Accessories Trends For SS06: Stockings
In the Prada show, stockings start right above the knees and are worn kind of crumpled. The material is translucent and slighly shiny. The key is to match the black or grey stockings with white/ neautral-colored shifts. And of course, it is only in the world of Miuccia that it's ok to wear stockings with sandal platforms and still look so elegant.
In the Dolce & Gabbana show, stockings start mid-thighs. You can only see this in some outfits (where the shorts/ skirts are short enough to see.) I didn't actually notice this was a trend at Dolce until the new SS06 ads were released:
Btw, I heard many bad comments about this ad. I admit the 'lying on top of hay' concept isn't exactly what I pictured for this sophisticated season, but have you notice that everything in the background including hay is of neautral-colored? Talk about theme!
Oops, ran off the topic a bit. The question now are stockings going to become a main stream trend? The answer is: only if it's picked up by high street stores. But from experience, many Miuccia trends are so fashion-foward that most people don't actually pick it up, (or maybe Miuccia designs are just not slutty enough for the mass.)
am so glade that stocking are back i wear them all the time and am always mad fun of. hopefully this season i wont be
very sexy item of clothing, are stockings ;)
It's the same look as over-the-knee boots or leggings over jeans.
the ad reminds me of the girl in young frankenstien. 'would you like to go for a roll in the hay?" 'it is very fun' 'roll,roll,roll,roll,roll' -of course with a very heavy swedish accent. very innocent -yet slightly provacative.
anonymous.. i haven't seen the legging over jeans thing done. do you mean the cut-off leggings?
I think the D&G ads are brilliant. Extremely high style and with a very hard edge. As for stockings for spring/summer, come on. Who will wear them, esp with the tops showing? And no garter? That's what I see in these photos.
LOL at your last comment. Too true.
The leggings seems to cut off the body mid way which looks strange. Though the more mainstream things become the style tends to evolve into a more fluid and cuter look, so maybe that will happen here as well.
does anyone know where i can get the prada stockings online? apparently they're 55 quid but don't know where i can find them without going to london
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