety, these are not Louboutins (remember the Turkey day pumps?), but from Stuart Weitzman. Dear Santa.....
Happy Christmukkah everyone!
Psst! I heard Bloomies is having a big sale on the 26th!
Image Source: Bloomies
I indulge in perfume. I tend to put too much on and think nothing of it. I'm a dedicated and committed wearer of four scents, all of which are used in a rotational manner, depending on mood, weather, clothes and/or occasion. They are much more than just the fantastic four.
My first ever - must wear all the time - is this discontinued line of Ines De La Fressange. After all, she was Lagerfeld's muse.
I found this a couple of years ago - extremely fitting for Spring or Fall. Roger & Gallet Bouquet Imperial

Something fresh after a hot shower, or light for a summer day I wear Baby Bench. What's that? Yes, a perfume for babies. Not really a perfume actually, scented water? I have no idea, but it smells damn good AND it's made in the Philippines! Subtle and soft.

And last, but certainly not least, Marc Jacobs' Daisy. Divine. Long lasting, beautiful!

What's your scent?
Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 12/21
After MUCH drama, the fall of the auto industry in the US has finally been avoided- at least temporarily anyway. In the end, Bush signed over $17.4 to Chrysler and GM on Friday in return for non voting warrants and more oversight on executive pay etc. In the end, they made a full circle and the money will be coming from the TARP fund, which brings up the really intriguing question of whether the government has opened the pandora box and now other industries will be lining up to get a share of the rest of the TARP fund. Paulson has already asked Congress to release the rest of the $350 billion TARP fund early, when just a few days ago he said that it will not be necessary. Just when we thought we figured out how the TARP is going to work, they change their minds. This does not bode well for the government, because it makes them look like they have no idea what they're doing. Maybe they don't! On the other hand, the wider purpose of TARP is to support the financial market stability, and I daresay, it will probably not be very stable if the auto industry went bankrupt!
On the sidelines, the Madoff scandal continues to unfold, revealing many influential individuals exposed to this fraud. The S&P cut the rating of 11 US and EU banks, including Bank of America, Barclays Bank, Citibank, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS and Wells Fargo Bank. I guess if ratings must be cut, at least there is safety in numbers. What are you going to do when everyone goes down?
Outside of the States, it looks like the land of chocolate and waffles is not doing very well. Belgium's attempt to bailout Fortis got frozen as Prime Minister Yves Leterme tendered his resignation after having reportedly politically meddling to sway a court ruling. Apparently this is the third time their government collapsed. I had no idea.
The Girl With The Short Hair
Last year I went from that was down below the middle of my back, to a really bad short japanese-boy-rockstar cut. My hair grows fast so while I was mortified & stuck with pinning it back and trying to tie it up in all sorts of ways, with ribbons and clips, it eventually grew back to past my shoulders by September of this year. Being stuck with thick, thick hair I got fed up and went to go get it cut again into a straight across, above the shoulders/longish bob.
Then, I went home and chopped it all off to have it super short in the back, with an A-line cut in the front. Kind of like Victoria Beckham, but less extreme and shorter. How does it feel? Totally awesome. Here are some cuties that might inspire you to cut it short.

The best part is that you figure out fun ways to do your hair, it's just easier to take of! Best part? If you can work the curling iron and get a bunch of curls, it's completely adorable. It definitely becomes a deciding factor on how you style your outfits.
What are your thoughts on girls with short hair?
As for my next hair cut? I'm definitely going to go for a Shannyn Sossamon look.

