Smashbox O-Glow
So they did a very successful advertising campaign for this product, because after seeing the ad in both Allure and the Sephora catalog, I had the sudden urge to go out and get it- immediately!

But of course, being the rational shopper that I am (mostly anyway), I did have the presence of mine to try it out first. So just in case you haven't seen the ads, this product reacts with the moisture of your skin and creates a microcirculatory effect that produces a natural rosy flush- natural being the key word here. Nevermind the universal Orgasm blush shade from Nars, this one IS your color! This is so awesome because I never know what color to buy, with this product, its hard to go wrong. Wow, now I sound like their ad campaign.
But anyway, so I tried it on top of foundation and POOF I'm flushed! Its kind of scary at first because it comes out clear and turns into a hot pink shade once in contact with your skin, but after you blend it in that it turns into your natural shade. And just to see that it actually IS a different shade for everyone, I made my friend, who is slightly more tanned then me, try it too. Indeed, her natural blush is out. And in case you are wondering how we know it is our natural blush, we actually tried the blush on one cheek first, made each other flush naturally and compared :P LOL, the things we do to procrastinate during finals. . . .

But of course, being the rational shopper that I am (mostly anyway), I did have the presence of mine to try it out first. So just in case you haven't seen the ads, this product reacts with the moisture of your skin and creates a microcirculatory effect that produces a natural rosy flush- natural being the key word here. Nevermind the universal Orgasm blush shade from Nars, this one IS your color! This is so awesome because I never know what color to buy, with this product, its hard to go wrong. Wow, now I sound like their ad campaign.
But anyway, so I tried it on top of foundation and POOF I'm flushed! Its kind of scary at first because it comes out clear and turns into a hot pink shade once in contact with your skin, but after you blend it in that it turns into your natural shade. And just to see that it actually IS a different shade for everyone, I made my friend, who is slightly more tanned then me, try it too. Indeed, her natural blush is out. And in case you are wondering how we know it is our natural blush, we actually tried the blush on one cheek first, made each other flush naturally and compared :P LOL, the things we do to procrastinate during finals. . . .
Thanks for the first hand account of this new product. I too have been dying to try it, but I was reluctant because it sounded too good to be true and more than a little gimmick-y. Now that I've heard that it works I'll give it a try.
This made me laugh! I saw that product in InStyle just yesterday. So... is the natural glow pretty or would you rather have a different glow? I'm not even sure what my natural glow looks like except for red!!
I love Smashbox stuff. I'm curious to try this too, but with my skin-tone I'm always worried about bringing out any redness.
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glad you liked it, but i've heard nothing but bad things about this. only that it turns florescent fuscia if you apply more than the tiniest bit, and looks really unnatural on anything but dark skin. i haven't tried it yet, but it sounds too gimmicky to me.
Hmm, sounds intriguing. I love Smashbox makeup. I'll try it-- wonder if it will get me to leave my trusty Stila push-up?
pretty cool
Sounds very neat but don't you wonder what's in this stuff ? Some sort of radioactive, not very good for you ingredients ? You've gotta wonder...
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Ooh, I really like this blush. I got a deluxe sample of it from Sephora and plan to buy when I run out. I do think, however, that it looks best on people with a darker skin tone. I have lightly tanned Asian skin, whereas my sister is pale and the effect of the blush is grossly different. Texture is similar to Photo Finish primer.
To "The Hole Thing": It uses Goji berries to bring out your natural flush...nothing "radioactive" about that. I would think it's probably better than talc and what not in other face products.
After reading this blog I immediatly went online to buy and recived it the very next day...And i gotta say I LOVE IT!...
i never know what my natural blush really was!
I 100% recommend this product. Now i dont know how this would work on dark colored girls but im not that light either. I'm a meduim tan and it worked good on me. Its true, when you first put some on your fingure tip it comes out clear then changes color to pink when in contact with skin. you put it on and it does look like a floresent pink/ fushia, BUT you keep blending and the color starts to dye down instantly. it look really natural. I will for now on wear this till the day i die or the day they discontinue (hope that never happens!)...
FYI to the radioactive comment. Most ingredients lists are on sephora's website, including that one... But thanks for the comment that made me laugh!
It reminds me of mark glossblossom. Even the packaging is similar!
i am pale, pale, pale and am always annoyed because the blush i put on in the morning is gone by noon and i look like death. i just bought this o-glow and I LOVE IT! it's amazing. it really does look natural and i have cute flushed cheeks all day. this is hands down the best product i've come across in a long time. really really amazing.
One of the most common age-related problems is aging-skin that starts showing symptoms in the form of wrinkles, dark circles, and sagging skin, particularly over exposed skin parts like face, around eyes, neck, arms etc. Therefore, it becomes pertinent for health conscious people to seek advice from health experts/cosmetologists, and to take timely measures to tackle them.
OMG! I just ordered one today from an online store and i am really psyched to try it on my cheeks! I can't wait to see the magic. lol.
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