tokodoki for Lesportsac
Ever since LAMB collaborated with LeSportsac, we have taken an interest in their special collections each season. LeSportsac makes some of the most practical bags -I love how I can squish the my weightless LAMB hobo bag into my suitcase when traveling. For Spring 06, LeSportsac once again collaborates with outside artists and presents tokodoki for LeSportsac. When I first saw the designs, I was like woah, this is so Marukami for Louis Vuitton. But after looking through the site properly, I think it's fair to say this collection is not a total copy of LV.
tokodoki (which means 'sometimes') is a new brand by Italian artist Simone Legno and his partners, Pooneh Mohajer Arnold and Ivan Arnold. I totally expected at least one of the artists to be Japanese, but it seems that they are only 'inspired' by the Japanese culture. One praise I can sing about this collection is that they did make an effort to make the bags relatively Japanese and not some sorry crossover between American and Japanese -you can tell because the shapes of bags are all very Japanese. By this I mean if you walk on the streets of Japan, you'll see people holding bags of similar shapes instead of other more Westernised shapes such as hobos.
To be honest, I generally can't take LeSportsac's overly color & little pictures-bombarded prints on big bags. It just feels tacky to carry a huge childish-looking bag around. The little cosmetic pouches on the other hand can be considered as cute. The other thing I don't like about the bags are the color chains. I mean, the chains work for some of the designs but not so much for others. Anyways, here are a few designs from the tokodoki collection:
This is my favourite bag in the tokodoki print. The bag is small enough for the color prints not to be tacky., the chains def work here and the shape is quite cute!
I like the design of this bag, esp the contrast between the black fabric and the color zippers. The only thing is the shape doesn't seem all that practical.
Oooh, this thing is sooo adorable! I just have no idea what you use it for......
This tote bag is extremely practical. LeSportsac bags in general are pretty sturdy so this bag will be great for carrying stuff like school books. The black makes it so easy to match with outfits, but that green chain thingy has got to go!
Ahh yes, this collection of bags also comes with these little thingys calles Qees. These ones are the cheap US$18 ones.
And this one is the shockingly US$150 8 Inch tokodoki Qee! Unless you're a super fan, I don't know who else will pay for it.
tokodoki (which means 'sometimes') is a new brand by Italian artist Simone Legno and his partners, Pooneh Mohajer Arnold and Ivan Arnold. I totally expected at least one of the artists to be Japanese, but it seems that they are only 'inspired' by the Japanese culture. One praise I can sing about this collection is that they did make an effort to make the bags relatively Japanese and not some sorry crossover between American and Japanese -you can tell because the shapes of bags are all very Japanese. By this I mean if you walk on the streets of Japan, you'll see people holding bags of similar shapes instead of other more Westernised shapes such as hobos.
To be honest, I generally can't take LeSportsac's overly color & little pictures-bombarded prints on big bags. It just feels tacky to carry a huge childish-looking bag around. The little cosmetic pouches on the other hand can be considered as cute. The other thing I don't like about the bags are the color chains. I mean, the chains work for some of the designs but not so much for others. Anyways, here are a few designs from the tokodoki collection:

omg,these bags are totally cute!!! i would seriously consider buying one, except i'm asian, and if i wear it, i'll prrobably look like a huge fob or something. but i realy like it! ahh! maybe i'll just get a small makeup case...
ugh those are horrible
They are so cutesy it's scary. I don't think i'll be buying one anytime soon.
absolutely heinous.
I think the 3rd one might be a cigarette holder. I've seen cutesy plastic ones in Japan before.
Haha, these comments are funny. But I do find the bags cute! Maybe a bit childish though, but I'd like one :P
- 20-year-old Torontonian
I love this print, it's so cute :)
You´ve made a little´s tokidoki not tokodoki ;) likes it..:)
theyre gross. thats all there is to it.
Well, to let you know that they cannot keep them in the stores. They sell out every time and are on back order... so I am not sure where in Japan your friend lives ...
I can't find a tokidoki bag ANYWHERE. I have been to 2 department stores (Nordstrom and Macy's) and the LeSportsac store in the Beverly Center and everyone is SOLD OUT.
