Gossip Girl, Last Season?
It's a bit of a late rant, but I've had it on my mind for a looong time now and I simply must just get it out of my system. Remeber the episode this season when they went to visit Yale?
Speaking of which, it reminds me of the second episode of this season (which aired in September) when Blair was coming back from the Hamptons with "the lord." She was in THE orange Marc by Marc Jacobs dress of SS08, which is so completely recognizable I was surprised they chose this dress at all. I'm sure a LOT of thought was put into their outfits by a hoard of stylist, so I don't know what they were thinking.

Serena had on this pink and white striped blazer that is just absolutely gorgeous. The design is classic and preppy, while the color and stripes is pretty and flirty. And I REALLY wanted it. Like seriously. I immediately went online and looked up Gossip Girl websites trying to figure out where I can get myself one of those (which frankly, is not one of my fortes). Finally, I found it labelled as a Ralph Lauren blazer. Doh! I should've known. It is so obvious now, I wonder why I spent so much time searching for it to begin with.
Of course, I then hurried onto the Ralph Lauren website, crossing my fingers that it'll be from the RL label that is within my price range- and I couldn't find it! Not deterred, I told myself I'll stop by the RL store next time and ask if the sales person has it. Before I got myself there though, I showed it to my cousin who is positvely a RL expert and he told me that it was a blazer from last season. You have no idea how disapopinted I was (AM!). WHY would they style the characters of such a hot TV series in last seasons clothes? It doesn't make sense. Isn't the whole point of such publicity for labels is to convince viewers to buy these clothes? How did they think we can buy it when it's not even available?

Because it has been publicized as such a stylish and trendy hot TV series (which I LOVE), I expect to see the latest fashions and style. I was sorely disappointed in these two instances. I am sure there are lots of other instances I haven't caught yet. Maybe the sponsors are getting cheap. Or am I expecting too much?
fantastic point.
Probably the episodes were shot during last season (and not aired until later on) so that's why the clothing might be from last season too..
being last season doesn't make it any less stylish.i don't think the stylists should necessarily overlook clothes that are from a season or 2 ago just because they're no longer "in fashion" (which by your narrow definition has to come from the current season)..
I think they just wear whatever looks good on the them! But, as a viewer, I guess it does suck if you can't buy the clothes and you want to.
i simply cannot understand the disdain for clothes being "so last season." jeez, if people felt this way all the time beautiful vintage pieces would be completely disregarded, which would be an outrage!
the show doesnt serve the purpose of showing off clothes that you can go buy after the episode airs. its for entertainment, its not primarily a fashion show! what matters more is that the clothes look GOOD and they help develop the character.
its disappointing, yes, when you try to find it online (in reference to the RL blazer) and its last season, but perhaps if you were more of a fashionista, you'd be finding it before it was on such a mainstream show as gossip girl?
also, the clothes do not have to be obscure for them to be exciting. the marc jacobs dress is gorgeous and very blair-esque.
personally i think you're expected a bit too much, but that's just me.
well, they shoot this season's episodes at least half a year prior to when they're aired so that's probably why they can't style their characters with the "latest" clothes.
nevertheless, i love their clothes. esp blair's <3<3<3
Note that "Yale" was actually Columbia. Fun fact of the day!
i agree with mimi. i would even go as far as to say that i appreciate the fact that these stylists would use beautiful pieces with out any prejudice like, "that's from last season". it reminds me of the good old days of SATC series when such wonderful pieces, whether unknown vintage pieces or highly publicized ones, were all incorporated to make an amazing cast wardrobe.
You might just be being a tad bit overdramatic. The fact that they ARE using last seaon clothes on a trendy show, I think, is actually kind of "ground breaking" and going against the stereotypes. Plus we all know Serena is a Kate Moss type who doesn't care if it was twenty years ago or last season.
Btw, the title had me scared. I thought you going to write about GG possibly being axed! With Listpick Jungle already being axed, I can't afford to lose another of my favorite fashion shows!
