October 27, 2008

Halloween on the Runway 2008

It's that time of the year again where we get to dress up in whatever crazy outfit we desire. And what better place than the runway to look for fun, creative, refreshing and fashionable ideas?
On the Marc by Marc Jacobs runway (left) there is punk rock, with retro pink plaids and pleated minis. This would be an especially fun outfit if you are usually not punker chic. And if you are, then maybe the cyber look for the Balenciaga runway (right) would be interesting. After all, Halloween is our chance to try out different looks and have fun!
Another look I am loving is the royal military look found on the MacQueen (left) and the Lacroix haute couture runway (right). The structured uniform jackets and all the details are just so pretty!
Even more regally, there is the royalty look also found on the MacQueen runway. There is just something so regal and colonial about it. I'm not sure how one would achieve this look for Halloween, but an idea is a start right?
And lastly, there is the classic vamp look. There is the elaborate version from the Lacroix haute couture show (left), or for something simpler and easier, the black lace version from the Prada runway (right). In fact, with all the "lace" around, you can very easily achieve this look. All you need are fangs!

Image Source: Style.com


  1. I am gonna go as a vampire or a man. We'll see....

    juliet xxx

  2. Hey =) I really enjoy reading your posts and your reviews of collections and clothes...Is it alright if we exchange links? I just started mine awhile ago so hopefully it'll be as great as yours and harrods girl's one day =). hope to hear from you soon!

  3. Love your Vivienne Westwood quote at the beginning of the blog- great summary of what you're about! And I vote Lacroix for Halloween- genius gothic/vamp look.

  4. i like the vamp look for halloween.

  5. I am curious to see what everyone thinks about the costs of the labels, especially those halloween style dresses...how much would you pay? Is it worth it?



  6. I just wanna spray lil children who knock on my door :)

    I love the first dress is it plasic??

  7. Those are crazy!!


  8. Amazing is all I can say.

  9. Подружка / Подружка
    Полярный Экспресс / The Polar Express
    Полет На Луну / ПОЛЕТ НА ЛУНУ
    Полигон / Полигон
    История Одного Преступления / ИСТОРИЯ ОДНОГО ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЯ
    Про Сидорова Вову / Про Сидорова Вову
    Проделкин в Школе
    Сборник Мультфильмов - Простоквашино (1978-1984)
    Волшебная Птица / ВОЛШЕБНАЯ ПТИЦА
    Голубой Утенок / Queer Duck: The Movie
    Зодиак. Гонка Начинается / Zodiac: The Race Begins
    Барби и Дракон / Barbi as Rapunzel
    Рататуй / Ratatouille
    Кровавый чай и красная ниточка / Blood Tea and Red String
    Лис Ренар / Le Roman de Renart
    Аладдин 2 - Возвращение Джаффара / The Return Of Jafar
    Город Колдунов / Los Reyes Magos
    Ух Ты Говорящая Рыба / УХ ТЫ, ГОВОРЯЩАЯ РЫБА!
    Сборник Мультфильмов - Рики-Тики-Тави (1954-1987)
    Роботы / Robots
    Карлсон, Который Живет На Крыше / Karlsson pе taket / Karlsson On The Roof
    Волшебная Карусель / The Magic Roundabout
    Карапузы в Париже / Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - Rugrats II
    Карапузы Встречают Торнберри / Rugrats Go Wild!
    Сказка о Царе Салтане / Сказка о Царе Салтане
    Тайна Жителей Луны / Le Secret des selenites
    Синдбад - Легенда Семи Морей / Sinbad - Legend Of Thе Seven Seas
    Винни Пух - Фигуры и Размеры / Winnie the Pooh - Shapes and Sizes
    Акулья Приманка / Shark Bait

  10. Perfect design. Great Fashion.

  11. hair wefts factory

    Family and Child Counseling in Fremont CaIt's that time of the year again where we get to dress up in whatever crazy outfit we desire. And what better place than the runway to look for fun, creative, refreshing and fashionable ideas?
