Blemish Concealer
10 days ago I made the grave mistake of squeezing a blackhead on my cheeks. You'd think that I'd know by now after reading countless beauty magazines the beauty commandment that thou shalt not squeeze your pimples/blackheads by yourself. But this time I really couldn't resist since it feels like that blackhead has been there forever and no matter how much I exfoliate it didn't look like it was coming out anytime soon. So I gave in- and now I'm still living with the mistake.
I now have a huge red bump on my cheek- after 10 days! :( So I've tried many methods to try to conceal it. I don't want to wear foundation everyday nor use some really heavy concealer that might block my pores even more and make me break out. Here is what I've been through so far...
I first went for my trusty Bare Minerals foundation, using my concealer brush to blend it. The beauty of this of course is that it is minerals so it won't block your pores and cause more pimples AND it absorbs oil so you won't look shiny. The downside though is that the coverage is too sheer (and you cannot use more as otherwise it'll look patchy) the area gets kind of dry and obvious that you're covering up something.
The next thing I used is the Benefit Galactic Shield because the texture is more creamy (less dry and flaky!) AND has salicylic acid to prevent pimples! Except it only has three shades and the coverage is still not that good and looks kind of obvious. Maybe its just me and my lack fo skills?

Clinique just came up with something similar. I'm thinking of trying it.... anyone tried it yet? And any other suggestions for blemish coverage that won't cause more pimples??
I now have a huge red bump on my cheek- after 10 days! :( So I've tried many methods to try to conceal it. I don't want to wear foundation everyday nor use some really heavy concealer that might block my pores even more and make me break out. Here is what I've been through so far...

I first went for my trusty Bare Minerals foundation, using my concealer brush to blend it. The beauty of this of course is that it is minerals so it won't block your pores and cause more pimples AND it absorbs oil so you won't look shiny. The downside though is that the coverage is too sheer (and you cannot use more as otherwise it'll look patchy) the area gets kind of dry and obvious that you're covering up something.

Clinique just came up with something similar. I'm thinking of trying it.... anyone tried it yet? And any other suggestions for blemish coverage that won't cause more pimples??
Image Source: Sephora
i've tried the clinque stick and it really didn't do very much (not enough coverage, obvious, etc..)
i use AMAZING CONCEALOR by AMAZING COSMETICS which you can get on the sephora website. its more liquidy so it's easy to blend and it really does have ammazzing coverage (just a bit will do!) i really recommend it--it hides a lot without looking obvious!
the only downside is that it costs 40$ for one tube...but i think its worth it because you really don't have to use a lot and it lasts for ages! definately worth it and i'm only going to use it from now on!
I like Trish McEvoy Extra-Coverage Concealer... very creamy with nice coverage. However, there are a limited number of shades, so finding a good fit might be tricky.
i would put some visine on it first. then i like to use laura mercier secret camoflauge. i think to really make it blend in, it helps to apply a little foundation around the area. it makes the concealer look less obvious. good luck!
I've used the Clinique concealer stick, but then it was unavailable for the longest time. I discovered that Maybelline has the same thing for a lot less money and the color actually works a lot better on me than Clinique. I love it.
DONT BUY THE CLINIQUE CONCEALER! i bought it. its cakey. it only makes my pimples look more obvious. dang. then i went and bought the cheaper Bourjois Pen Corrector. its cheaper but it blends perfectly (and better still, it is meant for acne prone skin). although, if my memory serves me correct it only comes in 2 shades. definitely worth a try :)
I swear by Boots No7 heal and conceal in medium. It is fantastic. Have used it for 3 years now and wouldn't be even tempted to try anything else!
try "time balm concealer" by the Balm
i got it at Sephora when I asked the sales lady for a good concerler that doesn't clog pores but has good coverage
This concealer is a life saver
It works REALLY well and it looks like your not wearing anything and hides everything you don't want seen.
It's so good that you can even sleep in it. So defiantly try it out!
WHAT are you suppose to do to the blackheads that stay forever no matter how much masks/scrubs/cleansers you use? My nose is pretty blackheaded and i usually squeeze it out, but yeah it makes your pores bigger/turns it red and stuff.