Image Source: Garance Dore
Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 12/14
It's been a stressful few weeks for US auto makers. Last week, they handed in their proposals to be reviewed by Congress. I'm not sure about the details, but it was along the lines of major cut backs, and the Ford CEO vowing to work for $1 a year if Ford had to take money from the government (they are currently only asking for a loan line for emergency). At the beginning of the week, the senate approved a bailout. On Thursday, it was blocked by opposing Republicans, who thinks that it will be better for the big 3 to pursue a prearranged bankruptcy instead and also because the Unions wouldn't back down from a wage cut (beggars really can't be choosers...). Supporters argue that no one wants to buy cars from a bankrupt car company, which is a very valid point (think of the warranty/repair issues!). On Friday, Bush had to step in vowing to save the automakers from collapsing, with the TARP money (which they originally didn't want to do). A lot is at stake. The automakers claim that 1 out of 10 jobs in the US is connected to the auto industry. That would be devastating to the already weak economy.
A very good example of this trickling effect, would be GMAC the auto financier, which just got approved to become a bank holding company last week. Unfortunately, becoming a bank holding company is not as easy as GS and MS makes it out to be and they're struggling to raise the capital needed to do so. They are trying to renegotiate with debt holders to swap the debt for a smaller amount of debt, cash and preferred shares. If this doesn't work then they are highly likely to go into bankruptcy.
The other big news this week was Bernie Madoff $50 billion fraud. This former chairman of the NASDAQ stock market and Wall Street legend, is allegedly the perpetrator of a $50 billion giant ponzi scheme. According to Wiki, a ponzie scheme is a fraudalent investment operation that pays abnormally high returns to investors using the money coming in from subsequent investors. Apparently lots of the super wealthy have been fooled by this scheme. It is amazing how much you can get away with, with a good reputation and an affable character!
It appears though that the markets is already immune to these scandals, because the markets ended (by a tiny bit) up this week!
FW08: Fancy Tights
Ever since I saw these stockings on the Chanel FW08 runway, I knew I wanted them.
They are refreshing, fun and elegant. I especially love the black stripe at the back- it is super slimming!
Luckily for me, this trend finally made it to high street. Urban Outfitters have almost the same contrasting colored ones (left: and it's not true what they say on the website about it being online only. I just got mine from the store today!). They are also just simple enough that you can wear it with almost anything.
Urban Outfitters also offer a bit of variation with the bold black/gray stripes (right), which are still cool and slimming. But since this one is so much more striking than the other one, I'd be much more careful matching this one because these ARE the statement.
If you want something even subtler, I'd go with these stockings with a seam at the back. It is almost like regular stockings but with an interesting twist at the back that is both sexy and slimming (a very important attribute), what more can you want?
I'd always thought that lace was slutty, but HG turned me around and now I"m a convert (or maybe I'd just confused them with fishnets?). It adds just the right subtle touch of girliness to an outfit (and it is very popular amongst the models this season). This mini diamond printed tights (right) gives a similar textured effect in a less girly way. Just remember not to choose any print too densely populated or wide (like wide diamond prints or plaids!), because they'd just make your legs look uneccesarily wide.
And also, not fishnet footless stockings or v print red ones (above), please. They are just tacky tacky tacky. But otherwise, have fun with this trend. I know I will :)
Image Source: Urban Outfitters,, Accessorize and Express
All Bundled Up - Literally
Pull Yourself Up By Your Boot Straps
I own a pair of 2 year old Seychelles boots. They're absolutely brilliant in the sense of comfort, practicality and style. I'm so attached that I refuse to believe that the sole is slowly wearing away, that there is hardly any grip left, or that the zipper is removing itself from the actual boot.
But in these harsh winter months (HELLO, yesterday was frigid!) we need to make sure our feet are warm and that we don't slip (that is, if you are fortunate enough to live in a place with the joys of black ice, hail and snow... If not, I apologise for my not-applicable-to-life post).

Here are some boots that I found, sadly prices are much too high for my liking - then again, investing in a good pair of hardy boots is a good idea. Forget the heels and give me those rubber soles, please! Buckles are great on boots, they give them some character and add a little something to your outfit. &those Tory Burch boots with the bi-colour leather, how excellent.
I like to have boots that have zippers up the leg, they are more shapely and much easier to put on, especially when you want to tuck in your trousers.
And for all our sakes. Please DO NOT wear these, I beg you.

Image Source: Seychelles, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom
More Sweaters
As I'm virtually filling up my shopping cart (it is SO much fun), I realized how everything I choose was either a dress a cute delicate top or a cardigan. Nothing practical that I can wear on a daily basis (besides maybe the cardigans). This is probably why my winter wardrobe is so monotonous year after year. It occurs to me that maybe I should change my approach a bit and focus instead the basics- like sweaters!
I am loving these two very simple sweaters with a twist. The jeweled collar of the Rebecca Taylor cashmere sweater (left), gives this somber gray sweater just the feminine touch it needs to be pretty. The twist on this cowl neck Marc by Marc Jacobs (right) sweater is cool and refreshing. And the beauty about both of these sweaters is that, while they are interesting, they are still simple enough to be paired with anything, from simple jeans to printed skirts- in fact, I think printed skirts would be a brilliant idea!
Moving along, we have the stand alone sweaters that makes a statement by itself. The Juicy Couture criss cross sweater (left) is cute and preppy. And I love the little lambs on the black LAMB sweater- it provides a very cute contrast to the stark black/white.
Finally, you can never go wrong with a classic quality sweater. My personal favourites are Ralph Lauren cashmere sweaters (left). They feel divine. I want one in every color! And of course, you can get even simpler ones like this one from Bop Basics (right). In fact, many of their classic Bop Basic cashmeres are on sale right now! I have my eye on that black cashmere turtleneck!
Image Source: Shopbop, Saks and Ralph Lauren