Thoughts From the Weekend
OK, excuse this very random post. I had lots of little random thoughts over the weekend so I thought I would just group them altogether. First off, I went shopping yesterday and found out that shops are now having their 'Final Sales' (usually 50% off,) so people, this is the time to exert a lot of effort into picking out potential bargains! But remember to never to buy something that isn't up to your usual standards just because 'it's so cheap now'.
Secondly, thanks for everyone's comments on my Tiffany's earrings dilema post last Friday. I ended up buying the first one because it really is the one I originally wanted and is the only affordable choice anyways. I haven't worn them yet but I can't wait -they'll be so perfect for my next night out!
Thirdly, as I'm sure you all know by now, JANE magazine will be folding this month and has just issued its final issue ever. For those of you who've been with us for awhile, you'll know that BG and I guest-blog for JANE. So I just wanted to say bye to JANE here.
Lastly (and possibly most importantly,) what did everyone think of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? 21st July has been one day that I've been really looking foward to in the last two years. After making the rare effort to wake up on Saturday and buy the book, I absolutely refused to leave my house until I finished the book. (Thankfully I finished before dinner because I had to eat out.) I love love love the book! Everything came to a full circle and the writing was fantastic as usual. There was the best of the Potter world -friendship, growing up, witty dialogues, magic, fighting, love and the quest for answers. Even though the ending was a happy one, I felt so sad at the end because that was really the end of the whole adventure. Gosh, I'm going to miss Harry, Hermione, Ron and the whole magical world so much. *Sniff* I really must go reread it again...

Even though I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan, I really want to know what happens :) Those earrings are gorgeous...I love them!
I stayed up all last night finishing The Deathly Hallows! I cried!! I have been reading them since I was in 7th grade and now their just all over. It was the perfect ending though. J.K.R. did an amazing job. I was extremely impressed. I think I'm gonna read them all again though, from the beginning, that way it wont feel like their really over. I'm gonna miss Harry, Ron and Hermione too :)
Good decision on the earrings I am sure they will make you feel fantastic. What do you suggest one wear to a Harry Potter party stick to designer garb for fun!!
I went to the bookstore at midnight and got the book. It was absolutely amazing, just like the others. I am so sad it's all over!
I really don't understand why everybody reads their HP-book in just one day! I think it's a waste. But, who am I? I don't even like Harry Potter.
Smart choice with the earrings! They are so cute.
I just finished DH, and I loved it. The trio-ness was fabulous, and though I wasn't the hugest fan of the epilogue, I still thought that this was the best book in the series. I'm going to miss you, Harry, Ron, and Hermione!
aww I absolutely loved it; I totally LOVED the book. She couldn't have made a better ending I think. I was almost crying at several points!!
I just have to say - this is my first time commenting on your blog, and I love it! So cute! Anyway - the fact that Harry Potter is over is slowly sinking in. I've been reading the books since I was 10 and remember being thoroughly disappointed when I did not receive a letter from Hogwarts at age 11. I LOVED the last installment, and I would have cried whether the ending was happy or sad just because it's truly the end. :(
When I finished the book the only feeling I could explain in words is bittersweet. But I'm beyond glad that it was an ending that made you smile and feel all warm inside, otherwise I would've been sniffling my eyes out.
I'm really sad I won't be able to get Jane anymore. I don't actually know many people who read it, but I really loved that magazine. It was witty and entertaining. I'll have to pick up the last copy.
I promised myself i wouldn't read my Harry Potter book (even though i got it on Saturday) until after I finished my paper. I should get back to that now! :P I'm hoping to start it tomorrow. I can't believe it's over either~~ but who knows.. maybe there'll be another book?
i didn't get the book. i was late and .. well you can guess the rest.. and now i'll need to wait for too long to get it ..
juliet xxx
I loved HP7-- a very fitting and well written ending. I was exhilarated with each word and read page after page nonstop. She really lived up to all of my expectations, and the twist at the end, the love story, hit me smack in the face, and I cried. A lot. I'm going to miss Harry Potter.
I can't decide whether I want you to tell me what happens in Harry Potter or not. Ok, wht the heck, just tell me. Wait, don't. Ok, tell me. Ugh! For more of life's dilemmas visit
The earrings are fabulous. I love your blog!
Harry Potter was such a great book but the epilogue was dissapointing, so the novel ended on a low point.
I liked very much the last HP book, although i would've write some parts different :)
Read more on my opinion on Harry Potter at, a blog about fashion, shopping, travel and everything related with style :)
Just one word : awesome, keep them coming
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