FW06 Bag Trend: The Hip Ones
Before I start ooh and ahhing, I want to emphasise that these bags are this season's hip bags, the cool ones. Note that these aren't IT bags. People always want to know which bag is the IT bag, and magazines /websites like to claim a bunch of bags as the IT bags of the season. But the real deal is, there are very very few IT bags and you'll know if a bag is IT. Think back to the days of the Motorcycle, the Paddington and the Stam.
Anyways, so these are some of my fav cool bags this season:
Kooba -Carla and Lena. Kooba bags in general give off a more bohemian vibe. So not all Kooba bags are my thing, but I do like these two. They give off a really relaxed vibe (if that makes sense.)
Miu Miu -Vitello Paggy Shoulder Bag. I saw a girl in a very casual outfit -cute shorts, a tee and black shades -carrying this bag back in the summer, and I stared at her for awhile. The bag is so cute and practical. Actually, I like most of Miu Miu's bags this season, but I already squealed about them to my poor, patient (and loyal reader) friend.
Balenciaga -the Motorcycle bag trascends seasons. While it may not be an IT bag anymore, it's still super cool and edgy. I do love how gorgeous the leather is and how light and practical it is. You can tell by the fact that after a few seasons, the young stylish girls, that's MK and Nicole, are still carrying it.
Chanel -A new young stylish girl fav this season (which will probably go on) is the small Chanel classic-looking bag. I've always thought these Chanel bags look old, but the girls sure carry the bags well and look cool.
Anyways, so these are some of my fav cool bags this season:
Botkier -Bianca. Not counting Lindsay Lohan pap photos, the first time I saw this bag was in NY Barneys, where the girl in front of me in line was carrying the Bianca medium in brown. I was like, I really like this bag, and went into a Botkier-online-ogling-frenzy phase.
Chanel -This Chanel supersized bag is one of the few Chanel bags that I actually feel is great for young people. Can you just imagine: a girl in black/grey skinny jeans, ankle boots, huge black shades and this simple but uber cool bag. Oop, I might have just described Kate Moss.

that vinyl chanel bag is starting to grow on me...
love the balenciaga...
balmain just realised their first accessory collection, and their bags are supposedly very very exclusive
Gawd, i love the chanel big vinyl one.
i think the small bags (last two) are cute and fresh
wow!! fashion!! i like big handbags it goes with anything...trouse ,jeans .skirt etc
my god, the miu miu bag is so beautiful!(like that last one you posted a while ago) it's probably over 1500 huh? ;p guess i'll have to stick with a friis&co bag -_-;
mk and ashley actually.
love the botkier and chanel bags.
ashley looks cute showing teeth and nicole's sunglass are not flattering.
funny, we have a similar name for our blogs. mine is "i am a fashion designer. gee"
the chanel vinyl bag is out of stock everywhere in london....................... sucks
I totally agree with your taste! I've been wanting to buy a nice handbag around $600 this season. Botkier bianca medium satchel and Kooba Lena were the two I was looking at. I finally go the Lena cuz it was on sale for $450 at saks. I love the bag! Very practical...but I'll miss the bianca...it's almost sold out!
Why did Ashley Olsen dye her hair? It looks horrible, she should definately go back to blonde.
I found the vinyl Chanel bag in the US, it's adorable.
i really love the miu miu one..
soo adorable.
hey amazing post about FW06 Bag Trend: The Hip Ones , I love all post about fashion
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