September 01, 2006

Slider Phones

Having had the same Nokia 6100 for 3 years, I've been on the lookout for a new phone for a while.

Over the years, all my phones have looked remarkably alike, the Nokia 6100, the Nokia 8250 and this other Nokia one so old that I don't even remember the model of. But it looks like the third one shown- except more squarish. They're all basically just upgraded versions of each other. So this time, I was determined to look for something different.

Hence I turned my attention to sliders, because they just look so sleek and cool. Plus, sliding is just fun! Naturally I was drawn to the ever stylish LG Chocolate and the Samsung E900, with their super sleek form and cool sensor buttons.

But alas, my strong sense of brand loyalty to Nokia (in case you haven't notice) wouldn't let me buy anything else but Nokia. I mean, what if those flimsy things from Samsung and LG breaks on me after a year? My Nokias have never broken on me before- while the Samsung flip one T Mobile gave me when I opened my mobile phone is already dying after one year! (Incidently does anyone know whether they're supposed to give me a new phone when I resign my contract each year?)

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Anyway, deciding to get a 3G just in case I should ever find myself in Japan/Korea or that T Mobile suddenly decides to gift me with the free use of the internet and video conversations at the price of a phone call, I was basically left with two choices: the new N80 or the 6250 (or whatever else you call it in your country). While the N80 is the newest, whatever extra function they added has made it thick and bulky- not pretty. And who needs something mega expensive and not pretty? So in the end (after all this thought process) I finally settled on 6250 because of its function and sleek appearance (although I would prefer it even slimmer).


Blogger Frapp said...

I only ever go for flip phones. You drop a flip phone? Maybe the outside will scratch, worst case scenario the front screen smashes. You drop one with just the one screen? You're screwed, wrost case scenario the whole thing falls apart and never works again. And I'm dedicated to Samsung, though that may be about to change as I have noticed that they have a tendancy to decide they won't turn themselves on for a couple of hours for no reason whatsoever.

8/31/2006 7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're totally right about Samsung. I was a Nokia "loyalist" like you for a long time, then decided to try a Samsung slider 'cause they were just so cute and tiny and handy! But my phone is giving up on me after less than 2 years! Some of keys don't work anymore and I have to think up creative ways to get around them. Am now thinking of going back to Nokia and am seriously eyeing the 6131 model. It's a small clam-shell type phone... check it out.

9/01/2006 12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the LG chocolate is much more cooler, the Nokia is much more thicker and very heavy and doesn't look as good as the LG one... LG white colour is coming to town...

9/01/2006 12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have only had nokia phones, and i love them. they go through so much trauma (being dropped on concrete, in puddles, at walls, etc.) but they never stop working. i have a 6101 flip at the moment, but those sliders look so interesting. i may have to check out the t-mobile site now and maybe get one of those.

9/01/2006 4:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/01/2006 4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just got a Sony Ericsson W810i and it is amazing - all the notmal features, plus a camera with good enough quality to get them developed, you can load them in the phone mem or on a mem stick to take and get developed, a radio function, plus i can put my music aon it so i dont have to get an ipod anymore! It is my everything all in on, which is good cuz i am a girl on the go!! I love it!

9/01/2006 4:25 AM  
Blogger Geisha said...

ooooohhh... I have had two nokias and they both came out fabulous- going through a bunch of drama and still working. I wanted to try something new, so I got the light pink razr (I have it now) and it is the best!!! The network is very good too- it is a very good phone!!!

9/01/2006 5:54 AM  
Blogger Michele said...

I'm with you. I can not WAIT to get a slider phone... love them!

9/01/2006 5:59 AM  
Blogger victoriaying said...

ahh...lovely choices. I havent had a nokia in years, but my recent choices in phones is leading me back to them. I currently have a motorola pebl, which worked beautifully, but had the worst interface ever designed. Before that I had a samsung whose firmware problem made it so the screen began to fade

9/01/2006 8:05 AM  
Blogger pj said...

sony ericson is the best, try w800i

9/01/2006 8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls, stay away from the Chocolate, it has serious usability issues.

