So today I am going to talk about the New Seven Wonders of the World, because fashion is a lifestyle and travelling is definitely a LARGE part of lifestyle-jetsetting! Anyways, on July 7th, the new seven wonders of the world was announced and in no particular order they were:
The Great Wall of China: This was definitely on my list when I voted a few months back. And I think its on there for obvious reasons.
Petra, Jordan: On the edge of the Arabian Desert, Petra was the glittering capital of the Nabataean empire of King Aretas IV all the way back in the days. And it is famous for structures built within the stones. I'm not much of a traveller of going to the middle of nowheres, but this is definitely something I want to see for myself- its mysterious, exotic and ancient!
Christ the Redeemer: Atop the Corcovado mountain overlooking Rio de Janeiro, it was inaugurated on October 12 1931. I can see how it represents Brazil and everything and I do hope someday to see it. But I'm slightly confused as to how it made it onto the new 7 wonders list. I guess I'm just being traditional thinking, but I always had the preconception that the 7 wonders should be old and 1931 is not THAT old comparatively.
Macchu Picchu, Peru: The lost city of Inca. In the 15th century, the city was built in the clouds on the mountain known as Machu Picchu. It lies halfway up the Andes Plateau, deep in the Amazon jungle and above the Urubamba River. This is yet another exotic place I'd like to visit once in my life.
Chichén Itzá, Mexico: The most famous Mayan temple city of the Mayan Civilization. I don't have too great an urge to see this one, but some of my friends have been and they say its quite worth a visit. Another plus, is that this is definitely one of the more accessible places to visit as a student..spring break anyone?
Roman Colosseum, Italy: The ONE thing on the list I've actually been to! Albeit it was a long time ago. I remember wondering why there were so many holes on the walls, because they never show up in the pictures i.e. here. But as a 11 year old I was not too impressed by it, but I probably just was not able to appreciate it then. Maybe I should take another trip to Rome just to refresh my memory....
Taj Mahal, India: Another place I've always wanted to go to, just because it looks sooo cool and mystical and I want to see it before the marble structure gets erroded away by acid rain. In fact, if it wasn't for wikipedia, I would still be thinking that it IS one of the original 7 wonders of the world. So that was the popularly voted new 7 wonders of the world. But I wonder how close the votes were, because there were quite a few places that I thought deserved a place on the list too that is not there.
Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt: My first reaction, was to wonder why the Great Pyramids of Giza was not there. As the one and only surviving structure of the original 7 wonders of the world, one would think it would deserve a place on the new list, if not for all the history, mystery and culture of the Ancient Egyptian civilization it represent then simply for surviving! But I want to see this too. I'd even risk the smelly camels...although I hear that they've evolved to jeeps by now.

Acropolis, Greece: Then there is the Acropolis in Greece, which represents the other great empires of history- the ancient greek civilization. Just looking at the picture makes me want to read all the greek myths and go there and imagine what it was like back in the days.
Hagia Sophia, Turkey: The other thing on my list that didn't make it. I studied it in Medieval Arts class. Originally built as a Christian church in the Byzantine empire, it was converted to a mosque when it was conquered by the Ottomon Turks in 1453. The main dome structure is supposed to be an amazing piece of art and architect and I'd LOVE to experience the mystical quality of the light that reflects into the interior of the church from the dome windows for myself.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany: Not actually on my list. But I was definitely considering it for the magical, mystical and fairy tale quality of it. Plus, I heard that is where Disney got their inspiration from for their castle. And where the magic starts, I want to go.
Timbuktu, Mali: And I thought I'd throw this in, just for existing, because I'm embarassed to say that before voting for this, I'd always thought that Timbuktu was a figure of speech (I think I heard it in Anastasia...). Turns out that it was the crossroad of the four most important caravan paths supplying the Arab world in the 12th century. Well, we learn something new everyday....
Wow, looks like I have a LOT of travelling to do....
I totally agree that the new list is really lacking. The 7 wonders of the world isn't the 7 most highly visited places. Those on the list should be places that exist but we can not figure out how it came to be i.e. Stonehenge or your perfect example, the great pyramids. Now those are wonders!
I love that castle! Even though it is not part of The 7 Wonders of the World, I would still love to see it because I also want to go where the magic started!!! And even though it sounds sort of dumb, I feel pretty sorry for the pyramids :( Oh, and the picture of Peru is amazing!
Okay so I just looked up what the 7 wonders of the world used to be and clearly someone taught me the wrong information because all of them (except the pyramids) are different. Maybe I should blame it on Windows to the World in Shenzen...
All this sh*t is because of the money!!!
What about Christ the Redeemer??
That's not amazing AT ALL.
Pffft, what a shame...
I've never seen either the Christ the Redeemer or the pyramids but I don't understand the big deal about the statue. It seems like the pyramids should have been on the list instead.
Hagia Sophia, Turkey is so beautiful in pictures I want to see it in real life!
okay, in my opinion, stonehenge should have been on there.
seriously! it's so old!
I really enjoyed that list, including your own choices. I've never visited any of them but now I feel like I must!
In response to the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, because they are the only exsisting wonders, the pyramids are an " honorary candidate". This is the case because they were removed from the new list of choices.
btw, I have seen them and they are fantastic , I cannot explain how beautiful they are.
