The other day the topic of leg warmers came up.
After watching her look for leg warmers all season, she told me the other day that she's finally bought one- except she hasn't worn them out yet because she felt that the reality of legwarmers didn't quite match her expectations. They looked much cooler in the pictures, mannequinns and in her imagination (above: American Apparel).
So how well do these legwarmers, originally designed for ballerinas to warm up with before they practice so they won't injure their muscles (I just found this out today!) translate in reality? Lets explore the ways they are worn. Over at Urban Outfitters, they are shown worn with pumps over skinny jeans and stockings (leggings?).
And at Sock Dreams, they are shown worn with pumps (with short skirt?) and with cute flats (also with short skirts/shorts?). I think that legwarmers look rather cute with short skirts/shorts as shown here, but when it is over skinny jeans, that is just a bit too much. I know it adds interesting detail, but in this case I think it actually cuts the leg up and if you are not super skinny model tall, this will make you look short. The additional detail just weighs you down. I am half half with legwarmer over tights, as with really really simple outfits I think it may work as interesting layering. But at the end of the day, I believe that less is more. Has anyone else tried this look before? Thoughts on making it work?
Oh and here is a random side thought. These stirrup stockings from American Apparel looks really cool. But in reality, HOW does one wear them? And what differentiates them with footless tights or full on stockings? What does it achieve?
Image Source: American Apparel, Urban Outfitters and Sock Dreams

Image Source: American Apparel, Urban Outfitters and Sock Dreams
check out this link:
I think those stirrup stockings are made to be worn similarly to the socks rihanna wearing here. If you use your regular leggings extra long like this, chances are the soles will get all old and baggy, so maybe the holes on the soles are for that reason?
anyways, I too like the look of black or charcoal legwarmers with short skirts, but on bare legs only. wearing them with jeans or tights is just too 80's for my taste. I really like the way Rihanna is wearing them on that link.
It's nice to know that cold weather, and leg warmers have their fashion side too. However, I am already thinking about the warmer weather and the t-shirt queen and all that. In fact the I Love Harlem tv show was just the start. Now we have the new apollo theater line at iloveharlem.net
Oh, and the tv show is at blip.tv/file/576910, where you can see the t-shirt queen and her gang and models.
The idea behind stirrups is once again tied to dancers. Basically some people prefer not to dance with shoes (think modern/lyrical dancers) because it's easier to "feel the floor" and manage leaps, turns, etc. without slipping all over the place. This gives them the aesthetic of tights without the inconvenience of having to wear shoes in order to grip the floor.
they might also be good for ballerinas. i booked myself into a few basic and contemporary ballet classes the other day and the girl on the phone said "oh no, you won't need special shoes, the class is done barefoot anyway." ever since, i've been wondering what to wear (leggings probably) if i want to keep doing them for longer - but these stirrup tights sound like a good idea too!
From a fitness standpoint, the leg warmers do warm up the muscles. Remember Flashdance with Jennifer Beal? Add the off-the-shoulder sweatshirt and the soundtrack to "Maniac" and you won't care what you look like.
They're ok for now. I think in a year or two you wont see anyone wearing 'em.
<3 Knikki
I used to wear them when I was like 8 or something. But I wouldn't wear them now..I find it looks a bit odd :p
Your blog is so nice <3
i heard the reason for the stirrups leggings in fashion and its difference from the regular footless leggings is because the stirrups make your legs look longer.
it's reasonable, because the stirrups extend to your actual feet, whereas the footless leggings just stop right at the calves.
i do wear the stirrups leggings with flats and a long shirt and my legs did indeed look really long and thin!
I did the leg warmer a few years ago. Personally, I now think they just make people look awfully stubby and add extra weight to the bottom of the leg. Aren't legs supposed to look long and elegant? I do get the stirrup thing though. I used to wear my leggings tucked below my heal because they'd make my legs look longer. The stirrup just makes it easier!
That's coincidental -- I just made a post related to legwarmers myself @ http://misscouturable.blogspot.com/2008/01/visions-of-sugar-plums-still-dancing-in.html!
I prefer the legwarmers made by Jenjoy Designs (you can read a little about the label on my blog entry) though -- it's probably the bows that drew me in.
I've had bad experiences with girls at school wearing sweater legwarmers with Abercrombie flip flops and denim minis to school -- it just wasn't the dancer-inspired look that I find to be appropriate for legwarmers.
