Milan Spring/Summer 2007 Wrapup III
The clothes are composed of strong, bold colours: black, red, orange, purple and white. This collection was all about the sixties: from the short shifts to long, flowy dresses. At first glance, the Gucci girls looked more like 60s dolls than sexy dancing queens, but the extreme mini dresses prove otherwise.

Nevertheless, in the past few years, long Gucci dresses have been staples of many socialites' seasonal wardrobes to events. Such socialites love the obvious sexiness of Gucci dresses. This collection's long dresses are more sensual with a touch of bohemian -basically, they do not flash a lot of skin. Oh dear, what ever will socialites wear next season?
Alessandro Dell'Acqua
I've always thought of Dell'Acqua clothes as dark, like sort of rock'n'roll, goth sort of dark, which is why I always had a thing for this brand. However, I was quite disappointed with the SS07 collection. This collection is as usual, still very party and clubbing-ish. I really didn't like the huge belts as they look very two-dimensional on the clothes. 
While I'm usually so-so on leopard-prints, I think the leopard-printed mini dress is really cool, (see look #6, the look on the right). However, there is just way too many animal-printed clothes in this collection.
I have never really paid much attention to Etro before because I'm not a big fan of bohemian-looking prints, but I do love all the other clothes from the collection. I especially love the short shift dresses with black leggings. The clothes are strong and colourful, making them stylish and youthful. Here are the looks I like:

Alessandro Dell'Acqua

I have never really paid much attention to Etro before because I'm not a big fan of bohemian-looking prints, but I do love all the other clothes from the collection. I especially love the short shift dresses with black leggings. The clothes are strong and colourful, making them stylish and youthful. Here are the looks I like:

etro was one of my the use of patterns and the maxi skirts and dresses
i love those etro looks!
gucci is gorgeous as always...
What's Haute and Hauteness.
where do you get the images from? i'm looking for this one alberta ferretti dress and cant find it online!
The gucci collection is great, but I am really loving the Alessandro Dell-Acqua line. It is so hot. The dresses have great shape. I really love the white dress with the faux corsett look, very cute.
I like the Etro look, especially with the blak leggings.
also very disappointed with alessandro...
btw, have you seen antonio marras' collection? gorgeous!
wowww. Alessandro Dell'Acqua's use of leopard prints for Irina's dress is genius. But, I don't think most people could pull this off w/o looking slutty.
Seems like Gucci used thoes triple buckle belts again, but their use of geometric shapes are soo greatly done, unlike some of Prada's below. Marni also did an excellent job of putting graphic designs on to their dresses elegantly.
btw, torontprincess you can basically get all these images of RTW collections from
I absolutely adore the 4th and 5th look you showed from Prada.
thanks i found exactly what i was looking for!
Just one word : awesome, keep them coming
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Family and Child Counseling in Fremont CaWhile I'm usually so-so on leopard-prints, I think the leopard-printed mini dress is really cool, (see look #6, the look on the right). However, there is just way too many animal-printed clothes in this collection.
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