The Overrated Juicy Tube
I know, the Lancome Juicy Tube has been around for AGES now. I was not enamored of it and had not been struck with an incredible need to own it unlike some people I know, when it first came out. But after so many raving reviews from everyone around me (both online and in real life) I finally gave into the urge and bought the new Juicy Tubes: Mood in Glamorous. My reason is either THAT or the prettiness of the tube and their new summer color ad. I'm not sure if they have it in the US, because I found this on the Lancome Japan site, so it might just be a Asia thing (like their Lancome Homme). Anyhow, its part of their Summer 2005 collection and it has a bit of a sweet cherry taste to it.
But anyway, I'm sure all Juicy Tubes are the same with slight variations. My verdict? I am not impressed. There is a little color, it gives my lips a bit of shine, is slightly less sticky then my Mac lipgloss and the slanted applicator idea is a stroke of marketing genius. I guess its good for everyday use. But overall its not all what everyone is making it out to be. I mean, I can definitely do without it and still be happy with my MAC clear lipglass.

Its just SO shiny and glossy! I adore it. Although it IS a bit sticky at times, but no ones perfect right?
I love Juicy Tubes! I use n°51 (Hot Framboise), a nice fucsia pink that becomes faboulous on lips! It is quite sticky, though, so I can't wear it when my hair is loose (otherwise it is just a mess, with the hair stuck to lips). In Italy your Juicy Tube is not sold: here the last products are these and this. I haven't tested them yet, but I think I will buy a Juicy Tube Chérie before the end of the summer. I checked the Lancome Japan site...There are so many products that I haven't ever seen!
Juicy tubes are okay but they don't really last that long I don't think. MAC clear lipglass is my fave and I wear it over everything for shine. THe secret to make it less sticky is to use slightly medicated chapstick under it and your lips are instantly smoother so it's not as sticky. *
I couldn't believe how much those darn juicy tubes cost! I thought of buying one but the price is exhorbitant! if I can buy a good pair of shoes for the same price, it's too expensive! although I have heard they're pretty good: but can they REALLY be 20 times better than the brand I've got? I didn't think so! lol. Btw, where did you get your MAC one from? MAC seems hard to find here in Australia!
The Lancome lipstick I have is sticky, but it lasts and has a beautiful glow.
@Rosie: oh, my god, how much is a Juicy Tube in Australia??? In Italy it is quite expensive (about 14 euros), but not as Dior, Chanel or Guerlain glosses, that are even more expensive! I do not know how much Mac gloss is, because here this brand is not really famous, so you can find it only in a few shops.
@Rosie: I looked 'cause I was curious and I couldn't find anywhere that would ship them to Australia! That's so weird?!
Superqueen: Your latest italian juicy tube packaging is SO cute and I dunt believe we have juicy lip pencils, what so special about them?
x*tina: Thanks SO much for the tip. I will definitely try that next time!
Rosie: Whoa how much is Juicy Tubes over there? Mine is like . . hm. . lemme convert. . $15USD? Anyway, last time i checked they had MAC at Grace Bros in Sydney, so they may have it at Grace Bros elsewhere too. But I found that their products were a bit behind from then rest of the world.
Rosie & any other Australians: There are quite a few MAC counters in Australia. Just go to the MAC website and look it up.
Apparently, Juicy Tubes come in three different types: Transparent shimmers, Pearly and semi-transparent and Pigmented.
The MAC cleargloss is probably great for making the lips shine. But perhaps the advantage of the Juicy Tube is that it has slight color and maybe some shimmer?
MAC is awesome. I love the Slurm (Mountain Dew- green lipglass) over lipsticks, it gives a nice tint and the color lasts forever.
Well, according to Lancome Italian web-site, 'Juicy Crayon' is a gloss in pencil-shape. The colour it leaves on lips is not trasparent but semi-opaque. You can use it single or before applying the Juicy gloss. I know it smells good, too...I don't think I'm going to test it, because I hate the make-up in pencils.
Hey, give "Superbalm" from Clinique a try... All the gloss you can imagine, no stickiness and no smell. And it's nourishing as well
hey, I have a post on the Superbalm here.
Juicy Tubes when I checked were AUST$60ish.. which is around 30 pounds? ISH?! I'm guessing here..
I would normally pay around $10 for like a body shop fruit one, which are really yummy tasting!
I think I have a MAC counter in my bathroom from all the products I buy from them. I agree the Lipglass can get sticky but it looks superfab over any lipstick. I still LOVE the Gold Lip Venom over plain lips for that natural shiny plump look with specks of gold.
@ Rosie: I live in Australia and they are only $40aud not $60!!! you can get them evrywhere!!! David Jones, Myer are the main places but smaller shops sell them too
Juicy Tubes r 2 cool. They smell great and you don't feel like puking after licking them. Just because many people checked the Japan site, you should know Lancome is a French company, so nothing (Including Juicy Tubes Mood) is an Asian only Thing. To see what's new check the french Lancome site.
For all you Tube lovers out there, I thought I would share some vital info - I purch my Juicy Tubes on ebay for under $20. Get online and place your bid now...I love the gloss, but couldn't bring myself to continue paying retail.
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MAC is awesome. I love the Slurm (Mountain Dew- green lipglass) over lipsticks, it gives a nice tint and the color lasts forever.
They smell great and you don't feel like puking after licking them. Just because many people checked the Japan site, you should know Lancome is a French company, so nothing (Including Juicy Tubes Mood) is an Asian only Thing.
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