I agree with you! It is anachronistic to use recognizable pieces that are not up-to-date. If anything they should be ahead of the curve, not behind it.
I also think her shirt is WAY TOO LOW.
Hi Girls!
Thanks for the comments! Well, I'm not trying to say that "last season's" clothes are not stylish, because I still wear clothes going way back(right when I stopped growing).
I guess what I AM trying to say is that Gossip Girls are not supposed to be mere mortals, and I expect them to be ahead of the curve- especially since they are such a hot show, sponsors should give them not-in-store yet fashions for publicity. i.e. in the Yale episode, the Coach peep toe booties that B was wearing just hit the stores when the episode aired.
And yes, S's shirt is WAY too low- especially for a college interview!!
Lots of Love,
I think it's ridiculous that you would say you are disappointed. You obviously liked the blazer - so what does it matter, if it's last season? A blazer like that is timeless. I understand your admiration for clothes, I have it also. However, I don't think last season blazers are something to write rants about. They look good, what does it matter?
anon 1.02: I think she's ranting about the fact that she can't get it anymore, because it's last season's
Being a stylist on a show like this isn't just about highlighting the current trends and finding new things, but instead to style the mold of each character. The last season RL blazer is perfect for Serena's character mold, especially the way it was styled and the scenes in which it was worn. I know that it is distressing to see this and know that it's this season v. last season or super-prominent v. totally new and exciting, but stylists for TV shows, especially like this have a whole repertoire to choose from, and you should know and respect that. I'm sure Pat Fields never always had the SATC girls in current stuff; it's all about character development.
The designers aren't just trying to sell THE exact blazer/outfit a character is wearing. It's basic brand promotion in general.
Also, it's "horde" not "hoard"...
Ugh. The outfit they shoved Serena in last episode (the thanksgiving episode) was so awful. She looked so uncomfortable and it was so unflattering.
i completely see your point about gossip girl and last season's clothes. they just don't seem to go together, do they? but i think all the characters look fantastic, anyway! and it was probably styled, as someone pointed out, before they were even on the market
hey retard they shoot the episodes months in advance plus they need to get ready for the filming. As a result, the wardrobe department has to get their hands on the fashion way beforehand. Think before you rant
Everyone pretty much hit the nail on the head. Honestly, you don't have to get that EXACT blazer. Who even said it would look good on you once you found it? If you're looking to GG instead of the runways for what to buy, how can you be writing a blog about fashion? Really now?
And the scene with Blair and Serena happens before they start school, before fall begins, so why would Blair be wearing FW08 clothes in the late summer heat? Of course she would be wearing SS08. Did you forget that the other "S" in "SS" stand for "Summer?"
Ugh, come the fuck on. If this shit can get you this riled up for you to write a rant...haha, wow.
Wow everyone's a little harsh.
Yeah you were expecting a little much but at the same time I think that expecting them to be more than mere mortals is fine as stylists should usually have access to clothes that have not been released yet.
However, for this particular scene, perhaps this jacket was the best they had and to be honest, it fit perfectly. I think that they do want to use the latest things they can with their sponsors but at the same time, have to tailor their choices to the characters and the scenes that they are in.
I know what u r saying!
but I still love that blazer!!
As much as I agree, I think that Serena's (sorry if I spell her name wrong) character isn't one to stress over whether or not it her blazer is this season's or last. I think that if it was on Blair, it'd be different because Blair is more in touch with the hottest and latest trends, not to say that Serena doesn't follow trends as much. It just seems that Serena is more into looking better than stressing wether or not it's this season's or not.
