Like yesterday's ANTM post, don't continue to read if you haven't watched or don't want to know about The OC's Season 3 Finale.
Three years ago, I first noticed the ads of The OC in a San Francisco mall. Usually, I wouldn’t have noticed such ads, but the blonde girl (Mischa Barton) in the ad was so stunning I couldn’t help notice the similar ad next to it (of Benjamin McKenzie.) The next thing I know, the teens of the US (and the world) were obsessed with Marissa and the lavish world of OC.

Not like Marissa dying was such a huge secret –Mischa Barton already confirmed the rumours on Wednesday’s Assess Hollywood with the statement, “It’s true, it’s true. My character dies.” She also adds:
“I think the show is moving in a new direction. This was a great opportunity for everyone. I was just really excited about giving everybody a good finale. You know, they needed a big season finale at the end of this year and we've had three great years and my character has been through so, so much and there's really nothing more left for her to do. So I hope this fulfills everything that the fans want and everything that the people wanted for our characters."
What Misha said has a point. Marissa has been through a lot of crazy and somewhat dumb relationships and plotlines:
First there was Luke, the preppy jock turned gay dude.
Then there was the mega psycho, Oliver.

Then there was Marissa’s lesbian phase with Alex.
And if you thought Marissa has learnt her lesson not to mix with obsessive guys (Oliver,) she manages to get semi-involved with crazy, emotional surfer Johnny.
Lastly, there was the totally messed up loser, Volchok, who ends up killing Marissa.
And of course, the only relationship that made sense, Marissa and Ryan. I thought they were such a great couple and still think it was unconvincing when they decided to break up sometime in the middle of Season 3.
I think the saddest thing is that there will no longer be the Core Four. Poor Summer -what is she going to do without her best friend?
Still, I can’t believe they just killed Marissa off. I know Mischa wanted out, but couldn’t they just have let Marissa sail around the world with her dad next season?
Next season, Kaitlin will supposedly rule Harbor. I don’t get why the producers want to hang onto high school instead of letting the young cast move onto college, but Kaitlin should be interesting.
To me, the fashion in The OC was always more fabulous than the plot. So my only question is, who is going ot replace Mischa as the model of cool, trendy fashion on TV? I miss Coop already!