Blazer Spring/Summer 2005 Trends
Blazers is another ESSENTIAL item of one girl's wardrobe. Blazers are the perfect outwear for many occasions, formal and informal. They make a girl look well-dressed, slim and way cool. So you might be thinking, blazers have trends? Yes they do! In fact, I only started noticing this fact this season, so I thought I must share this insight with you all.
This season, blazers are striped: striped by lines of the main color except of a lighter or darker hue, or white. Also, it seems like blue, preferably that particular hue which is lighter than navy blue, is THE color.
Starting with a down to earth selection, this blazer, with the nautical theme in mind, is by Lux from Urban Outfitters.
One of my favourites here by Free People from Urban Outfitters too. The grey hoodie attached at the back is a great way to look casual and layered without making yourself look puffy.
A more pricy blazer by Harveys sold at Notice that having only one button seems to be quite popular.
A special piece by Anthropologie. It is quite unique, although those with simple taste may not like it.
Pretty in pink stripes by Marc by Marc Jacobs to celebrate spring!
Oh, and I forgot to mention, blazers this season are also slightly shorter than before. So you can look cute and cool at the same time!
This season, blazers are striped: striped by lines of the main color except of a lighter or darker hue, or white. Also, it seems like blue, preferably that particular hue which is lighter than navy blue, is THE color.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, blazers this season are also slightly shorter than before. So you can look cute and cool at the same time!
I just got a white blazer that I love. I only think I got it a size too big *pout*. I thought it would shrink - duh me for only ever buying cotton and ending up with linen that doesn't shrink. These are all adorable.
I try and comment here and everyday but sometimes it just won't let me get in, maybe because of all the pictures it takes longer? I don't know. But the days I don't leave a comment, I just wanted to let you know I AM trying!! :) Hope you two are doing well and finding some space in your lives. You sure keep this blog up well even still and I commend you for that!
Aw. . . that is the sweetest comment and such an encouragement to us. Thanks! Just to let u know, we're back from our hols and are back in top form! Hm. . and thanks for telling us about this commenting problem, we weren't aware of it at all. Will look into this.
And I LOVE blazers. They make me look so much more sleek and chic and totally pulls the look together. And these ones are fab, I esp like the Lux one, will have to check it out next time I go to UO.
Yeah, commenting has been kind of crazy for the last few weeks. Many times I time out when trying to leave a comment on blogspot, so I just give up.
Anyway, I love the look of the blazers, but do you have any suggestions for the busty gal? If I get one that fits my chest, my waist is just swimming in extra fabric and I look boxy. They never nip the waists in far enough! I'm desperately trying to find a way to make the blazer thing work for me.
You gals a great!!! Blazers are my current favourite too. Love the blue one from Lux, can work for both casual and formal. Been meaning to get a pink blazer....shall go hunt around if i have time this weekend.
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You gals a great!!! Blazers are my current favourite too. Love the blue one from Lux, can work for both casual and formal. Been meaning to get a pink blazer....shall go hunt around if i have time this weekend.
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