I honestly think the whole Prada-esque footless-sock thing is much more flattering than legwarmers which don't look that good on me, a slimmer line, etc.
I think legwarmers look great with a dress and tights or peeking out from under boots. And I'd treat stirrup tights just like regular ones but hipper... they look awesome with high heels and a slimmer-cut skirt.
the closer the look is to the orginal ballerina look the better they look.
juliet xxx
the weather here is not so cold that we need legwarmers, but I think they're so cute, specialy on young girls.
Asians wear stirrups all the time. I rarely see asian girls not wearing stirrups. Usually they are worn with pumps or maryjanes and a dress or skirt. just check trendyoutfitter.com
I love the stirrup stockings. i think they go very well with this seasons styles. and when wearing a pair of classic heels they make your legs look longer. which is always good for us height challenged people.
i dont really care for the legwarmers thing. I feel like people are trying soo hard to make them happen, it might be time to just let go
first thing i thought of when i saw the stirrup legwarmers is that you can wear them with peep-toe shoes!
Legwarmers have always appeared a bit childish and silly to me. I can't imagine any chic dresser would dain to wear them.
Maybe the tights are for heels? Although peep-toes specifically would make more sense, like Anonymous said.
im not so sure about the legwarmers, i never was a fan. im partial to thigh high socks, because they keep my feet warm as well as my legs. haha.
i like the stirrup leggings though.
The only way I wear legwarmers (and I only have one pair - I prefer thigh high socks) is over leggings and with boots, creating a layered look, and the legwarmers/socks being pulled up over the knee and below the dress/skirt line. The only colors I have are black and gray (or a combination thereof), but I think a good color pop would be fun on someone much younger than me! :)
u do not know how much i love legwarmers and tights i wear them everywhere like to school during warmer winter days over my uniform..
The stirrup tights seem like they might work for peep toe pumps as long as your heel doesn't show.
I wear legwarmers to do just what the name says. Warm my legs ....under my work clothes(formal pants). Works for me b'coz I have to walk 20 mins in the cold
I have been wearing leg warmers all winter. I believie leg warmers flatter your legs. Try the trend look by wearing them peeking out of knee high flats or over bright tights with killer heels. Have a look at these ones that I have found www.discoo.co.uk
Leg warmers are one of the most important basics in my closet. I own them in any style and color. It´s the first time that I find a place to speak out: LEG WARMERS ARE COOL!!!
I love to wear legwarmers! However, I only wear them with my flat knee-high boots over leggings or tights, so they end up looking more like thick socks. I found wearing legwarmers makes my knee-high boots fit better as I have very thin calves.
Leg warmers..gah! They have been so in lately but no one knows why. My mother loves wearing them but for me they just enhance parts of my body i don't want noticed.....that is all
legwarmers have been "in" in london for ages... well they don't seem new to me, maybe everyone between the ages of 15-24 is wearing them. i have the american apparel stirrup tights. i like to show off my bare toes so i wore them with mary jane heels, the tights stop just underneath where the ties are so the top of your foot and toes are bare. it's a cool contrast. i would imagine they also look good with legwarmers and ballet flats. but they look cool anyway cos they're shiny and not just basic boring tights.
footless tights look cool with flats or thongs.
I love the stirrup type tights. Also love the shiny finish. Check out one of the best ebay vintage sellers at http://myworld.ebay.com/indiecultvintage for some great examples.
As M. said, I've seen some awesome winter looks pulled off with the legwarmers when they're under a funky pair of flat boots and pulled up to the knees - only best done with shorts or a shorter skirt.
And stirrup stockings are fantastic! I love them with heels, means that my feet don't sweat as much, and they're cool with flats as well.
i heart leg warmers! i have cream knit ones from back when i was a weeone and just bought some brown ones from american apparal, i wear them over skinny jeans and overtop my hightop converse. i think they look dope.
and really, fashion is about YOUR own style, not someone elses! do what you want!
They look fantastically daring and cute, and they're what ballerinas wear in the winter.
Didn't the ultimate 70's or 80's aerobic dance outfit HAVE to include legwarmers?
These are great now for the Babies, need a lot of gifts with all that love and when a new Baby comes they will need "BabyLegs" another cool or warm gift, depending on how you think about it. they are Baby BellasApril’s product of the month! But they are available all the time. Check them out they really are nice
Indiecultvintage is a total scammer:
check out
Here is the link:
She is also currently being investigate by the authorities for mail and internet fraud!!
