Oh boy, oh boy
How do you like your boy to look? Mine is the usual jeans and t-shirt kinda guy, but I like a little styled grunge to be honest!

A little flannel can go a long way. Too much flannel can be tacky and "OH LOOK I AM A HIPSTER."

Perhaps a little too trendy with the scarf and all - but nonetheless a rather eye-pleasing outfit! I love the checkered shirt.

I love this. I love the coat. He looks so... historical!

Casual, cute, playful! Lego belt!

Umm...yes, hello and hello.
Boys with style are big in my book - a little character like a neck scarf or a sharp looking jacket can make all the difference. Just enough scruff balanced out by the perfect amount of tidiness. And of course, excellent manners. Chivalry is not dead and of course style for men is alive as ever. Just a few things that make me sigh.
So tell me, how you would you like your man to dress?
All photos by The Sartorialist, which I love and adore. Who doesn't?

A little flannel can go a long way. Too much flannel can be tacky and "OH LOOK I AM A HIPSTER."

Perhaps a little too trendy with the scarf and all - but nonetheless a rather eye-pleasing outfit! I love the checkered shirt.

I love this. I love the coat. He looks so... historical!

Casual, cute, playful! Lego belt!

Umm...yes, hello and hello.
Boys with style are big in my book - a little character like a neck scarf or a sharp looking jacket can make all the difference. Just enough scruff balanced out by the perfect amount of tidiness. And of course, excellent manners. Chivalry is not dead and of course style for men is alive as ever. Just a few things that make me sigh.
So tell me, how you would you like your man to dress?
All photos by The Sartorialist, which I love and adore. Who doesn't?
i love the last photo!
i would love a true gentleman =) *swoons*...
a little style would do for me... i can teach him how to dress ;)
I think there's a happy medium between a slob and a dandy.
a little preppy hehe
like british boys, with little sweater vests, nice shirts, and slacks
polos, t-shirts, jeans and a little something extra for everyday, like those black vests, or a simple scarf, or a funky hat
And you saved the best for last!
i love a guy who dresses like a gentleman. that said, I just watched Twilight yesterday so... *swoon*
btw, i've given you an award for your blog! =)
basically i wish my boyfriend dressed like brad goreski (rachel zoe's assistant). wishful thinking!
this is kind of close to how he dresses though (at least, when we're in a winter climate) -
I love the t-shirt with a structured jacket on look and some nice modern shoes. Nevertheless, I could never date a guy who dresses better than me, only one who can appreciate my efforts.
Casual, colors, but a clear idea (black and white) on the base. Jeans. Suits.
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I would totally go for the guy in the second picture! Casual but still very cool. Too bad he probably has his girl friend with him...
I like polos.. nice fitted designer polos and slightly baggy jeans.. or like a t-shirt with a cool jacket. I like those fun jackets that guys love, with x-men or whatever on them.. hats are cool.. but i do also LOVE when my husband wears suits.. he doesn't everyday (He's a college student) but when he does, it is so hot and special.. He is addicted to hugo boss suits and honestly so am i.. they are so well made.
Love the last one. The scarf guy isn't too bad either.
While British boys (or British style) have my heart *cough* Chuck *cough*, a nicely put-together outfit will always catch my attention. Because if I'll spend time trying to figure out what to wear, well he better do too, except he's less likely to admit it.
ps. I'm starting to like your posts a lot more, E. So keep it up!
i don't like too stylish guys to be honest. a guy shouldn't spend too much time to look fashionable. keffiyes, skinny jeans, bright colors a big no-no for me.
i really like how Ted Mosby dresses up (minus the red cowboy boots :-P), along w/ Dr. House from House MD and Dr. Reid from Criminal Minds.
