October 28, 2008

Halloween on the Streets 2008

Runway inspiration is all good and well, but besides the Prada lace-y vamp look, the rest are not exactly easily achievable. So I did a more generic brainstorm and came up with this:

Has anyone seen that movie recently, "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People"? In it, Kirstin Dunst goes to a costume party and dresses up as a 20s flapper girl (though I think she had a specific flapper girl in mind since the theme was "Favourite Dead People"), looking awesome in a black bob, long cigarette, red lipsticks and slinky black dress.
That was when it clicked! I want to be a flapper girl this Halloween! It won't even be that hard. All I need to get is a black bob wig, a long cigarette holder and a black slinky dress and then put on pale foundation, smokey eyes and hot red lipsticks- viola, flapper girl!
I even know exactly which dress I'd buy too. This FCUK fringe dress is perfect. I can even wear it again for a night out (even though it is not exactly my usual style...)! But still, I love the idea that I won't be wasting too much money on a cheap looking costume I'd only get to wear once. I actually went into a real costume store my first time today and I must say, I was not impressed. The costume outfits for women typically look cheap and skanky. And I'm not about to fork out $50USD to look cheap and skanky.

I also looked at the fangs. I thought, worse case scenario, I can just dress in all black, wear pale foundation and red lipsticks and with the fangs, I can be a vampire. A nice easy Halloween costume. But then I looked at the packaging and got slightly weirded out. "Molding" plastic stuff into my mouth and in between my teeth- that is NOT prescribed by my orthodontist- just goes against my natural instincts. What if it screws up all the good work my orth spent many years achieving? I thought fangs were just stuck on... I guess not.

So in the end, I walked out with a black bob wig and a reaper rake. The bob because I've always wanted one and it'll go with the flapper look (though this one is not exactly my ideal one cause it has random silver streaks in it...but whatever) and grim reaper's rake, just because it's fun to wave around a reaper rake at people. I know, completely random. I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do with them....but I guess I'll figure it out in the next three days!

Image Source: Flapper Costumes
and ASOS


  1. Oooh...sounds absolutely delicious!
    Have fun wreaking reaper havoc.
    Perhaps you should go as a flapper-and carry that thing around all night, just for kicks.

  2. i say get a weave

    i like the slinky dress

  3. I think you should defitnetly go as a flapper

  4. The flapper is a great idea. Do that... I espcially enjoy that you like to wave reaper rakes at people!!

  5. If it's not broke - don't fix it, the flapper style works do go as that!

  6. I LOVE costumes that you can wear again (differently, of course), especially that dress! That's what I'm doing for halloween too...those American Apparel dresses are quite versatile!

  7. Agreed, you can't wrong with a flapper look-- I was thinking of doing a retro Betty Boop look-- but I'm running out of time--flapper may be a back up :) thanks!

  8. Grim Reaper Rake?

    The Grim Reaper carries a scythe not a rake

  9. Definetely go for the Flapper look.
    Love the blog! <3

  10. what a fun costume!!! that flapper dress is wonderful!

  11. I wanted to be a flapper girl this Halloween so bad! This one is so cute!

  12. ooh you shd post a pic of u in a flapper costume! (:

    btw i noticed that lauren from the hills wore the flapper costume twice already - last yr in black and white for this year if i'm not wrong.

  13. there is a black flapper dress exactly like that at h&m for only $25! i bought it even though halloween isnt for 3 months...

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  15. how nice is that. nice costume though.

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