My Favourite Editorials in 2005 I -Lily Story
It's almost the end of year, so I've decided to show you my three favourite fashion editorials published in 2005 in the next few days. After reading more fashion magazines this year (from ElleGirl and Teen Vogue to Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Glamour) than I have ever in my life, I've looked at a LOT of fashion spreads this year. It's a difficult choice but I managed to narrow my favourites down to three.
The first editorial is Lily Story from Vogue Italia Oct 2004 and shot by photographer, Stephane Sednaoui. (OK so I'm cheating and this editorial isn't from 2005, but it's so amazing I must show it!) I absolutely LOVE this shoot. Lily Donaldson looks like a perfect, REAL mannequin. If you didn't recognise Lily, then you wouldn't have guessed it was a human model! They even drew lines on her wrists to make her look like a mannequin! And the photography itself is amazing of course. Here it is: (sorry the images are so small.)

The first editorial is Lily Story from Vogue Italia Oct 2004 and shot by photographer, Stephane Sednaoui. (OK so I'm cheating and this editorial isn't from 2005, but it's so amazing I must show it!) I absolutely LOVE this shoot. Lily Donaldson looks like a perfect, REAL mannequin. If you didn't recognise Lily, then you wouldn't have guessed it was a human model! They even drew lines on her wrists to make her look like a mannequin! And the photography itself is amazing of course. Here it is: (sorry the images are so small.)

Wow it´s really kind of scary, but terrific good!
Thanks for this wonderful and awsome pictures!
The pics are amazing.
Wonderful editorial! The first time I saw it, I really thought that was a mannequin and not a real model!
That is sooo cool omg !!!
I know this is really late.
But could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post HQ pictures from this?
I love it. I love Lily. But I can't find this shoot anywhere!
That are fabulous pictures!!!! I have found another great fashion pictures with fall fashion trends and winter fashion trends...
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What was stated before about this model shot, is true that if you didn't know whom the model is you would of thought that they're just photos of a display figure. HATS OFF not only to the photographer, and make-up artist, but ALSO to the Model Ms. Lily Donaldson for going though what she did to make that thouse shots.
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