Hi..I saw that urban outfitters is selling the bella bag online only...I think this is the only place you can get one right now if you are interested
I love love love them!! I need a campeggio or an andiamo!! where to buy?? -MiLkY
I guess those who says no to Tokidoki are just as down to earth as my x boyfriend. He hates it!!! Hahaha.
I saw them in Singapore Changi airport DFS and I fell in love with them immediately. The prices was exceptionally more expensive that the regular lesportsac bags and I was flying to tokyo... jus thoughtt it wasnt very wise to start my shopping before I even reach my destination.
However, after I returned from Tokyo, to my horror I realised that most of them are already sold out and they can only be found in DFS and not any other departmental stores in town. I was heart-broken...
Well, I did manage to get hold of 1 bag when my xbf flew to China. He has gotten his accountant from the HK office to buy it for me. She then sent it by dispatch to his friend in HK who meet up with him the night before he fly back to Singapore. They sells it in Causeway Bay boutique. So this was how I got my Mama mia bag.. It's the cutiest I think.
I heard that Tokidoki has just launch it's new series... Im still searching for it... any clues??
surprisingly bloomingdale's carried some tokidoki bags!
LeSportsac will have 2 more Tokidoki series and afterwards that is it. They are never on sale in the store or retail outlets therefore if you don't live near a retailer, buy it on-line at LeSportsac's own site.
I saw LeSportsac L.A.M.B. bags on Ebay for 3, 4x of their original prices....
Same probably can be said for the Tokidoki bags when they run out....
It's true these bags are selling like hot cakes!
I was in Incheon Int'l airport just the other week and when I saw it I fell in love with it.
I saw a wallet version..omfg...awesome!!!
I have the caio caio bag and the make-up bag thing their both wonderful sep i had to save my money since im a student in school but i also have the old bags before they came out with the lesportsac ones and i use it for my texbooks i got my makeup bag when i was in LA at the macys at souch coast they have alot of the bags sep their the small sholder ones
are there people who are interested in buying tokidoki bags... not the authentic one but only a replica... if you're interested just post a reply and i'll send you a picture... the price range is from USD $20 - $90 only. it also look like the authentic tokidoki...
are these immitation Tokidoki Lesportsac ones or other Tokidoki bags that came out before the Lesportsac bags? If they are other bags other than the Lesportsac ones I might be interested.
I'm interested in a replica. Please post pictures?
I'm interested in replicas since I can't find the real ones anywhere. Thanks!
I bought a bad and the design is AWESOME! its ompletely worth the $255 for a small bag. well that was sarcasm. it is awesome but its just soooooooo expensive. i think its not suitable for the average fashionist but maybe for the serious collector? When i take it out, i'm paranoid it might get dirty or something of the sort. awesome bag but worth too much :(.
uhhh bag*
yuck! Yuck! and did I say YUCK!
I love these bags also myself and currently helping to promote for them. Come visit for more on TokiDoki. Have you heard of Harijuku they got similiar designs also.
please send me some pics of replicas?
i'm really really really interested thank you
can i get the pics of the replicas?
please send to
Hi, can i see a picture of the tokidoki replicas? Thanks!
I'd like to see pics of the replica tokidokis. thanks
veryinterested in seeing what the replicas look like. please email
i have a couple of the authentic ones and i want to see the difference. maybe the cheaper ones are just as good!
Hi, I am interested in seeing what the replica looks like...I like something more pinks and girlish. Please email to
I too am interested in the replica bags could you please send me the pics?
My email is
I would be very interested in the knock offs since i cannot even find those ANYWHERE. um as for Japs not buying that... its bull. I live in GUAM and they vacation here ALL THE TIME and they are seen buying them a lot so yeah whatever. Ive been to japan also. They love the cutsie cartoon stuff. if anyone is interested in showing me where i can get a fake please message me!
I am interested in replicas since i do not want to pay so much, but they are adorable! My email is thanks
please send replica info to Thanks!
I've seen a lot of replicas in the Philippines bargain market. However, I don't think there are colored zippers, key chains, etc. Plus I doubt the material is as good as Lesportsac's.
I am interested in the tokidoki foresta cucciolo if anyone can find me one I would be stoked
I love tokidoki. And I'm thirteen years old. So I can see why some may think they are childish. I want one so much, even a replica I'm not picky.
Hi there,
Who is selling this tokidoki replicas ? I'm sooo interested in them, send me info at Thanks
I'm interested in replicas! My email is
can i see those pics?