Hey, I was just at Neuschwanstein Castle on a music trip in March! The day we went, it was snowing and really cold, but the castle was absolutely breathtaking. It really is magical, and plus the history behind it is marvellously wacky.
I've been to both the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Hagia Sophia, and I totally agree that they should be on the list. You might think building the pyramid was hard by looking at pictures of the outside, but when you go inside the feeling only gets stronger. You walk up all these little tunnels that apparently were built after the mummy was inside because there is no way they could fit the stiff through them, and then you wonder how the theves got it all out again. And the Hagia Sophia was just beautiful. When you look up at the dome from the inside, you wonder how on earth people could have gotten it to stay put without all the machinery we have today. Now those are the REAL definition of 'Wonders of the World'!
cool! the papers here in singapore did a similar article lately too. makes me wanna break my piggy bank and go see the world.
I don't like some of the winners at all. I think the Christ the Redeemer is not impressive at all and i have seen the Roman Colosseum in real and i didn't find it that special either.
In my opinion the Stonehenge and the Alhambra should have been on that list instead.
it's said that the architect of hagia sophia put plans of the building between the stones to explain how the dome is done.. amazing architect actually; very ahead of his time, he has other buildings in Turkey too.. i guess I'm lucky to be living in the same city with it.. from the pictures i loved Peru and the castle, i just want to see them! and i agree with u all, how can pyramids not be on the list? it's like the ultimate wonder..
Your list was much better than the knew one. That castle is gorgeous and I agree with you on the pyramids.
I really enjoy your blog. Exelent pics!! check:
i think you would love it!
Egyptians were outraged when the Pyramids were put up to vote as one of the new seven wonders of the world, because according to them, it is an insult! The Pyramids are too great to be compared and voted together with all these other 'new' wonders. Thus, they removed the Pyramids as one of the voting candidate, and is raised its status to be an 'honourary candidate' instead. It's the mother of all wonders i guess =)
I was so happy about the seven wonders!
Cause i was born in Rio, so i am so proud!
a kiss
post me if you can ;)
i love to travel. just love it.
Okay, so I see that people aren't quite fond of Christ the Redeemer being added to the list, but you can not appreciate it unless you experience it. It is truly amazing. The view of Rio is breathtaking and the statue itself is incredible.
I love your additions too!
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I was really hoping for the Alhambra to be on the list. I went and it is the most beautiful thing in the world, I really think so.
The pyramids were originally on the list, but the Egyptian government protested it, because they said that the pyramids are one of the original 7 wonders of the world, and therefore doesn't belong on the "new" 7 wonders of the world list.
Here in Brazil they had hudge advertisement efforts so Christ the Redeemer could be on this list. It´s really beautiful but not enough to be on the 7 wonders list.
i'd like to point out that all of the "runner-ups" werent chosen by this blog. i saw an article about all of it on msn and thats where the runner-ups were taken from.
but still, great blog!
i just got back from europe and visited both the roman colosseum in Verona, italy and also Neuschwanstein. Neuschwanstein was definitely amazing and is really worth the trip. so next time your in the area, it's a must see.
I love love love all that historic stuff. Travelling is a passion. Life's too short to just stay at home all your life :P
Nice pictures and article. Please view my “The new 7 + 1 wonders of the (new) world and the finalists 14 + 1” on
On the list I have been to 3 places.
1 - Colosseum
2 - Taj Mahal
3 - Egypt
If you seacrh Taj Mahal on my site you find pictures of me there...
oh ya... been to Hagia Sophia as well...
"Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller
I've travelled so many parts of the world, but yet I've never been to any of these places!
But I do fashion, so it's either Paris, Milan, London or New York.
Please view
The reason why there are holes on the Colosseum is because back during the beginning of the Renaissance people pulled the marble off the Colosseum, melted it down, and used it to make statues and other art. Thank you Mr.Caudle (history teacher).
i really and heartly like the machhu's said that the architect of hagia sophia put plans of the building between the stones to explain how the dome is done.. amazing architect actually; very ahead of his time, he has other buildings in Turkey too.. i guess I'm lucky to be living in the same city with it.. from the pictures i loved Peru and the castle, i just want to see them! and i agree with u all, how can pyramids not be on the list? it's like the ultimate wonder..
i see the TAJ MAHAL...its beauty is amazing...i feel and REALIZE the truth love of this LOVELY LOVE SYMBOL.......
it is not only a wonder of world is wonder of heart..
On the list I have been to 3 places.
1 - Colosseum
2 - Taj Mahal
3 - Egypt
If you seacrh Taj Mahal on my site you find pictures of me there...
i see the TAJ MAHAL...its beauty is amazing...i feel and REALIZE the truth love of this LOVELY LOVE SYMBOL.......
it is not only a wonder of world is wonder of heart
It was actually pretty interesting putting this post together because I asked myself the same question. The pyramids are the only remaining Old World Wonder still standing today from when the magical 7 were first listed in 200 B.C.
I like it and I think you make a good point. Thanks for taking the time to share this with us.
I really like Peru because of its amazing and mysterious wonders.
how come the rice terraces is not included in the list? And also Cambodia.
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