August 03, 2008

A Crazy Hat

The other day I was walking around Bloomies when I spotted a stack of random hats on sale. Being on sale the selection obviously wasn't that stellar. It was all really rather old ladylike and odd. But inspired by HG's hat post, I decided to play around and try them on anyway- just to see how outrageous I'd look.
Surprisingly during the process, I got attached to one hat in particular: a black felt wide rimmed hat with a simple black patent belt wrapped around it with a discrete bow (above). It was just so ladylike and simple. And at that moment, I thought it actually looked quite good on me!
It reminded me of the women in those (60s?) posters wearing a big black hat, looking really elegant and ladylike (a bit like the poster above). And I'm nothing if not a sucker for ladylike looking things. Encouraged by the saleslady who claimed she got one too and by the fact that after an additional 50% off, it was only $5, I bought it and wore it for the rest of the day just to prove my friend, who told me that I'd never wear such a crazy hat, wrong. A good thing too, since I ended up going to a golfing range that day and it proved to be a very good defense against the sun. I thought it was really cool and ladylike. The rest of my friends hated it though and thought I looked witch like.
On the other hand though, it gives me hat hair, so I'd look really weird going indoors with it, but since it is felt, I can't very well wear it to the beach. So where would I wear it to? And the other problem is what would I WEAR it with? If I wear it with jeans and tank top, I'd look like I just picked it up off the sales rack to try on (which I guess I did). But if I were it with something equally somber and ladylike to match the hat, I'd look like I was going to a funeral.
I considered wearing it with my American Apparel black dress (above shown in Raspberry), because it is simple but the cutting is still rather casual and young....... but the too black thing comes to mind. Maybe I should just get that dress in this Raspberry color.........or maybe some accessories? Decorate the hat with a brooch or a colored bow? Suggestions on how to carry this off?

I know, most of you probably think it's a really crazy old lady hat and cannot fathom why I'd buy it in the first place. I guess I just cannot resist a bargain (it used to be $70). Maybe I'll just save it for Halloween! :P

Image Source: Hat-a-tude and American Apparel


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i could see it with a plain white tank top and jeans plus a small black vest/waistcoat.

8/04/2008 12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's perfectly fine to wear with all black, like that dress you mentioned, or some other dark colours. I think you should look at what was worn with the hats when they were first popular, see the Prada clothes with lace for inspiration. Wear the hat with a suit, a retro swimsuit (it's fine to wear to the beach), something with a collared shirt or a blazer, try a shirtdress or even a simple wrap dress. Really, think of Samantha from Sex and the City and anything pinup from the forties and fifties. Remember,charcoal and other dark colours will go well with it. Don't focus on youthful clothes, focus on clothes that go with the hat that look good on you, then keep your makeup fresh as well as your hair, or you could go for red lipstick, a coiffed perm, and dramatic eyes. Whatever's you. Don't worry too much about youthful clothes though, your youth should show through. (Remember Prada.) Also, sweaters will go well with it. Try adding heels, it hust seems like the type of hat that demands heels.

8/04/2008 2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hat looks ghastly. Even if it only costs a penny, I still wouldn't buy it if I were you. Why spend money on something that takes so much brainpower to wear AND gives you hat hair? I find it extremely impolite when people don't take off their hats/caps when they go indoors.

8/04/2008 9:47 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I see mod clothes with this personally. I don't think it's a bad hat.

And it's not impolite for a woman to wear a hat indoors. It is only impolite for a man to wear a hat indoors. That's the way it's always been.

8/04/2008 11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm thinking a floral print dress with some volume to dilute the severity of the hat with a lot of femininity. then you could go with your idea of embellishing it to tie it together. i'm thinking perhaps a black and white print? but something with a waist and full skirt for balance. it's worth a try.

8/05/2008 12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it! The fact that some people didn't like it just makes it that much more unique. A hat best suited for Fall, I think. Wear it with a pea coat and uxuriously-wrapped scarf/pashmina. I'm also thinking to draw inspiration from Serena van der Woodsen's felt hat that she wore at the beginning of season 1, in that one scene where she and Blair patch things up (rainy, grey, cold, sitting on the ground in a park).

8/05/2008 3:18 AM  
Blogger Amelia said...

I think it's great! People don't wear hats often enough anymore. They used to be so essential to style.
I have a big floppy black one, and I actually wore it to the pool. It protected me from the sun, and looked fab with big shades and a black swim suit!

8/05/2008 5:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The big brimmed hat is more 50's-into-60's than 60's. Also, at $5, it's a good addition to the wardrobe, despite what other people are saying.

To make it seem less...unmanagable, try flipping part of the brim up in the front to give it a more dynamic shape and help keep it out of your face.

8/05/2008 9:44 AM  
Blogger L. said...

Dare to wear it! I just bought a 40's pillbox hat on impulse, and even though a lot of my friends think I look ridiculous, I feel confident and cool. And that's what counts.

8/05/2008 6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would pair the hat with a pair of jeans from House De Lux since the hat is simple, and the jeans could sort of dress it up.

8/05/2008 10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you love the 60s hats look, watch My Fair Lady! The one staring Audrey Hepburn.
There's this absolutely decadent scene where Eliza is at the horse tracks wearing a fabulous hat. Not really wearable, but just so glamourously stylized. Anyway, I highly recommend the movie :)

8/06/2008 9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the fact you gave the hat a chance even for $5. I have had a love and passion for hats all my life and as an up and coming fashion - hat designer and I am launching my first hot style later this fall. You can check out for now because our website is currently being designed and should be up shortly. I have four more styles that will be out in 2009. Check back for the hats and you can also buy online. Each hat comes with its own satin draw string bag so you can store it and travel with it. I am certain you will love these hats and want to collect them all. Peace out.

8/07/2008 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8/07/2008 10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldnt wear with this particular american apparel dress
mybe ou should try the more skin tight one.
or wear their high waisted skist with a silk chiffon blouse tucked in

8/26/2008 1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11/05/2009 2:08 PM  

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