I LOVE Tokidoki purses. The first time I saw one, I was in my math class and a girl walked in with one in amore. I asked her where she got it and she said she bought it at New York and that it was really expensive, but that it can be bought at urban outfitters online. Anyway, I ended up looking into it and my boyfriend noticed how much I loved it, so he gave it to me for my birthday today. I love it more than my coach purses. Its definately the cutest purse out there, although the price was a little steep at 184 dollars. :-/
That was the zucca bag in pirate print, which was 184 dollars by the way. It was bought at Lesportsac. There are some purses that are cheaper. Mine was one of the more expensive ones.
I'm Sorry but if anyone here thinks that Tokidoki bags are gross u have another thing coming these bags are the best all my friends L.O.V.E them I think that some of these bags are a little so so I've seen much better bags from Tokidoki Before u judge please check out they have a much better range of Tokidoki bags in regards to people who cant find any order online ebay and amazon have some in stock if u really want one
These bags are so cute if u think these things are yuck well then I dont know what u r talking about personally all my friends love them and we r all like 14 and my mother even loves them and shes full japanese TokiDoki is the flare of old and new generations
Hey are people still selling replicas, i would like to see picks please, and definitly if they have one in paradiso? email at please and thank you
if anyone's still selling the replicas, i'm interested.
Is Any one sell the Lesportsac Tokidoki 8" qee. I am interested.
I am also interrested in replica :
I'm also interested in the replica bags, esp. in the paradiso, l'amore, or pirata print.
Please e-mail at
I'm interested in the replicas. Please send photos.
im pretty sure that the bags werent designed to replicate japanese fashion. tokidoki is not just bags.. its just a colaboration they did with lesportsac.. simone also happens to be an awesome graphic designer and cactus friends toys rock!
does no one like these bags because they were already a fan of simone and tokidoki?
I'm interested in the replicas
Please send info about replicas to - Thanks!
also interested in replicas, email me at
interested in replicas!!
interested in replicas, thanks
I am interested in the replicas, if still available (
I really like tokidoki's bags but they are too expensive. I am really interested in the replicas.
I'd love some info on replicas.
i would love to see replicas. looking for a lot of different designs!
hi, i would love to see pics of the replicas. please send me info. thanx.
Hi I would love to see and buy tokidoki replicas.
I am a fan of simone and tokidoki first and foremost.
That is why I bought the bag... but now I find it embarassing to use because it's too cutesy and not me at all.
honestly, you can tell between the real purses and not.
all of mine are authenic, and i tell people off if i see them carrying around fakes.
it makes people look cheap, and the more replicas you buy the more child labour is required to manufacture them by the way.
200 dollars isn't that much. plus the fabric is nylon and doesn't subdue to water damage.
it's the same thing for more high end things such as chanel, gucci, fendi and such. fake purses= fake people :)
Oh oh! Replicas?
...Especially if you have one of the pirate bags. :D
hi! if someone is still sending replica pics i would like to see them. i really like the pirata print, and i am looking for a style similar to the campeggio. i also would like one of the laptop bags that they used to make. thanks!
Looking for a LeSportsac Tokidoki L'Amore in the Cucciolo shape with changing pad only.
I am head over heels, crazy, nuts for these bags! My husband just got me two with matching wallets for Valentine's day. The bright colors are mood boosters. I get happy just looking at them! Thanks for letting me share.
i want to buy a replica tokidoki my email is
Some of the TokiDoki stuff is pretty kiddy , but overall i like most of it.
I think TokiDoki makes great fun desings!
Could anyone tell me what kind of bag the 3rd to the last one is? I know its a tote. What kind of tote? (the third to last is the all black one).
anyone still selling the replicas??? pls email me at
Would love to see some photos of and purchase replicas. Any info please email :
anyone still selling replicas?
would love some info and pics at
Also interested in replicas:
Hi, can i see the pictures for the replicas? send to
i am interested on the replicas as well,
Im also interested, plz send to
those are stupidly FAKE Lesportsacss.
i hope you're all aware that Lesportsacs with colored zippers are FAKE!x]]
Hey, I love these bags, but theres no way in hell that I'm spending that much just on a handbag :/
So could someone send me a replica pic please??
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