Glamour Magazine's Best-Dressed List 2005
Yes, we know that we are uncharacteristicly late to report this piece of fashion news, but this list is really worth posting, even if it is a few days late.
1 Kate Moss (1) - Need I say more? She is THE original boho chic. The stylish model has her own unique style that is so loved by the public that her just-worn outfits can be seen in many high street shops.
9 Mary-Kate Olsen (new entry) - My FAV style inspiration. There is just no comparison to how skillful MK mix & matches all the clothing layers and accessories she wears. And it seems that a Starbucks takeaway is her favourite companion, well, second to Ashley of course.
1 Kate Moss (1) - Need I say more? She is THE original boho chic. The stylish model has her own unique style that is so loved by the public that her just-worn outfits can be seen in many high street shops.

2 Sienna Miller (47) - Also named the most stylish couple of the year with Jude Law. But I do agree with general consensus of her copying Kate Moss's style.

3 Sarah Jessica Parker (2) - Ah well, it seems like the Sex & the City effect is starting to fade.
4 Victoria Beckham (3) - I have no idea how she even got on the list.
5 Jennifer Aniston (11)- Although without Brad now, she is still one well-dressed lady!
6 Nicole Kidman (10) - Our modern icon of elegance. Chanel No.5 anyone?
7 Gwen Stefani (8) - Funky, unique and L.A.M.B.
8 Gwyneth Paltrow (7) - The celeb who first dared to wear jeans on the red carpet. Blue Cult even has a cutting named after her.
4 Victoria Beckham (3) - I have no idea how she even got on the list.
5 Jennifer Aniston (11)- Although without Brad now, she is still one well-dressed lady!
6 Nicole Kidman (10) - Our modern icon of elegance. Chanel No.5 anyone?
7 Gwen Stefani (8) - Funky, unique and L.A.M.B.
8 Gwyneth Paltrow (7) - The celeb who first dared to wear jeans on the red carpet. Blue Cult even has a cutting named after her.
9 Mary-Kate Olsen (new entry) - My FAV style inspiration. There is just no comparison to how skillful MK mix & matches all the clothing layers and accessories she wears. And it seems that a Starbucks takeaway is her favourite companion, well, second to Ashley of course.

10 Kirsten Dunst (9) - This girl has become a favourite to style magazines in the past year for her funky, vintage style.
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17 Madonna (45) - Glamour mag must have put her on the list to applaud her ability to sometimes use her outfits to skillfully hide her manly arms.
24 Sarah Michelle Gellar (17) - One of Barneys Girl's favourite actress.
25 Mischa Barton (new entry) - One of our favourite, well-dressed young stars.
28 Keira Knightley (5) - She is so beautiful and model-like that she will probably look good in a potato sack. Although this statement can also be applied to a few stars here, such as Mischa.
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17 Madonna (45) - Glamour mag must have put her on the list to applaud her ability to sometimes use her outfits to skillfully hide her manly arms.
24 Sarah Michelle Gellar (17) - One of Barneys Girl's favourite actress.
25 Mischa Barton (new entry) - One of our favourite, well-dressed young stars.
28 Keira Knightley (5) - She is so beautiful and model-like that she will probably look good in a potato sack. Although this statement can also be applied to a few stars here, such as Mischa.
And we just couldn't resist listing the worst dressed celebs:
1 Jordan, 2 Jodie Marsh, 3 Paris Hilton, 4 Britney Spears, 5 Christina Aguilera
We mostly agree with this list. Although there is no denying that Paris Hilton's style has improved a lot recently and probably doesn't deserve to be on the worst-dressed list.
So glad to know that some of my most admired people are on this list. Loved sarah michelle gellar since her appearance as Buffy, she alway looked so stylish and elegant. And Gwen Stefani, I just adore her music and her LAMB bags, I do think I have one from every collection. And Mischa Barton of course, but enough has been said about her. Although I do feel sorry that Ashley Olsen isn't on this list, maybe its just because I relate the two of them as one person.
I totally agree with this list: Kate Moss is amazing and her look is just unique - always different and eccentric, I love it! I definitely do agree with Mischa Barton and Kirsten Dunst - they both are so cute and classy; my favourite-ever, on the other hand, is still Sarah Jessica Parker! Bye :)
Definitely!!! MK is my goddess of style. She inspires me everyday .... I post some magazines' cut-out on my door just to make sure I at least have MK-hint in me everyday .... crazy hah?
Kate Moss is great as well, but sometimes she's just too Bordot-wannabe .... SJP is still struggling to wash away Carrie's looks, but I still love her anyway .... Victoria???? She is just sucked really!!!! Bad attitude, bad lips-done, bad legs, bad clothes ... the only thing that is good about her is her husband.
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It cannot have effect as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I suppose.
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الخل الابيض وعصير الليمون يمكن تنظيف السطوح الزجاجية والخشبية المصقولة ، ويمكن استخدام الخل الابيض والليمون للتخلص من الروائح الكريهة والتعطير .
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للتنظيف المنزل من اعلى الى اسفل ، اى تنظيف الغبار من اعلى الى اسفل ويمكن استخدام الاجهزة الكهربائية فى عملية التنظيف .
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لتنظيف الحمام باستخدام الادوات النظافة الخاصة للحمام فى الحمام ، تنظيف السيراميك والمرايا باستخدام مطهر الجراثيم وتنظيف كل شئ فى الحمام مثل مقبض الباب ومفتاح الكهرباء ، والتخلص من القاذورات فى الاركان الضيقة فى الحمام ، تنظيف الخلاطات المياه ومسحها بقطعة قماش مغموسة فى خل او زيت الطعام ، لتنظيف الحمام باستخدام المناديل المعقمة ومسح منطقة الدش والمرحاض .
يمكن وضع جدول زمنى لتنظيف المنزل : ترتيب السرير وتغير ملايات السرير كل اسبوع ، غسيل الملابس اذا كانت العائلة مكونة من الاطفال يقومون بتوسيخ ملابسهم بشكل متكرر فيجب تنظيف البقع سريعا .
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ومسح اسطح المطبخ بمنظف مضاد للجراثيم للوقاية من تكاثرها ، وهى افضل طريقة لتجنب الجراثيم التى تنتقل عن طريق الطعام .
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