They need to be ahead of the curve but they also need to appeal to their viewers right now. If you liked the blazer so much that you looked for it, it seems to me that they are doing the right thing by choosing items that are actually cute instead of choosing them just because they are from the latest collections of must-have designers.
i think that fashion Tv shows are not something used to sale a piece of clothe, but a designer. It's more than this season or last season, it's style. So, even if they sponsor the show, that doesn't mean that they want to sale that clothe in particular, it's a bigger connection, it relates to the brand. For instance, what are they tryin' to say with this blazer from last season in Serena?"buy RL blazers and get more like her"... so, it's not really about the piece she's wearing really...
and, as a fashion TV show, like SATC, the crew behind the wardrobe expects to show style with this season, last season and vintage wear from a long time ago and how to mix everything and be so in. The blazer is an example, it's last season and it's timeless.
You (both) have the worst writing/grammar/spelling. In all your posts.
Hey! I lovelovelove this blog, and I was wondering if you'd heard of neongypsy.blogspot.com? It's another blog...I think it just started but it looks like it might have some interesting stuff on there...eco-friendly and "ethical" fashion. Thought you might want to check it out, keep up the good work!
Woah, well that was one huge pile of harshness in all the comments on this post, how come no one picked up that BG just wanted the freakin blazer, if I wanted it that much, I'd be upset too. And you grammar Nazi's (sorry did I spell anything here wrong? I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T REALLY CARE STFU) pay more attention to the content and be nice about pointing out grammatical mistakes if you must.
Here's an interesting take:http://evidentlyeverywhere.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/yuans-in-yuans-out-2/
So many mean-spirited comments... I hope they don't get to you, BG.
Anyway, now that having seen the RL blazer on the show gave you ideas about how to wear such a blazer, you can look for a similar one elsewhere. You don't have to get the exact items, but you can replicate the look. If they hadn't used to blazer, you wouldn't have seen it, and wouldn't have it. Now you have seen it, still don't have it, but at least you're inspired.
I think your spot on. Love this garment to bits and wish I could find a place to buy it
Tried Asos but can't find
love love LOVE the blazer. but yeah, that shirt's way too low. and everyone who has been through the college admissions process at Yale knows they only interview people they're on the fence about and they do so by sending an ex-alum to the candidate's residence. not very accurate, GG!
and yale's just a safety school if you get into harvard. ps- we won the H-Y football game this past weekend! go crimson! :)
I live for their fashion. I see a lot of similar items at h&M and sweet16finds.com - finds for $16.
exactly.. it doesn't have to be the latest season to be fashionable. uhh look at sex and the city.. some of their stuff weren't always from the latest season
Gossip Girl has really made their mark with the gorgeous styling! Did you see the masquerade episode, when they were all in those amazing gowns?
a great celebrity reference for style is celebritystyleguide.com
I work for RL. The blazer was sold out very quickly even though the price was a little over $8,000.
My question would be how did you figure out it was RL - merely fashion knowledge or is there another way.
Does anyone know if the stylist can disclose where the clothing is coming from before the show is aired?
I can’t believe I found this blog! I was just thinking the other day how much I liked what the people in gossip girl wore. I don’t think what they wear in the series is last season; I think it’s very unique and different. Maybe it is last season because it was taped before, but at the time Gossip Girl was recorded the clothes they wore were most likely in season. And so what if the clothes were last season? I don’t think that matters at all. It doesn’t mean it’s less stylish; they can wear whatever they feel comfortable with. Just cause the Ralph Lauren blazer is last season doesn’t mean that you can’t wear it anymore. You should have enough personality that if you like it you should wear it. And if someone comes to you and says its last season, who cares? You can wear whatever you want. I also have a fashion blog that I express all my thoughts about fashion, if you want to check it out go to: http://home.acs.sch.ae/users/MonicaMartindeBustamante/weblog/95a70/
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yea but it still looks great on them!
Did you ever think that maybe the episodes were shot "last season"? That maybe they were up-to-date when the scenes were shot?
Also, Serena's style in Season 3 is horrendous! She went from casual-gorgeous to...to... shoulder pads! I mean, wow! Way to "bring back the 80s" in a very bad way.
Amanda <3
nice pants and boots serena.
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