I found this great pic of Gwen Stefani wearing them OVER Louboutins
copy+paste this link....
I have stirrrups and want to try try it, I'm just not sure what to wear with it :)
I love the interpretation of a legwarmer and stirrup and think that leggings are great for layering for the fall! I've reviewed stirrups also (http://stylelishgrl.blogspot.com/)but think that this interpretation is so fun and cute! Thank you!
Yeah! Leg Warmers are totally rocking and i can see no signs of that fading.. we sell loads every day and this figure is going up on a monthly basis. Yes its an 80s classic that has come flying back into fashion but it is also a timeless staple fashion accessory. Hope no one minds the plug but you can get some really funky leg warmers at our groovy online boutique Coconut Hut: http://www.coconut-hut.co.uk/acatalog/funky-leg-warmers.html
Love Leg Warmers? we have a blog devoted to Leg Warmers and we'd love you to post your comments: http://funky-legwarmers.blogspot.com
And even a Myspace page devoted to leg warmers: http://www.myspace.com/funkylegwarmers
We gets loads of people buying leg warmers for everything from 80s fancy dress and roller discos to dance competitions and raving in! :) long live leg warmers!!
i have a hard time wearing legwarmers, because i have thicker calves, and i can't find very many that fit. i love the look, though, but i have to be careful not to look stubby. i prefer the ones that come over the knee. i have a pair from artwears.com by lara kazan. they have cute little leather tabs and are really warm.
Ok, dummies, stirrups are used to keep the leggings down, they are used with some jeans too (for example, high heels, skinny jeans, WEAR THEM TOGETHER?, well stirrups help keep those jeans down for those heels, so of course perfectly good idea!) hope you understand the use of stirrups, my mamma told me so, lol.
Since I grew up in the 80's I'm not a fan of leggings for fashion but I do wear them in the winter, either at home just cuz my legs are cold or if I go out and wear a dress with boots the cold air can blow around your legs so I wear them from thigh to the top of the boots. I think they are coming back in style partly because of Dancing with the Stars. Unfortunately, they have their own designer and make really nice leggings that go with the outfits. Most leggings I've found are pretty boring so I just by thick black ones because I need them for the cold and black goes with everything :)
I like the idea of the tights with holes because one of my major problem with tights is they make my feet feel itchy and dry and too restricted. I think they would allow your feet to breath a bit more. And if you sweat, you wouldn't just be standing in wet socks all day.
Well, I admit that I love wearing legwarmers. I got 30 pairs, in all sorts of colors and stripes and patterns, and I plan on getting more soon, even with buttons.
I used to wear my aerobics outfits as a kid with legwarmers, and I still do sometimes. I agreee wholeheartedly that they keep your calves toasty. :) They also are sexy. :)
I also admit that being that I am male, I thought that I was the only guy that wore them, as well as slouchy socks. I later realized that I saw other men wearing them, and I was not alone. They really are unisex, you know. I think more men should wear them, and loud and proud.
Some ladies say I look cute in them. :)
Well you all take care.
Chris Kennedy
Well, I admit that I love wearing legwarmers. I got 30 pairs, in all sorts of colors and stripes and patterns, and I plan on getting more soon, even with buttons.
I used to wear my aerobics outfits as a kid with legwarmers in those glorious 80's, and I still do sometimes. I agreee wholeheartedly that they keep your calves toasty. :) They also are sexy. :)
I also admit that being that I am male, I thought that I was the only guy that wore them, as well as slouchy socks. I later realized that I saw other men wearing them, and I was not alone. They really are unisex, you know. I think more men should wear them, and loud and proud.
Some ladies say I look cute in them. :)
Well you all take care.
Chris Kennedy
I see people wearing these with skirts, but I really think they should have stayed in the 80's. Not very attractive in anything other than dance class.
Honestly, I find that very few people can rock the skinny leg warmers most people wear. :( Those types I think you should only wear if you're actually a dancer, or yo're wearing them as an extra layer under boots where wearing another pair of socks would make your feet too big for boot... I kinda feel the same way about the ones you're supposed to wear only around you're ankle, but I find that those look bad on anyone who doesn't have sticks for legs.
Slouchy leg warmers, on the other hand, are AWESOME! :D Chunky and slouchy - looks sooo cute with a mini skirt! But they can be so hard to find, since stores generally only carry short slouchy ones or the non-slouchy ones... orz
Luckily H&M has a really nice pair of chunky and slouchy leg warmers in right now! x3
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