February 13, 2005

New York Autumn/Winter 2005 Wrap-up II

So the "ready-to-wear" (as the fashionable likes to call it) Autumn/Winter 2005 fashion show has already ended in New York. Most of the RTW looked really wintery, black and dreary. And personally I'm not quite in the mood yet for fall and winter, esp when I haven't even been able to wear the colorful spring clothes we've been looking at for the last few months. But here are some of my favourite shows this week, mostly because they still have a hint of spring/summer in it or because they're simply timeless.

Our fellow Fashionista, Pinkmirage, was right. Luca Luca is indeed a brand of great potential and beautiful things. While the color of this dress has been toned down for the season, it still carries a hint of the floral pattern that is so trendy this spring. Even Anna Wintour was moved to come see this show after Luca Luca went to see her and showed her samples which she thought looked interesting.

The Matthew Williamson show was awesome as well. He too combined the flowing spirit of spring into his fall/winter collection with slightly toned down colors and a more autumn-y style. He obviously knows what he's about, no wonder Sienna Miller wants him to design her wedding dress.

I just can't help but LOVE the Nicole Miller show this season. Especially this dress, there's something sooo lovely about this empire waist dress, it reminds me of a modern version of a medieval princess dress.

This Sass & Bide outfit is incredibly stylish and cleverly combined, kind of like an autumn version of the nautica theme this season.

And one cannot help but love Oscar de la Renta's collection of expertly cut outfits of stlyish, elegant and timeless designs. The gorgeous green outfit above is an excellent example of this.

And last but certainly not least, is "Sweetface" by Jennifer Lopez, her new line will have higher prices and a more limited distribution then her current JLo line. The fashion show was split into the 3 stages of her life and featured a lot of fur (as seen above), jeans, jumpsuits, halter tops- all very JLo. And judging from the finale-a lot of whites. Overall it wasn't too spectacular a fashion show (and was even boo-ed by excited fashionista's outside the venue), but it was still quite a show and display of star power.

But alas, as I said before, its hard to get into the spirit of autumn and winter at the moment. . .perhaps in a few months time when we all get fed up with flip flops and shorts, and can't wait to wear boots again?


Blogger Pink Sun Drops said...

I could really live in summer clothing year round if the weather permitted. Autumn? I'm still waiting for spring, even more so summer! But that's the way of the fashion world, isn't it. Must prepare a season, or more it seems, ahead. Those first two are very cute, and you're right very aware of summer still. Loving the very soft browns.

2/14/2005 8:06 AM  
Blogger Harrods Girl said...

I absolutely loved the Luca Luca show. The Oscar de la Renta show was fabulous of course. But I wasn't quite impressed by Sweetface.

2/14/2005 3:23 PM  
Blogger CrankyBiscuit said...

I find it astounding that someone would choose, no, actually spend quite a bit of money, to look like J. Lo. Eh. To each their own.

2/15/2005 11:49 AM  
Blogger Hong Xiaowan said...


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يمكن وضع جدول زمنى لتنظيف المنزل : ترتيب السرير وتغير ملايات السرير كل اسبوع ، غسيل الملابس اذا كانت العائلة مكونة من الاطفال يقومون بتوسيخ ملابسهم بشكل متكرر فيجب تنظيف البقع سريعا .

8/27/2017 10:49 AM  

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