Anon: you go get a professional facial. They steam your face to open up your pores, then extract all the gunk out with a comedone extractor. For the stubborn ones I think they have to use a lancer to poke at the pore though.
Why not just leave the spot alone? Cause the more make up you put on the worse its goint go get. I mean its just a read spot.
i love clinque that stick is amazing but i wish it was a little creamier os try it in combo with their tinted mosturizer
If your blemish is just a big red bump, try putting zit medication on underneath your coverup, and let it dry. Use liquid concealer underneath and dab it on with your finger lightly and let it sit to make sure you get the best cover possible. Then try Benefit It Stick in an X over the blemish, blend it. Then try dusting powder a shade lighter than your skin tone lightly over the blemish. That should do it.
I've had great success using TheBalm's TimeBalm Concealer. It's goes on smoothly and blends well. Hope that helps. :)
Revlon Colour Stay Concealer. Trust me!!
I use Amazing Concealer and it works wonders and you only need a little dab to provide amazing coverage!
I use Maybelleine Concealer Stick with Salylic Acid.
The coverage is great and helps prevent breakouts. Try it out!
I love physicians formula concealor... especially the kind that comes with green and skin tone. the green coloring negates most of the redness that makes the pimple so noticeable, and then the concealor on top makes it blend in with the rest of your skin. i put a little bit of that on and then some powder and i'm good to go :)
i use the éclat minute from clarins, but i just put it on with my finger instead of using the brush. and then i use a chanel foundation, it's really not that bad because i put on a thin layer and it covers really well imo. so it doesn't feel like i have foundation on at all.
or sometimes i even just use the foundation like the way you would use a concealer.
now i'm using The Body Shop concealor, but those products you chose are great too!
It's funny. Bare Minerals works fine for me. For darker spots I just use covergirl trueblend concealor. It's liquid, easy to blend under the mineral makeup, CHEAP. Works fine for me.
Oh, and for the person trying to get rid of blackheads, two things work well for me:
- Using a mild facial scrub along with a SOFT electric/spinning toothbruth on your face.
-Aspirin facial mask. Sprinkle 4 uncoated aspirin tablets with water and let them dissolve. Add honey. Spread on your face and let it stay for no longer than 10 minutes. While washing it off, take advantage of the grainy texture and scrub the parts of your face that are prone to blackheads. I do this 3 times a week.
I use Neutrogena Skin-Clearing Oil-Free Concealer. It's natural looking and it covers up acne while trating it!
I have a rather detailed process that I use, but I have very acne-prone skin and lots of blemishes to cover up. My roommate told me that she had no idea my skin was as broken out as it was, so I think it works pretty well!
First, I apply a very light coverage of Covergirl TruBlend Liquid makeup with a foundation brush. It's drugstore foundation but they make lots of shades and it's the ONLY foundation that I've found that has enough coverage without making me break out. Bonus, it's cheap.
Next I use the bareMinerals SPF 15 foundation, applied with their Flawless Face brush. Finally, I follow with Bare Escentual's Mineral Veil in translucent. The combination of liquid & powder foundations, along with the Mineral Veil, not only provides the coverage I need but also has amazing staying power -- I go swimming without my foundation so much as budging.
The only thing you have to really be careful of here is because you're using so many products, use VERY SMALL amounts of each, otherwise you'll look too cakey. Hope that helps!
I'm a huge huge fan of clinique anything... I have been using them for forever! I strayed one time and used a foundation and cover up from The Make Up Store and I didn't even end up finishing by bottle bc I was missing my clinique so bad! Ha! So what I'm trying to say is YES! Go for the clinique!!!
If anyone has read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer check out my blog!!
By far, the best product I've used is Schrammek Blemish Balm. My skin was at its ultimate worst, and I discovered this at a new facial place that I started going to. It has completely changed my skin. I used to wear foundation with powder to cover up all my acne and scars. But now, all I use is a dab of Blemish Balm to cover any spots, and I brush on Bare Minerals powder. This balm is actually not a concealer, it's more of a acne treatment but it has tint in it so you can use it as a concealer. With concealer, you are using makeup to cover up a blemish but you are making it worse by putting more products on it. This is actually a medicated formula, so you don't need to worry about that. Just a warning though that this is pretty pricey! I bought mine at a discount for $45 but I'm seeing it online for $60.
