London S/S09: Top Shop Unique
I have to admit that I've never been hip enough to like or understand Top Shop Unique's collections. But this is the first time I've seen stuff on its runway that I've wanted.
I'm a fan of mini-dresses in general. These both look colourful and young -the one on the left great for a night out and the one on the right good for a fun daytime look.
I really like these two looks too. The dress on the left is classy yet still cute. And the look on the right is a bit too 80's for me, but still looks cool.
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Mmm... LOVE the green mini dress. Yay for Topshop NYC this fall!
raquel i totally agree, i am so excited for the opening.
i'm not sure about the clothes, but the model actually looks pretty, which is encouraging
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Mm... Not so much. I think the clothes are hideous.
i love the clothes colors and im a fan of that flawless make up
I'm still not hip enough.
juliet xxx
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new to your blog, love it so far :)
agree with you on the Topshop thing,i could never really get their style.
I'm going back and forth w/the collection. But, there are a few pieces that I'd buy if I saw it on the rack in front of me. Who am I kidding?
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