Halloween on the Streets
For more inspiration, I turned to the streets. More specifically, celebs and current pop culture icons.
First off are Lindsay Lohan's outfits for Halloween 2006. Her aerobics outfit is not bad. And as for the other one...well I guess it IS Halloween and looking slutty is a prerogative. After all, didn't they say in Mean Girls that Halloween was an excuse for girls to look let their slutty side out?
More inspiring and less slutty, I love Hilary Duff's gypsy idea. And I think if one is to go for the aerobics look, Haylie Duff knows how to do it. The colors and accessories match perfectly, everything just looks so cute! Also, she doesn't look like she forgot to put pants on i.e. Lohan above.
One of the sources of inspiration for Halloween I believe are movies. Last year it was probably Marie Antoinette and Memoirs of a Geisha. So I tried to think of all the thematic movies out this year.... there weren't that many:Harry Potter, Spider Man- too cliche. Finally, I settled on the Pirates of the Caribbean and Hairspray. For Pirates, you can either go for Kiera's whole Chinese pirate look (not that I think Chinese pirates dress that way) or go for a more simple Pirate look i.e. loose white short, black skinny pants, captain hat, compass and sword. And for Hairspray- 60's fashion and BIG HAIR.
And last but not least, we can all take inspiration from Marc last year and try the Ugly Betty look. I bet you they probably sell that poncho somewhere by now. And for something highly imitable with a trip to Walgreens, there is Betty's Halloween costume last year.
And these are all my more "creative" ideas so far. Betty Boop, cowgirl, Greek Goddess (actually not bad), playboy bunny, Barbie, Elle Woods, goth, Edie Segwick, pinup girl, Dita von Teese, cheerleader, preppy, American flag, zombie, hobo also comes to mind. But they didn't strike me as very easily achievable or creative. Any more smart and creative ideas to share?

And these are all my more "creative" ideas so far. Betty Boop, cowgirl, Greek Goddess (actually not bad), playboy bunny, Barbie, Elle Woods, goth, Edie Segwick, pinup girl, Dita von Teese, cheerleader, preppy, American flag, zombie, hobo also comes to mind. But they didn't strike me as very easily achievable or creative. Any more smart and creative ideas to share?
omg i love bettys costume (the bee)! it looks so couture/designer.. and yet so.. halloweeny? nice post!!
p.s. i like lindsays aerobic outfit hahaa
If you want to be mean you could go as zombie Anna Nicole Smith.
hmm...ideas that come to mind...1.a supermodel 2.Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice 3. a celebrity from the olden days )hollywood glamour), think Audrey Hepburn, 4. a transformer!hehehe no really? 5. someone froma MASQUERADE (like Phantom and the Opera) or a ballerina
Peter Pan - just get green leggings, an oversized green shirt, a belt, make the hat yourself w/ some green foamboard, and $2 knife from any halloween store
Penny Pingleton (from Hairspray) - plaid jumper, sucker, and do the pigtail hair-do
Haha ugly betty looks so cute!
Hello! I stumbled across your blog today and I really enjoy your insight. I will stop back again!
Idea:dress up as a cupcake. Well in my case it was slutty cupcake.
What you do is; Take a tutu and sew candy like frosty decorations on it. Above it a tank top sprayed in coulourfull candy colours, on top of your head, you can wear diy fake whipcream and cherry hat.
It's supercute!
Wheres Waldo...
Wheres Waldo
I love the aerobics idea......
am actually going to my highschool dance as a 20's flapper, but other ideas are trading clothes with a friend and going as a ceiling fan. haha.
how bout a greek goddess? toga (sheet) of course, hair wound up with curls, dramatic gold makeup and jewellery, and gladiator sandals. it looks great & its so easy to pull off.
cheeleader, cowgirl, playboy, barbie, and prep?
that is your creative ideas.
that is the typical set you see every year
wasn't it only a few posts ago where you said being a playboy bunny WASN'T creative? but now it is?
continuity please! :P
loving the ideas. i was just agonizing last night over the multitude of halloween costume options. turns out american apparel has some awesome ones.
Hey, thanks for the inspiration. I think that I'll go as a gypsy.
Before that I was going to have some fun and be an old lady with knitting and white hair, but I do want to look pretty, too.
Hi! You can dress up as Amy Winehouse!!! I think she looks like a drag queen so that would make a nice Halloween costume don't you think? If you got drunk drunk at the party it would be more natural ;-).
Other suggestions include:
1. Elizabeth Taylor in her wheelchair.
2. Michael Jackson with terrible make-up.
3. Sam, Clover or Alex from the Totally Spies cartoon. If you're three girls you can come together as the whole gang, and if you have a guy friend get him to dress up drably and be Jerry!
4. Sailormoon!
5. That whatshername witch lady in Pirates of the Carribean 3.
6. Victoria Beckham! She's scary!
7. Hermione Granger in Hogwarts uniform - remember you've gotta have that signature bushy hair otherwise it won't work.
That's all.
okay, i'll admit never have caught on to the ugly betty fan wagon.
I've tried watching it a few times, but the plot was to say the least, not impressive or original.
all in all, i've just grown a stigma against anything in relation to that show :P
thats soo cool..so unique lol =)
This year I am going as Twister. Like, tie the mat on like a toga (i'm altering it a little so it fits), add a huge red patent waist belt, draw colored circles on your cheeks and attach the spinner like a crazy hat. Ta-da! Original, but easily recognizable.
Last year a friend and I went as matching pink fuzzy dice. We covered two boxes in fuzzy pink fabric and added black felt dots. It was amazing. (I still have the costumes)
i like the Amy Winehouse idea...hehe...skinny jeans, ballet flats, a disheveled black wig and you're good to go
I am personally going as Carmen Sandiego...the main thing is to have a good looking red trenchcoat!
why dress like a celeb when you can be a celeb?
i think the lily allen one would be really fun. you could buy a really cute dress for halloween and still wear it the rest of the year. :)
Fashionista Pride GURLL!!!!
This won't really have success, I feel like this.
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