New York S/S09: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Yay! The Marc by Marc Jacobs S/S09 collection is bright in a tasteful and fun way -just like it was a few collections back. After a few seasons of dark and murky colours, it's good to see lighter colours. It's just so much easier to buy the light-coloured pieces when they hit stores.
Marc's signature cute, girly dresses! Loves them! Look at the layers -this collection's dresses seem to have another layer under the skirt. And I'm so glad the dresses aren't long because maybe I've been corupted by The Hills, but shorter (-not indecently short of course,) dresses seem so much easier to wear and buy now!
Simple layering. The styling is great as usual. There are so many young, stylish pieces in these outfits. Don't they make you just wish it would be spring again?
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This collection has got me dying for it to be for spring 09!
I like the dropped waist, eased fit, print mixing, and contrasting colors which keeps the collection from looking blah. Don't care for the '90s blazer with rolled-up sleeves.
somehow i always like marc by mj better than mj collection for the price and wearabililty.
like marc jacobs and spongebob?
then take a look at this!!!
I dislike the dress on the right. I find neckline really unflattering.
I completely agree with you on the others, the bottom right is my favourite look, at the back of my mind I am still hopeful (as always) that next year we will see some sunshine. At the moment I'm excited about wrapping up for winter, mmm!
The black flowy cocktail dress is spectacular. Sultry, sexy and elegant. What a wonderful collection.
I'm mostly twitterpated over the shoes. But the collection is so sexy and wearable too. I've always been a fan. I'm with you, I like shorter dresses. The maxi dresses are cute and comfy, but short will always be my style. Great collection to cover!
Marc Jacobs really outdone himself this time...
no wonder he is one of the top designers in our globe...
Marc by Marc Jacobs S/S09 collection is one of the best collection all over the world, prices are affordable for every citizen. Colors are extraordinary excellent and according to spring season. I like your collection.
Outsourcing Solution in BPO
Brian Goethe
Marc Jacobs has done really fantastic, mind blowing job. The collection is so beautiful and wearable. These types of cloths are comfortable, and of course look fashionable. And Marc Jacobs is one of the top designers in the world. Models are looking beautiful and charming wearing his collection.
Outsourcing Solution in BPO
Henry Braun
Well, I just heard about New York S/S09: Marc by Marc Jacobs and when i met the dump, Salvos, hobos! Who would have ever thought?! It’s so weirdly wonderful! The hats, the skirts, the blouses! –Squeals- really so delightful! Not forgetting the weird shoes! It’s so great to see nipped waists are still in, and that blue and yellow worn together is not tacky.
Outsourcing Solution in BPO
David Williams
nice work man.
These are good looking collection by Marc Jacobs. I will love to see someone wearing this as soon on the roads. Personality of a person mostly depends upon the looks, and it will make you to feel good and on top of the others.
Hey Marc, you did excellent work again, as you do always. These are so nice, I like these for someone special
There is good collection by Mark Jacobs. I see someone the road but depend his looking and personality. If he is good looking so he is confident and good personality. “First impression is last impression”. I think so first look is good so he is good.
There are so much good collection by marc Jacobs. I’ll love to see any one warning this collection. If one person wears good collection dresses than, it will make to you good looking. When, you look good than every one asks to the other that who is he?
Fall in love at first touch. Supple leathers play against weighty hardware for Marc Jacobs unique, hard-to-miss look.
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