I don't have any concealer advice, but for future blemishes try Clinique Acne Solutions Spot Healing Gel. The salicyclic acid burns for the first five minutes, but it will drastically lessen the blemish overnight. It takes about two days for the blemish to fully disappear. Hope that helps!
Ohh, I remember doing this afew months ago - not a good idea!
Thankfully, it's gone now.
I think the things that really helped was to drink loads of water whenever possible: like a pint every night before I went to bed and then one in the morning too.
I also found that lots of sleep helped the blemish and also my skin look better in general.
Also i would recommend tea-tree products, or products that contain essence of tea-tree oil.
Personally, I would say that for my skin, those types of products containing tea-tree oil usually help alot more than any product specifically designed to target blemishes.
Anyway, not to lecture you or anything, but basically try not to touch the blemish as this will not only irritate it, (therefore making it redder and more noticeable) but also, if you do use a brush to apply a concealer, they will generally be more hygienic as opposed to 'stick concealers'. However, do ensure that if you do decide to use a brush to apply your concealer, that you wash it at least every week, or preferably, every three days.
the best concealer that i've tried: laura mercier & bobbi brown.
MAC studio fix concealer is the BEST!
It covers everything, very well, and lasts a long time.
A big variety in colors too, I recommend to those with a bit more to cover up!
I feel your pain!! I know it's a bad idea to pop zits, but sometimes I just can't help it.
Thanks for the tips!
I was on a forum one day and I came across Everyday Minerals. I heard rave reviews about the product because it has many different finishes: Matte, Semi-Matte, Intensive, Original Glo.
I requested for a free sample from the site (which is a lot by the way). I actually use the Intensive type for my blemishes. It covers way better and creamier than Bare Minerals which I also use in conjunction.
It's so weird that I JUST saw this post today. I was thinking about writing a piece on this very subject. I went to an even a few weeks ago and got this fucking AMAZING lifesaver. It's called Clean & Clear Advantage Invisible Acne Patch. I have the same problem of picking a zit when I know it's going to turn red or whatever, yet, I still do it. Anyway, now that I found this, all I have to do is wash my face and put a layer of this over the spot. It creates an invisible barier so when you put a touch of concealer over it, the spot disapears. Try it! and check out my blog.
I have suffered from acne for 26 years, which I bet makes me an expert since I'd be surprised if you have been alive that long! ;-)
The only zit concealer worth having is Prescriptives. It's expensive but each tube has always lasted me at least two years, even when I've had to reapply several times daily.
Zit concealer should go on after foundation, not before as often suggested by conventional wisdom. If you put concealer on and then apply foundation, you're just wiping the concealer off.
Use a brush to apply and blend in; an eyeshadow-type brush should do the job, though obviously you should have a dedicated concealer brush! I dab nail polish on the handle of my concealer brush so I can tell it apart from my eyeshadow brushes.
Finally, top with powder. Be careful that any powder you use does not distort the colour of the concealer. If the powder cakes, apply with a brush instead of a puff, and apply it to the general area, not just the individual zit.
For treatment, it's very idiosyncratic so what works for me may not work for you. But I suggest that, after cleansing, you apply a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide solution. It is absolutely essential that you leave it for at least 30 minutes before applying moisturizer or any other product, to make sure the solution binds to your skin. Keep it away from hair and eyebrows, and always wash your hands after use as it can bleach. Also, keep the cap off for as little time as possible, since peroxides break down when exposed to sunlight or air.
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just use careline pimple concealer. it's cheaper than any concealers you can find and it simply conceals the spots on your face, its not obvious and it contains natural ingredients which are healthy for any skin type thank you, bow!
Kevin Aucoin's concealer/foundation works like miracle. But you have to be very careful when using it cuz it's super thick so be sure to use a very very small amount. Also, Mac concealers, the kind that comes in tube, does pretty good job covering as well.
i would recommend dermalogica's concealing spot treatment. it helps to dry up pimples and it comes in a beigh tint to help dry up pimples and keep your skin matt. good for oily skin :)
the downside is that is quite watery and it only comes in a shade. quite pricey for a small bottle as well.
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