my boyfriend wears a lot of Zara, Gap and Dockers. he is not really experimental w/ his style which is good b/c i am experimental for both of us.
I think I have just fallen in love with the mario t-shirt guy..
I like a man who wears something off-beat, but that represents them.. I'm not a fan of the whole 'just walked out of Topman' look.
I love Bape stuff and lumberjack shirts, high tops are a must, and beanies, i love a good beanie on a boy with messy hair.. I like them ear spacers too, but just little ones.
Fashion is effortless, and should look so.
Oh, why I am I single.. LOL :)
I basically like the preppy style and more of a tshirt and jeans look than overly stylish- I can't stand when my boy looks better than me!
Also, I've learned it's really all about the shoes on guys. You can tell if they care or not from their shoes and if they care, they're fine with me.
Love Love Love the last photo... probaly because he standing ourside Chanel.. whos knows, who cares!!
My financee lets me dress him (ie buy him cloths) and I love it! He looks really good in purple, so I bought him a teal and purple striped polo...not good! I have been on probation since.
Sometimes a little style goes a long way....
Def love the t-shirt (hello Mario Bros and the lego belt, my financee would LUV it!) and jeans look, polo and jeans, and, even though it is off my usual style - I will take the chanel guy please:)
nothing exudes more sex appeal than a scruffy man with a suit (a la tom ford style)
perfect guy... chase crawford! he looks best in a suit...actually he just looks great in anything lol :)
Definitely the last one :)
I am loving this blog
Actually, it's super funny - my man is French and is very meticulous about his appearance, whereas I have a love of fashion but very little experience in how to indulge it. The end result is he ends up shopping quite a bit and loving it, and I get to go out to the hockey games that I so love. (He is also very, very narcissistic - I have never seen him pass a puddle without looking into his reflection, although he is extremely handsome in his defense - not that I ever admit it to him!)
This winter break, however, I promised that I would buy at least a second set of shoes, so I wouldn't be relying solely on my grey silk heels and a pair of runners handed to me by my mother. Two weeks of shopping...
i like my nick sexy in a tshirt and jeans. they hang just right
I like the outfit of the guy with the scarf, but that scarf is too much for me. The girl on that picture look really nice. Actually I think I like her better :) The guy with the yellow t-shirt is really cute. But a real man is the last one - just one word - classy. Screams sex... :)
Chanel man is yum!
The guys in the Jack Wills catalogues are FIT!! There's this one guy who is especially gorgeous...I have no idea who he is, but I would know him if I saw him...
I am a sucker for gentlemen...and a hopeless romantic!!
Also, I love Nate, Chuck and Dan (in that order) from GG (where else?)
i have a super mario t-shirt. please fall in love with me
I would like that it had style, I liked if arranging, but without being strange.
Number 2 or 5 are great! love their easygoing look that still is so fashionable. Great choices I must say...
Love your blog:)
Great post! My wife is a wardrobe stylist, so I like to keep an eye on blogs like yours. Thanks and keep it up!
I like a classic style for guys, to be honest, they look so cute when they are well dressed! :)
Heym the lego outfit is very nice !
umm... yummy! on that last one. I like a guy that can look good in a t-shirt and jeans, but knows how to dress himself up in a suit. I am a big fan of the blazer,t-shirt, and jeans. Hot.
I like super mario's t-shirt. it is prietty isn't it. some items is best!!
I like a classic New York style styled up with an awesome hat, modern shoes, tie optional; a guy that looks like he just stepped out of the corner office to take you to dinner at the hottest restaurant in town.