BTW, Verizon will give you a new phone after two years. I'm sure T-Mobile has a similar "loyalty" program

Mr. Ubercool

9/01/2006 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right now I'm crushing on the Nokia 8801. It's a beautiful stainless steel slider phone with a bulletproof (or something like that) screen. The sales guy demonstrated it for me by continuously striking the screen with his car keys. Not a single scratch! Kind of heavy, though.

9/01/2006 11:27 AM  
Blogger ENID P. said...

My vote goes for the LG chocolate.

9/01/2006 1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

neat topic. i just got a nokia 6103 a few days ago.. but it's got lcd issues so i'm returning it for a new one. it's strange that people are posting that nokias are sturdier, since my bf tells me that he had build quality issues with all the nokias he's ever owned.
p.s. t-mobile does give u a new phone after your contract expires if your plan price exceeds a certain amount ($49.99 on family, not sure what it is on a single line).

9/01/2006 4:10 PM  
Blogger Evangeline said...

Awwww man...not another Nokia >_<
It's true that nokias last for ages, but think about phones the same way you think about fashion - do you seriously want to carry around the same phone with you for so many years?!

Mobile technology develops at a rapid pace, and there are always smaller sleeker phones with better features!!

I got the Sony Ericsson K800i (3g). SE is regarded to have one of the best interfaces around (it's like MacOSX vs. Windows XP) and is extremely intuitive. SE has really improved its interface over the last few years. Not to mention it has one of the best cameras on the market (3.2MP). With that one hardly needs to carry a camera around anymore...certainly worth it for any perceived extra bulk.

Last but not least even though it is a candybar phone it does have a very sleek and businessy look :]

But I guess it's too late since you've already got your Nokia! >_<

9/01/2006 9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're choosing within the non-colored screen range

I do recommend Nokia 1100. It's thin, very handy, has a flashlight which is very useful at times. Battery life lasts a week if you're not a heavy user. Simple functions, won't confuse you with so many buttons.

It's up for practicality.

And It's quite durable since I dropped mine so many times already and it hasn't died on me yet. Been with me for a year and still using it.

9/01/2006 11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those Finnish people sure know how to make a good phone!!!

9/02/2006 3:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a diehard Nokia supporter but my flipphone was getting really oldschool when my parents surprised me with a magenta Motorola Razr V3 for last year of highschool and it was love at first sight!

9/02/2006 11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always had nokia phones too, and they are very reliable but Ive just got a LG chocolate just looks more stylish.x

9/02/2006 6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the samsung sliiiider, SGH-D520 (or 580)? EEEK. I love it!

9/03/2006 1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with this column, but mostly I just wanted to post you a fan e-mail. At age 36 and being and American I may not be your target demographic (I am also sort of not wealthy) but I am addicted to your site nonetheless. I subsribed to your blog because Yahoo offers it as a home page choice, and I am a wanna-be fashionista. Though I don't agree with all of your opinions (I like Project Runway), I thank you for writing the blog. It helps me form my fashion opinions one way or another. And I LOVE the home page's new look! Keep up the good work.--G.G.

P.S. I know what you mean about T-Mobile's spotty service. They're not so hot this side of the pond either.

9/03/2006 8:24 AM  
Blogger MarshaBST said...

Go for the blackberry!! It's an all purpose phone and you can even post and approve comments for your site. I love small phones, so I was a bit intimidated by the size, but you get use to it. It's worth the money.

9/04/2006 4:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the Samsung D820E, which is not available in the US market (I bought it from Hong Kong). The 900 model is out and it looks sweet. I love my phone - light, huge screen, and still small, and fits perfectly into my Prada cell phone case :)

9/05/2006 11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a friend of mine had the choclate and he told me it was one of the hardest phones to use and the screen gave out fast.

9/06/2006 1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just got a samsung d807 from Cingular and it is amazing. it looks awesome and the features are great. the screen is huge and it has a pretty good camera. u should get the samsung one. i havn't dropped it so i dont know if its durable but im not that clumsy so...

9/15/2006 11:04 AM  
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