Revlon Make-Up Eraser Pen
When I first saw the clipping from the magazines for this eye make-up eraser pen, I knew I had to have it. It was like they had read into my mind and knew I was looking for such a product (recall my previous musing on Jane Blog about dabbing a qtip with make-up remover, putting it in my purse and hope it still works later into the night). My friend told me she thought some brands already had such a thing, but still, this is the first time I've heard of it. So holding the $2 off coupon, I rushed out to the nearest Walgreens and picked one up (I was disappointed to find that it was not easily singled out amongst the products, in my mind, it should be placed on a pedestal).
What it basically is, is a spongy/felt tip pen that is soaked with eye make-up remover (not unlike my original idea, except they figured out a way that the eye make-up remover doesn't dry out). It doesn't quite magically cleans off eye make-up at a swipe of the pen, but more like it disburses minimal amounts of eye make-up remover and kind of smudges the area. I advised you to wipe the rest off with your fingers or a qtip to get maximum cleaning effect. Even though it is not as magical as I'd hope, so far I am loving it as I've discovered two ways of using it:

- To very quickly and effectively get rid of make-up screw ups during application. This is especially helpful when you are applying eye liner and you accidentally make a thicker line than you wanted. Then simply swipe off the extra bits and you'll be left with a perfect eye line.
- To get rid of those smudges that inadvertently creeps up after a few hours of application of eye make-up- even when they say its water proof! To avoid smudges completely, I heard using bases, avoiding water/sweating and keeping your lids oil free helps...but good luck with stopping natural body responses to the environment.
Photo source: Revlon
Curiosity makes me ask which mag did you clip this coupon out of.
With any luck the remover will have finally arrived at my local drug store and I'll even save money!
oh, i hadn't heard of anything like this before!
Sounds great esp for trying to apply liquid liner my eternal foe.. did you get the coupon from a website??
I'm going to go buy one of those today! I hate it when my eye makeup smudges as it inevitably does eventually during a night out
my friend just got that, seems to work.
x sara o
i used these a year or two ago. they're inexpensive, gentle, and really work well!
I had the same reaction when I saw the advertisement and went right out and bought it with the coupon (from Lucky magazine I think I got mine). I'm pretty happy with it and carry it in my bag. I like that it's reusable unlike throwing out a Q-tip each time so that every time I go out I don't have to wonder if I've restocked my bag or not.
Just to let you know, for the smudging that usually occurs on your lower lash line, bases really do help! I use Urban Decay's Eye Primer Potion (or something like that)... just rub it in below my eyes and then put on eyeliner and there is absolutely no smearing. Not exactly how it's supposed to be used, but you gotta do with what you have... :)
just in case you want to check out a similar product AVON has had something like this for at least 10 years...a friend of mine swears by it!! :)
Sephora has a store brand make-up eraser pen like this as well. When I used it on the customers, it worked really well.
OOh yes, I didn't know about this product until I told BG her eyeliner smudged upwards and she pulled this out of her handbag. My friend and I were impressed with the product.
That looks good, I never see it before, makes it easier to remove mess :P
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this product. It helps if you wipe the tip off on a tissue after using it. I haven't had any issues with it smearing my make-up. I find that it rally cleans it up.
I must go out and get this! You are my blog of the week!
i've totally done the whole "q-tip dabbed with makeup remover in hopes of it not drying out" move. yeah, Revlon is pretty awesome to make this... i just bought mine today, i'm super satisfied.
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