Yes, Chanel man fits the bill!
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Wheenever i see lego accessories I think Of Jean castel de bajac and his lego fashion show
I would like my boy just has a simple but clean look:) Jeans with t-shirt... but if he's very man, that would be wonderful~~
on me, last photo is best.
The 'Super Mario' guy's the eye-catching one. Simple and genuine. I like how the hat leans on the side. Maybe a little less neon on the yellow color 'cause it almost leaves the focus on the wearer. Or he could wear a gray or less bright colors to compliment with his skin color.
Like the one's in this SITE
Ralph Lauren T-shirts make good fit. Really nice.
The 'Super Mario' guy's the eye-catching one. Simple and genuine. I like how the hat leans on the side. Maybe a little less neon on the yellow color 'cause it almost leaves the focus on the wearer. Or he could wear a gray or less bright colors to compliment with his skin color.
Like the one's in this SITE
Ralph Lauren T-shirts make good fit. Really nice.
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I, like most guys, have a hard time with style. I wish I had more fashion sense, but alas, I am just your run of the mill jeans and t-shirts kind of guy, with a few dress shirts thrown in for fun.
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عملائنا الكرام هل تحتاجون الى متخصصين فى اعمال مكافحة الحشرات ؟ اليكم الان شركة العربى لمكافحة الحشرات بحائل التى تعد من اولى الشركات الرائدة فى اعمال مكافحة الحشرات واعمال اخرى كالاتى
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مكافحة الحشرات بالمبيدات الامنة . مكافحة الحشرات بدون مغادرة المكان , مكافحة الحشرات القارضة والزواحف , مكافحة الحشرات الطائرة
وهناك الكثير من الخدمات التى تقدمها شركة العربى لمكافحة الحشرات بالاماكن العامة والخاصة وتعمل الشركة على توفير الطرق الحديثة والامنة للعمل على مكافحة كافة انواع الحشرات المختلفة بدون رجعة وضمان عدم عودتها مرة اخرى
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وتعتمد الشركة على مجموعة من الفنيين المهرة والعاملين المدربين على التعامل مع كافة الخزانات المختلفة والقادرة على حل المشكلات التى من الممكن مواجهاتها اثناء فحص الخزان والتاكد من تنظيفه وتعقيمه وتطهيره تمام والتخلص من الترسبات الموجودة
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عميلنا العزيز هل تبحث عن شركة متخصصة في خدمات التنظيف المختلفة ؟
اليكم عملاؤنا الكرام شركة العربى لخدمة تنظيف الكنب بحائل ،وتوفرها الشركة لجميع العملاء في مناطق حائل وبريدة والقصيم وعنزة ومن ابرز الخدمات التي تهتم الشركة بتوفيرها كالتالي :
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• توفير المنظفات المستوردة المستخدمة في عمليات التنظيف
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عميلنا العزيز عندما تستكمل قراءة تلك المقال سوف تكون علي ثقة تامة انك في المكان الصح وان اختيارك هو الامثل ،وذلك لان الشركة تحرص علي توفير جميع العدد والادوات اللازمة التي تناسب كل مكان وحسب المهمة المحددة من التنظيف
ومن ابرز الاعمال التي يقوم بها فريق عمل الشركة كالتالي
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اولا يقوم فريق العمل بتنظيف جميع انواع الارضيات سواء كانت ارضيات خشبية كالباركية ومن المعروف انه يحتاج الي معاملة خاصة في التنظيف حيث انه يفسد من كثرة الماء كما ان كثرة دعكة من اجل التخلص من بقعة ما تتسبب في تعرضه للخدش
،لذا فريق العمل لديه خبرة كافية للتعامل مع مثل هذه المواقف الصعبة ،كما يتم تنظيف الانواع الاخري من الارضيات سواء كانت ارضية معمولة من الرخام او السيراميك او البورسلين
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وتعتمد الشركة على توفير سيارات لنقل وتخزين الاثاث بمدينة حائل وخارج وداخل المملكة
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تتلك شركة العربى اسطول كبير من السيارات وهذا ماجعلها الشركة الافضل على الاطلاق من بين شركات نقل وتخزين الاثاث اضافة الى الايدى العامله واحدث المعدات
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كما ان الشركة تقدم خدمة الكشف عن تسربات المياه بافضل الاجهزه الالكترونيه التى تستطيع الكشف عن مكان وجود التسرب بدقة ومهاره عاليه دون التكسيير فى الحوائط او الجدران كما نمتلك افضل الايدى العامله الماهره ذات الخبره الكبيره
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